Not Going

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Alex Stone
"Alex you wanna watch a movie with us?" Delance calls as I walk past the doorway into the lounge.
"What movie?" I ask as I stop and turn to look at them, leaning on the door frame. Everyone was there on the couches and chairs looking at me.
"'Dancing With Mr Wrong' starring Lillian Morgan." Crystal says and I clench my jaw.
"It's like the story of our lives." Dylan says.
I look away from them. "I never danced with her and she never got pregnant." I grumble to myself.
"Wait what?" Maddison gasps and I turn at the sound of a dull thud. Liam was helping Alysha off the floor who looked stunned.
"Did you know Lillian Morgan?" She asks.
The guys laugh. "If he knew her we would have known." Brett says.
My mind travels back to 6 years ago.
I had awoken to find my head throbbing with pain. I sat up to find the other side of the bed empty and there was no sign of Lillian anywhere. Shocked I got out of bed but had to sit down again with a groan. My head swelling with pain. When I raised my head I saw a glass of water with some medication beside it as well as a note.
"Alex!" Ashley yells and I snap out of my memory.
"I can't watch that movie. I've already told you. I never watch any movies that Lillian Morgan stars in. It's just how it is and I really don't want to talk about it." I swiftly walk upstairs and out onto the balcony of my room.
"Why is it the one person who leaves is the one I wish had stayed?" I sigh and lean on the railing, my eye closed.
"Because that's how the world work." Alyshas voice came from behind me and I spin around in shock.
"Don't sneak up on me like that." I hiss and Alysha walks over to stand next to me, she leans on the railing and looks out at the view of the city.
"Sorry. I don't know how not to sneak up on people." She says with a slight smile. I lean with my back against the railing and look sideways at her.
"That thing that happened to you 6 years ago had something to do with Lillian didn't it?" She continues after a moments silence and I sigh.
"Yeah. I was having a rough time. It was the anniversary of the day you broke Liam and I out of the Russian prison. I was swarmed that day by news reporters. They bombarded me with questions about my mother. I broke and went to a bar where I planned to get drunk. I met her there. She was almost drunk. She looked so beautiful smiling and laughing. Through the night we talked and I opened up to her. I felt comfortable with her. Even when I'm drunk I never tell people anything yet I talked about my mother and she talked about her father. She was the only woman to ever walk away from me. I can still remember the exact words she wrote on the note she left behind." My voice cracks as I think about it.
"What did it say?" Alysha asks as she looks sideways at me.
"It said 'You were just a drunken mistake.'" I say sadly and Alysha pats my hand.
"I'm sorry Alex." She says and I shrug.
"What can you do? Go down and watch the movie. I'll be fine." I sigh. Alysha nods and leaves me alone on the balcony.
I slide to the ground and press my face into my knees.

Two days later
"Guys, guess what I booked for us?" Brett calls from the study and everyone walks in slowly.
"What?" Dylan asks.
"The best seats in the house at the movie premiere of Lillian Morgans new movie 'Fatal Revenge' tonight." Brett replies and I walk out.
"Alex!" Alysha calls after me and I stop.
"I can't go." I say through gritted teeth.
"Come on." Alysha steps in front of me and I shake my head.
"I'm not going. You can't make me." I snap lowly so only she can hear.
"You need to let it go Alex. You can't keep avoiding her. What if she wants to talk to you. What if she wants to tell you that she made a mistake in leaving behind that note. She may even just want to talk to you about something you two talked about that night." Alysha hissed back.
"But what if she doesn't?" I say weakly.
"You won't know unless you go and see her in person." She replies.
"I'd rather go about not knowing that go and be rejected." I sigh and walk away.
"Alex!" Alysha calls after me again but this time I don't stop. I just keep walking. This time someone grabs my arm and I turn to see Liam.
"What's going on with you bro?" I wrench my arm from his grip and keep my head down.
"Don't open old wounds Liam." I grumble before walking to the door, grabbing my leather jacket as I pass.

I arrive outside the bar I met Lillian in and look at the sign before getting out of my car and walking inside. I walk past everyone to find the seat where I sat with Lillian was empty. Slowly I make my way over and sit down. I stare across the table at where Lillian sat that day. "I would have changed for you. I would have been anything you wanted me to be." I whisper quietly and put my head in my hands.
"May I get you anything sir?" A bartender asks as he walks over.
"The peach, apple and black current cocktail." I reply. The man walks off.
Moments later he comes back with the same drink Lillian had ordered that day. I tasted it and smile. It really was good. The more I remembered that night the more I regreted what I did. "I'm not going. I can't go. It's not right. She's moved on and so shall I." I sigh to myself and down the cocktail before ordering another and getting the bartender to keep them coming.
I refuse to go to the premiere.
Nothing will make me go there.

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