Without Looking Back

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2 days later
Lillian Morgan
"Alysha?" I whisper into my phone.
"Yeah?" She whispers back from her end.
"It happens in 1 hour. I'll be in the lounge waiting. You'll storm in and attack me, screaming and cursing like we'd talked about." I glance around my room to see all my stuff packed and everything tidy and ready for me to leave.
"1 hour. I'll tell the others. Remember. Alex needs to be in the house for this to work." Alysha says quietly.
"Don't worry. Meet you then." I hang up and shut my phone down before taking out the battery and sim card.
I take them into the bathroom and lock the door. Pulling a slip of paper out of my pocket I unfold it and take of the tape stuck to it. On the tape was a black spot. Also known as a micro dot. A way of holding information like USB's but a whole lot smaller and almost completely unnoticeable unless you were looking for it. I carefully place it onto my sim card before putting the tape around my battery without it overlapping.
"Lillian. There's someone here to see you." Alex calls and I almost drop my battery and sim card.
"I'll be out soon." I call back and walk into my room and quickly reassemble my phone but I leave it off and on the end of the bed as I step out the door to see Alex waiting for me, leaning against the wall.
"Who is it?" I ask with narrowed eyes.
"Me." He smirks and I roll my eyes.
"I was hoping for someone more interesting." I sigh as I walk towards the stairs.
"Oh come on Lillian." He whines. At the top of the stairs he puts his hand on my shoulder.
I grab onto it and spin around before flipping Alex down the stairs. I cringe internally. It's all part of the plan. Alex groans at the bottom of the stairs where he lay in an uncomfortable heap. With slow steps I walk down and crouch by his side. "I'm really not in the mood right now Alex." My voice low with a threatening edge to it.
Standing I walk outside to the garden and walk over to sit beneath a tree. I almost cried but I held it in. If Alex looks at me he can't see me cry. Otherwise this may not work. I'm likely to spill everything and break down as soon as he asks whats wrong. I already have one foot over the edge. All it takes is a slight bit more and I'll fall.

1 hour later
I sit on the couch in the lounge and wait. Alex is in the kitchen which is good. Now all I need is Alysha. My mind is churning.
I know Alysha won't actually try to hurt me because she doesn't like to hurt innocent people. But I need her to try hurt me. I need her to feel real rage for this to go perfectly. But this means I'm gonna need to bring something up that will hurt her. That'll make her break and really try to hurt me. She may never trust me again but at least they'll all be safe.
I don't care if they never talk to me after I do what I'm gonna do. Them being safe is all that matters.
The door slams and I take a deep breath. "You son of a bitch! I'm gonna KILL YOU!" Alysha screams as she storms in.
I leap to my feet and spin to face her. "I highly doubt you have the skills to do that Alysha." I hiss. We slowly circle each other around the couch.
"You've been using him to get to my husband. Oh you've been messing with the wrong lady Lillian." Alysha snarls.
Everyone comes racing in, Alex in the lead. Behind him the others all glance at each other. "Oh no Alysha. I've been messing with the right one. It's called revenge sweetheart and I'm dishing you all of it." I snap and Alysha stops and looks at me in confusion.
"Yes I've been using Alex." I say and hold my hands in the air as I glare at Alysha while screaming inside.
"Wait what?" Alex gasps.
"Oh darling. I meant it when I said you were a drunken mistake. It was never you I wanted." I say as I glance at him.
"I-I don't understand." Alex shakes his head, heartbreak written all over him.
"I've always liked your brother. I've been using you for protection and to get closer to Liam. Alysha here caught up on my plan. But what she didn't realize is I've been on her tail for years." I spat.
"Excuse me." Alysha scoffs.
I know I'm slowly making her beast stir. "How dare you." Alex snarls.
I roll my eyes and die a little more inside. "Oh please Alysha. Did you really think I didn't know? I was always very close with my father. He told me everything." I say with a slow smirk and Alyshas body went rigid. To the side everyone behind an enraged Alex was staring in confusion.
"Especially the parts about the government agent he'd hired to protect him secretly." I smile slyly as Alysha went white. Her fists clenched tightly.
"An agent by the name of Alysha Hill. Now come on Alysha. Why don't you tell everyone what happened hm." I taunt. I almost broke at the look on Alyshas face.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Alysha says quietly ad I laugh.
"Oh I think you do. How could you not remember how you back stabbed my father and assisted his murderer in killing him." Alysha breathed in sharply.
"Traitor." I snarl.
Alysha lunged forwards and I sidestepped. She swings a punch but I spin around her and kick the back of her knee. She goes down but strikes out with a knife. She barely misses me. Alysha flips to her feet and dives forwards. I manage to disarm her and we start kicking and punching. Ducking, and dodging. Every one of her strikes I manage to block, dodge or duck away from. Liam hurries forwards and grabs Alysha but not before she manages to hit me with a solid punch to the nose. Almost instantly I can feel the blood running from it.
"Get out of this house right now." Alex snaps.
I spin to face him, eyes narrowed.
He had tears in his eyes and my heart shattered into a million pieces before shattering again. "I said GET OUT!" He yells.
"Don't worry. I plan to." I snap back before shoving past them and racing up to the room I had momentarily called mine.
I grab my bags and have my phone hidden in my hand as I walk back down. As I walk I bump purposely into Maddison and put my phone into her hand while whispering "I needed her to hurt me." As I walked past and out the door.
Parked by the gates was Natasha. She was leaning against the door of her car. I put by bags into the back and climb in without looking back at the manor, because I knew if I did I would break down and crumple into a puddle and fit tears.

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