Tear The City Down

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Alex Stone
It's impossible.
It can't be true.
They must be lying.
She must have been set up.
There's no way she could have done it.
Those words kept flowing through my mind over and over but they shatter and fall when I see the defeated look on Lillians face.
She did it.
Turning I run off out of the station and nobody tries to stop me. Quickly I ring my brother. "Hey Alex. How's it going?" He asks cheekily.
"Oh shut it." I snap as a I get into my car and connect my phone to it as I drive off.
Liams voice soon comes from the speakers. "What is it?"
"Get everyone to go to the Heat. It's something you all need to hear." I hang up and allow myself to flow with the traffic.
It takes half an hour to get there. Ash, Crystal, Antonio, Maddison, Liam, Alysha, Ashley and Shannon were already there. As I pull up the others arrive and they all frown when they see my pained and furious expression. Leading them up to the top floor I sit down and put my head in my hands.
Before anyone can ask I blurt it out. "Lillian just got arrested."
"SHE WHAT?!" They yell and I nod.
"What the hell for?" Dylan asks.
"Murdering her director from the film 'Fatal Revenge'." I clench my eyes shut to stop the tears.
"Wait. Do you mean Billy Kumar?" Maddison asks and I nod.
"I don't know how she could possibly have done that. His time of death was today at 8:47 am. She was with us from 8 till 9:30 when she went to you." Ashley says and I shake my head.
"You should have seen her. You could see it. Her face said it all. She did it. She killed her director and now she'll be going into interrogation for it." My eyes burn but I refuse to cry due to the feeling inside that made me think that Lillian couldn't have killed him. She's too smart to leave incriminating evidence behind plus she was with us during his time of death.
"Then let's go get a confession. Or at least some proof." Steve says and I slowly stand.
"I'm gonna need some serious evidence or else I probably will pick her up, throw her over my shoulder and carry her right out of the police station." I say and we leave, getting into our cars and driving off in a tight line to the police station.
Together we flood inside and storm down the halls towards the interrogation rooms. The police officers didn't try stop us. They just stepped back and watched us in shock and fear. We get to the room with a file in the door showing Lillians name. Raising my fist I bang on it loudly. The door opens and the police man's eyes widen at the sight of us. "If your going to interrogate Lillian Morgan then you're gonna need to show what evidence you have to tie her to this murder." I say and I can spot Lillian sitting at the table smirking behind the curtain of her red hair.
"We can't give you that information." The officer says as he stands taller and lifts his chin.
Maddison and Alysha step forwards and crack their fists. "Fine. If you don't give it to us willingly then we'll take it by force." Alysha snarled and the man steps back.
"Alright, alright. The knife was covered in her prints. Her DNA was all over the scene. There's video proof of her entering and exiting his house before and after time of death. They were also heard yelling at each other that morning after she entered the building." He says urgently.
"Oh really. Did it cross your mind that maybe it was a set up or something?" I step forwards and stare down at him with narrowed eyes.
"Wait. Did you say a knife was used to kill him?" Lillian speaks up and we look at her. She looked utterly confused.
"Yes." The police man says as he completely turns to face her.
"I poisoned him with puffer fish poison. I never stabbed him." Lillian furrows her brow. Her eyes soon widen.
"The building that woman blew up. What building was it?" She asked the police man urgently.
"I'm the one who asks the questions." He snaps sharply.
"Oh please." Lillian laughs and rolls her eyes.
"I've been interrogated for being the number 1 murder suspect before by people worse than you petty cops. You know the whole of secret service and some of the goverment assassins. Very scary people. You aren't gonna get anything out of me." Lillian sits back in her seat and smirks.
"What murder would have lead to you being interrogated my secret service and government agents?" The cop questions. Lillian glances at me and my jaw drops.
"Same murder I ended up solving. I did not stab the director. I only poisoned him. But still. It wasn't enough poison to kill. Just three drops in a litre of water. Then I gave him a glass of that water. It wouldn't have killed him unless her was allergic so I'm not the killer. Someone is trying to kill me like with the last murder." Lillian clenches her eyes shut for a second.
"What was the last murder?" Alysha asks.
I usher everyone into the room and close the door. "I'm sorry Lillian." I say apologetically and Lillian looks down.
"The other murder was her father. General Harvey Morgan. Highest ranking army personal of his time. Brother of Brayden Morgan, Senator of state." I say and watch as Lillian cringes.
"They thought you killed him? They thought you killed your father?" The cop looks between Lillian and I in confusion. The others were silent with shock.
"All the evidence pointed to me. But there was just one problem." Lillians eyes flashed.
"If I'm gonna kill then I'm not gonna leave behind the murder weapon. I'm not gonna stay around the murder scene and spread my DNA. My father and uncle taught me how to commit the perfect murder. They told what I should and shouldn't do. The person who killed my father was the person who left behind the one clue thst doesn't add up. A broken light bulb with black powder on one of the shards. The black powder was made by his killer. They use it in their weapons. It was his second in command." Lillian smirks slowly and the cop frowns.
"There was a broken lamp yet there were no signs or a struggle on the victim. It also appeared that some things were recently moved." He says and Lillian chuckles.
"You amateurs. I can't believe it. Who gets the most to gain from his death?" Lillian asks and I laugh as she continues without waiting for the police man's answer.
"His daughter. She killed him with a knife that was a prop I used in 'Fatal Revenge'. She can easily get the keys to all the set equipment. She would have used a voice transformer and a wig that stunt doubles use. She can get my DNA from props, costumes, my changing room. The disturbance would be from her looking for her father's safe key. His safe holds classified business info and a few hundred thousand dollars cash. Before you ask me how I know all this it's because he told me that if anything happened to him, that if he was killed to go after his daughter first. He knew she was out to get him. Their relationship wasn't the best. He knew she wanted the money so he told me about the safe. Now. Take off my cuffs before I use them to break your neck for wasting time I could have used to keep my friends and family safe." Lillian snarls the last part and the cop quickly takes off her cuffs.
"I'm sorry. We'll go get the real killer now." He says shakily.
Lillian huffs and leads the way. When we get outside I pull Lillian into a hug and she cries into my arms. "I'm going to kill everyone who's ever fucked with my family if it's the last thing I do." She sobs.
The scariest part of that sentence was that part where I knew she ment every word and knew she'd tear the city down to do it.

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