A Good Person?

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Lillian Morgan
"Lillian are you okay?" Crystal asks cautiously.
An hour has passed since the invader and I was fizzing with rage. "No I'm not. Macy has ruined my whole life. She's tried to kill my family and closest friends countless times. She's wanting revenge over the stupidest thing. She's taking away my safe places. I just don't know what to do anymore." I yell in frustration.
Alex's phone beeps and I watch as he pulls it out.
"God damn it. I've got to go. Somethings gone wrong in the kitchens at the hotel." He sighs and locks eyes with me for a second.
"Don't die Alex. You're of more use to us alive." I say as it a slight smile and Alex laughs sarcastically before walking out the door. A lot wee bit later I hear him diving away.
"Liam you did that didn't you?" I say as I spin to look at Liam and go shrugs.
"What is it you wanted to tell us without Alex?" Kyle asks and I look down at my lap.
"I'm going to tell you all the truth. Alex can't know. Not yet. Also need to leave and make sure Alex doesn't try to track me down so I need to do something to make Alex never want to see my face ever again." I sighed and wrung my hands.
"Why?" Ashley asks and I feel my eyes water slightly.
"Because I can't lose another man I love from my life." I whisper and everyone gasps.
"You love Alex?" Ash asks in shock and I nod.
"Have done since I was a teenager. He was always my favourite." I say and my hands begin to shake.
"About 7 years ago I met Alex in a bar. It was the night after I got first in my ice skating competition. The same competition that I bet Macy and this whole thing began. We talked and we eventually got drunk. After that we slept together. I woke before him and realized what I did. I began to panic and I left a note with some painkillers because I knew he would have a nasty hangover. The note said 'you were a drunken mistake' but I never really ment it. I was panicking. I moved to New Zealand a few days later because Macy had started sending people after me and I wanted to get away from Alex. In New Zealand I made a discover." I explain and swallow nervously. I was about to tell rhea my biggest secret.
"What?" Shannon asks softly.
"I was pregnant." I say quietly and everyone is shocked into silence.
"Mary-Anne isn't adopted. She's my actual daughter and Alex us her father. I couldn't risk people knowing because it would have put Mary-Anne and Alex in serious trouble. Only my mother and best friend Natasha knows. Well so does Mary-Anne. She knows not to tell anyone and I hope you on either. Especially Alex." I say as I look up, tears in my eyes.
"You're just going to hide this from him?" Maddison gasps.
"I will tell him. But not now. Not until Macy is gone." I say as I wipe my eyes.
"Wow. That's just... wow." Liam say quietly.
"I'm an uncle." He laughs.
"And I'm an aunt." Alysha smiles.
"You can't tell anyone. It may get me, Mary-Anne and/or Alex killed." I plead.
"We won't tell anyone. Now what about you saying you needed to make Alex never want to see your face ever again?" Delance says and I close my eyes for a second.
"I need to make sure Alex never tries to track me down after I leave and go off the grid. But to do that I'm gonna need to break his heart. It won't be easy because it'll be breaking mine too. It may even destroy me but its what must happen if I'm to keep my family and the ones I love safe." My voice breaks at the end as tears slowly fall.
"How do you plan to do that?" Liam asks and I shake my head.
"I don't know. That's why I really needed to talk to you guys. I need your help."
"It needs to be something really nasty." Alysha says and Liam looks down. It'll hurt him too to help me break his brothers heart.
"You could cheat on him." Liam suggests quietly.
"Wait, what? You and Alex are together? Why didn't we know this?" Maddison asks.
"Because it was easier. Plus I don't want to actually cheat on Alex. It needs to be fake but seem real. Like a movie." I say and let out a frustrated sigh.
"You could say you were only with him to get closer to Liam." Alysha suggests and we all look at her oddly.
"Well I know how to act pissed. It'd be very believable if something happened. I could find out and try kill you. Not literally though. Then you can leave because Alex will hate you for using him." Alysha explains with a shrug.
"It could work. I could add in that I was using him for protection perhaps." I say as with a broke smile.
"I'm sorry Lillian. Pretending to love someone is very hard. But loving someone and pretending not to is even harder." Crystal says sympathetically and I laugh.
"Yeah. It's gonna be hard. But what's even harder than that is not telling them about their 6 year old daughter." I grumble and massage my forehead.
"Will we still be able to keep in touch with you?" Delance asks.
"By phone only. We can't have Alex know we're still friends or anything. Also I'll be moving to Long Beach for a little more distance but is close enough for my classes and work." I say as I stand up and turn to walk away.
"What do you mean by classes?" Steve asks and I turn back to look at them.
"I guess I forgot to mention that I teach self defence to woman and kids." I say with a slight smile.
"You're a good person Lillian." Liam says with a smile.
"I sure don't feel like it. I'm volunteerily breaking the person I loves heart. It'll happen in 2 days. I'll tell you the details later. I need to get everything sorted for when I leave." Tears building up in my eyes, threatening to fall.
"You are a good person Lillian. Your protecting your family and the ones you love. You're breaking yourself and someone you love to keep them safe. It's probably the bravest thing I've known anyone to do." Alysha says seriously.
I hang my head and walk away from them and up to my room where I lock the door and cry silently.
Is what their saying true? Am I really a good person?

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