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"Come, Ms Kang." Mr Jeon said to me, holding the door open for me. I quickly walking past his outstretched hand, as I stumbled by him, I managed to bow my head to him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smirk slightly as he glanced at me from behind. My cheeks flushed a bright red as I tugged my pencil skirt further down from behind as I turned my head to look at him.

"Have you been to the cafeteria yet?" Mr Jeon asked me as we walked into the elevator. He pressed the Cafeteria button on the 6th floor. I shook my head in response, reaching up and petting down my hair as I avoided his intense stare. "Come then," He said simply, as the doors rung open.

Mr Jeon walked ahead of me confidently, glancing back every few strides to make sure I was still behind him. "Hurry up." He said to me, shaking his head in amusement, "Sorry," I mumbled, picking up my pace.

"Omo, Mr Jeon is here!" I heard someone say from behind me, I turned around to see a group of four girls eating together at a table as they whispered to one another. "Who's that girl with him?" another one whispered. I felt all four pairs of eyes turn to me as I stumbled after my boss.

"Do you not usually come to the cafeteria? Why is everyone staring at you?" I asked Mr Jeon quietly and he chuckled to himself as he pointed to a table by the window. I followed him closely, still curious to why everyone's eyes stalked us through the room.

Mr Jeon pulled out the chair for me, before walking to the other side of the table and taking a seat across from me. "I can't help if my employees find me attractive, Ms Kang." Mr Jeon said after a moment of silence. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table as he rested his chin on his laced fingers.

"Oh," I said, shaking my head as I felt my eyebrows furrow and cheeks redden as my boss stared at me with a small smirk playing across his lips. "Ms Kang, is it possible...you're jealous?" He teased, his smirk widening as he leaned closer. I stood up abruptly, pushing my hair behind my ears flusteredly.

"I'm going to get food," I announced, fanning my face and Mr Jeon chuckled, "Get me the same thing you're getting," he called after me, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he smirked to himself.

I grabbed two trays from the dispenser and two pairs of chopsticks. I placed them on the revolving platform and smiled at the chef on the other side. "Two sets of sushi please," I said to him. He raised his eyebrows at me but placed two plates down. "34,000won," He said to me, printing a bill and placing it down on one of the trays. I bowed slightly in thanks as I took the trays to the cashier. My lips were pursed as I stared at the bill. So expensive.

"Hey! Y/n!" I heard someone call to me from behind, I turned around, carefully balancing the two plates of sushi. It was the red-head from before, Park Jimin.

"Oh! Hi," I said, giving him a strained smile. Jimin glanced down at my piled arms, raising his eyebrows, "Wow, you must be hungry." Jimin commented, staring at my arms, I followed his gaze to stare at the sushi too. "Oh! This isn't for me alone," I explained, nodding to Mr Jeon who was sitting by the window, watching Jimin and I's conversation without an expression.

"You're eating with Mr Jeon?!" Jimin gasped immediately, I blinked several times in confusion. "Well, I assumed it was part of my job..." I mumbled and Jimin furrowed his eyebrows suspiciously, "Why would you have to eat with him? Do you not know how-," Jimin began to say, his words cut off by Mr Jeon interrupting us.

"Ms Kang? What's taking so long?" He drawled, swiftly taking both the trays from my hands and beginning to walk back to out former table. "Follow, Ms Kang." He called to me, making me flinch. "S-sorry..." I stuttered to Jimin, as I followed Mr Jeon. Jimin stood very still, not saying a word as he just watching us, his mouth hanging slightly open.

"You are to eat lunch with me, Ms Kang." Mr Jeon said to me as I sat down across from him. I folded my arms over my chest, "I was going to." I mumbled as Mr Jeon stuffed a piece of the sushi into his mouth. "Yes, but you were taking long. I got hungry." He said childishly, taking another piece into his mouth. I blinked a few times, tilting my head to one side.

Could it be? That this high-end CEO was simply another insecure boy looking for a friend to eat with him?

"Why aren't you eating?" Mr Jeon asked me, pointing to my plate, "You need to eat." He insisted, and I nodded, slowly lifting a piece and nibbling on it.

2:28 PM

"What else do I need to do, Mr Jeon?" I asked, peering over my computer at Mr Jeon. He was sitting on his chair, solving a Rubix cube in boredom. "There's nothing else left to do...not for today at least. We have a meeting at 3:30 though." He yawned, setting down the completed puzzle. I pursed my lips and stared at my computer screen.

"Ms Kang." My boss called, and "Hm?" I looked back at him. "I'm bored." He announced, lifting his legs up and crossing them on top of the desk as he leaned back in his chair. He looked like an irritated teenager as he did so, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"Ms Kang." He called again, repeating my name like a toddler. Again, I glanced over the top of my computer to make eye-contact with him, "Yes sir?" I sighed.

"Let's play a game, Ms Kang." He said, smirking at me darkly as he beckoned me to sit in the chair in front of him.


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A.N hah, sorry this chapter is just meh. but uwu no matter how badass JK may seem oml, he's actually just the cutest lil kiddo, oml wow what a babe

wc 1077

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