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"Any recommendations?" Eun asked Hoseok. We sat in a booth with the two of them cozying up one side, while Jin and I sitting awkwardly opposite to them.

"I love the burgers here," Hoseok said, leaning towards her as they both studied a menu together. "The milkshakes are really good too,"

I stared at Eun who was ogling at Hoseok. Her gaze was fixed on him despite his keen interest in the food listings. I could see her leaning in, almost desperate even for a slight graze of skin.

"Y/n?" Jin asked after a moment, I tore my eyes away from the two across from me and focused on the CEO instead.

"Yeah?" I responded, suddenly feeling my cheeks get warm as he looked at me.

"Food?" Jin said, tapping the menu on the table.

I nodded softly before picking up the leaflet and reading through the dish names. Even as I kept my eyes down I could feel Jin's presence beside me.

He was breathing softly, barely even audible but it was clear that he was nervous. I didn't know how to respond, so I settled for calling the waiter over instead.


"I told you it was good, wasn't it?" Hoseok laughed as Eun sipped on her milkshake through a straw.

"I'll admit it, it's delicious," she giggled in response.

Jin and I sat on the other side of them in silence, his picking at his napkin, and me at the remainder of my French Fries.

"It's nearly 8:30, we should get going if we want to make the movie," Eun said as she finally reached the bottom of the glass.

Hoseok nodded before reaching for his wallet and pulling out his card. As per last time, Jin reached for his too, earning a chuckle from his friend.

"Let me cover it," Hoseok insisted, and before Jin could protest, he grabbed Eun's hand and pulled her up. The two of them walked hand in hand to the cashier, where Hoseok paid.

"What just happened?" Jin said incredulously, rubbing his eyes in disbelief. "I feel like I'm losing my charm,"

"Oh no, does Mr CEO feel bad that he couldn't pay?" I teased, feeling myself smile fully for the first time that evening.

"Yes," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he pushed himself up from the table.

"Alright then, I'll let you buy me a drink," I said in hopes of making the man smile a little too. To my surprise he nodded in agreement before stretching his hand out to me.

I took it gingerly and allowed him to help me up. Jin began to walk ahead, only glancing back to see if I was keeping up.

"Where to?" I asked as we stepped out of the restaurant. The air was chilly and I felt a shiver run down my spine as I pulled my coat closer.

"Either we hit the city or call it a day," he shrugged, shivering with me.

"It's cold," I mused, and he nodded in agreement. It was quiet and awkward, I didn't know what to say, nor did I want him to say anything either.

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