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"So tell me about this Hoseok guy," Eun said, as she ran her lipstick across her lips.

"I mean I only saw him on the first day," I admitted. My hair was still damp and I knew it was going to leave a stain on the back of my hoodie. "He seems nice, though. He also has glasses,"

"Ooh, I love a distinguished man," Eun cooed, smacking her lips together before looking at me. Her lips curled in disgust as she saw my outfit, "Can you at least try to look good? This is a date."

"I never agreed to a date. I agreed to dinner," I argued. I stuck my tongue out at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah whatever, but it's my first time meeting this guy. I want to look good, and besides, your favourite boss is going to be there." She said, marching towards my closet.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes in exasperation as the girl fished through my clothes. She held up a dress questioningly but put it back when she saw the disinterest on my face.

"He's not my favourite boss. Not to mention, do you have any idea how unprofessional this is? What if the tabloids wrote about CEOs getting dinner with assistants?" I snapped, walking towards Eun and joining her as we rifled through my closet.

"You we're thinking about professionalism when you fucked your other boss were you?" Eun teased, earning a guttural growl from me.

"Yes, and we saw how that turned out. That, Eun, was a huge mistake." I sighed, "Besides, I was planning on applying for a transfer to be Jin's PA instead. I'm not sure I want to see Jungkook again,"

"Awh, come on. I'm sure he had a good reason for kicking you out," Eun giggled.

"Yeah, for sure," I muttered with an eye roll as I pulled out a pair of black trousers and show it to Eun. She reluctantly nodded. "The asshole didn't even say goodbye to me. He just said 'you should go',"

"Well, good on you for drawing lines," my friend said, pulling out a black turtle neck and tossing it to me. "At least Jin's a true gentleman...gosh, I really hope Hoseok is too,"

"He'll love you, don't you worry," I reassured her as I slipped on the trousers, shimming slightly to get them over my ass. "Do you know where we're going though?"

"Absolutely no idea, but at least you look somewhat presentable now," Eun grins, handing me an animal print jacket [1]. I groan as I slip it on over my top. Eun admires me from a far before continuing, "You'd better hurry because they're going to be here soon...oh! Wear you platforms with that!"

For what seems to be the infinith time, I roll my eyes before grabbing the pair of boots from my closet and my bag. There's no point in arguing with her.


"I'm Jung Hoseok," the man says. He doesn't look anything like he did when I first saw him. Instead of the suit combo I remembered him wearing, Hoseok wore light jeans and a colourful sweater. His hair was ruffled slightly and his glasses sat crookedly on the bridge of his nose.

I glanced over at Eun to see her reaction as the man extends his hand to shake hers. There was a slight look of uncertainty as she took it and gave him a small smile. I knew this look well, it meant; You're just my type.

Mentally chuckling, I turned to look at Jin instead. To my surprise, he was already staring at me, eyebrows raised in amusement. I give him a sheepish smile and a wave to which he grins boyishly.

His plump lips part as if wanting to say something, but at the last minute he shakes his head and turns to the other two, completely ignoring me. Strangely enough, I feel a bitter taste in my mouth as I study him from the side.

"I was thinking a dinner and then the boardwalk?" Jin offers. It's funny how even a grown man still thinks of going to a carnival but instead of thinking it's immature, I can't help but smile at his childlike excitement.

"How about we make an adventure of it?" Eun says, noticing Jin's car. When everyone looks at her quizzically, she continues, "Let's take the metro, I mean. We can come back here for drinks later, there's a few nice bars,"

When no one objects, there's a silent agreement. The four of us begin walking down the pavement with an odd tension looming over our heads.


As we arrived at on the subway platform, Jin stared at the timing board intently. He turned to look at me, and beckoned me over.

"I haven't been on a subway in a while," Jin said, as we stood next to one another. "I forgot what it's like,"

Not sure of how to respond I simply glanced at him from the corner of my eye. I could see Jin clench his jaw, his gaze not wavering from the board.

We didn't talk after that, rather, we stood in silence, eavesdropping on Eun and Hoseok who were holding a conversation about a meter away.

"We can leave them if you want," Hoseok whispered, Eun giggled in response and nodded slightly before glancing back at us.

I felt my cheeks flush as Eun asked me a silent question. Are you going to be okay with Jin? Alone?

I stare at her with furrowed brows, You cannot leave me, Eun.

Please !! I really like this guy !! She argues back.

I audibly huffed and Jin turned to look at me quizzically. Eun kept giving me pleading glances but before I could protest any further, Hoseok grinned at me.

"Eun and I were thinking of just catching a movie, we can meet up with you guys back at your place later," Hoseok said. Jin raised his eyebrows and tried to stifle a smile as Eun swooned over Hoseok.

"At least get dinner with us and then go watch you movie," Jin offered, and Hoseok agreed with a nod.

[1] - Your outfit <3
Creds - thenavarose on IG

____A/N - It's a bit shorter than usual but I hope you enjoy it anyway

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A/N - It's a bit shorter than usual but I hope you enjoy it anyway...think of this as a filler chapter ig bc I don't really want to skip ahead too quick.
Also, if you see the outfit any different in your mind pls feel free to imagine it how you want, the picture is just what I had in mind, all credit to @thenavarose on IG

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