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"She'll be fine right?" Jin asked as he shut the door to Eun's room quietly.

My best friend had fallen asleep almost the moment we'd come home, and I'm sure Jin could see that I was worried about her.

"Yeah, its just been a rough day for her," I explained, and he nodded.

"It must have been hard on you too, Jungkook told me you took the day off for an emergency. Imagine my surprise when I saw you shopping with a friend...I understand it though. You needed to be there."

"Oh! Uhm...I'm sorry I lied,"

"No, no, I understand. I won't tell Jungkook though, if that's what you're worried about."

I felt a small smile break out on my face as the man in front of me laughed to himself. It was a strange laugh, no doubt about that, but it made him all the more endearing.

As I sat across from him at our kitchen table, I couldn't help but study his features.
Soft plump lips, I wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be Botox.
Kind eyes that had a bright sort of shine to them, and became crescents when he laughed.

"Enjoying the view?" Jin said suddenly, easing an eyebrow as I snapped out of the trance I'd fallen into.

"I-!" I stuttered, making the man break into laughter again.

"Don't worry, I know my face is a topic of great interest. Either way, I'll leave you to it. I need to get back to the office for a late meeting."

"Oh, would you like anything to eat before you go?"

"No, no. Thank you though. Rest well Y/n, I'll see you around," Jin said with a smile as he pushed himself up from the table. "I left my number on your friend's table, so she can get the jacket back to me later,"

"Of course, I'll remind her,"

"Bye Y/n,"

"Bye Jin.." I said, closing the door behind the CEO as he walked down the hallway. Head held high, hands in pocket and a half smile plastered across his face.

I didn't know how to feel about him, Jin was definitely one of the most attractive people I'd ever met in my life, and every time I saw him so closely, my fingertips buzzed with anticipation. The way he walked with confidence and bravado made me want to listen to and follow every instruction of his without a second thought.

"Y/n, you idiot. Shut up, he's one of your bosses!" I scolded myself, hitting my forehead with my palm as I staggered towards my bedroom...trying my best to stop thinking about him.


Y/n, your phone is ringing," I heard someone call from the living room. I rubbed my eyes open to sunlight filtering through the curtains.

The smell of toast wafted through the open door as Eun peeped her head in, tossing me my phone. It landed with a soft thump on my bed, the obnoxious ringtone still crying out.

"Hello?" I said into the reviving end, still blinking away the sleep.

"Ms Kang, I'm sorry to be calling on your day off but we have a client dinner today at 18:0o and you still haven't responded to the invitee's email. I understand you had a family emergency yesterday but please make sure to keep your personal and professional life separated." A voice from the other side of the line sighed.

I recognized it immediately.


My eyes shot open as I whirled to face the digital clock on my bedside table; 15:08.

At least I still had some time.

"I am so sorry sir, I will finish that right away and be at your address by 17:30."

"I expect you to be on time. And dressed appropriately."

"Yes sir,"

"Try to buy a wine please, I think a 1800s bottle should be good."

"Yes sir,"

"Take care,"

"You too sir,"

I sighed, falling back into my bed and pulling a pillow onto my face. I didn't know it was possible, but Jungkook had a way of being both ice cold and a little too warm when talking to me.

It was confusing.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Eun asked me as I dragged myself into the living room. She sat on the couch watching a talk show as she ate toast.

"Client dinner."

"Ooh, what are you going to wear?"

"I don't know. I'm going for a shower,"

"Okay, let me know if you want my help. I'm meeting that CEO from yesterday at six, by the way." Eun called as I walked back towards the bathroom.

That sentence caught my attention.

"You're meeting Jin? Why?" I said suspiciously, studying her reaction closely.

Instead of a fangirl type answer, Eun shrugged, "I need to return his blazer,"

"Oh," I mumbled nodding before grabbing a piece of toast for myself and disappearing into the bathroom, towel in hand.

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