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1:35 PM

"What do you want to eat Ms Y/n?" Jin Hyung asked Y/n as they walked out of EP Corp onto the pavement. I trailed behind the two like a toddler, glaring darkly at the ground as I managed to kick a pebble that was in my way. Stupid flirting. I thought as Y/n laughed loudly at something Jin Hyung had said. She'd always been so quiet with me, why was she laughing with him? Sure Jin Hyung had broad shoulders...and his hair looked softer... But surely that couldn't be a good enough reason for Y/n to like him. Right?

"Jungkook?"I heard someone say, touching my shoulder lightly. I snapped my head to attention and looked down to see Y/n concernedly looking at me, "Are you okay?" She asked, furrowing her brows. I blinked several times before nodding, "Sorry. I was just daydreaming." I mumbled sheepishly and she immediately breathed a sigh of relief before turning back to Jin Hyung who had clearly slowed down just for her. My heart gave an offbeat thump as I watched Y/n pick up the pace a little to keep up with his long strides, the poor girl only reaching to about his shoulder as they walked in unison. Stupid flirting.


Poor kid. I saw Jungkook curl his fist out of the corner of my eyes, I bet it was over this girl. She was pretty no doubt, but he'd known her less than a week and was already so protective over her? That was suspicious. Especially considering his last major relationship girl was via SNS with some foreign girl.

Y/n struck me as special the moment I introduced myself to her. The girl was so shy but sweet to me, literally dropping everything to show me proper manners. I liked her. And here I was, not even a half a day later, already speaking to her with a casual manner as we ate lunch together.


"You're crazy." I laughed as Jin nodded, "I'm telling you. Jungkook sleeps with a teddy bear. It's all old and worn now, but it's a small little plush toy." He explained, holding up the approximate size of the toy with his hands as Jungkook flushed a deep shade of unearthly red.

"Hyung, I don't think its...professional for you to bring that up." Jungkook snapped, gnawing on his lip. I couldn't but smile a little as I held a hand up to cover my face in embarrassment. "Let's eat." The younger man continued, clearly trying to the steer the conversation away from his sleeping buddy.

"Y/n, they forgot to give you chopsticks," Jin noticed. He leaned over me to place an extra pair beside my bowl and as he did so, I took a deep breath, sitting very still. Even though I'd just met the man, I didn't feel unbelievable butterflies as I usually would when someone of the opposite gender came so close. It only got weirder though, as the smell of expensive cologne (like Jungkook's) that I had anticipated didn't hit me in a wave. Jin's smell was distinct and as weird as it was to smell another person, I took another deep breath. I was right, there was a scent...flowers.

A tall, built man who smelt like flowers.

"Y/n?" I heard someone call, snapping me back to reality, away from the open fields in my mind. I blinked a few times and as my eyes came into focus, I saw Jungkook looking at me with a concerned look, his chopsticks still in his mouth as he stared at me with wide eyes. I nodded in response, not even knowing what he was talking about. "Are you sure?" Jungkook asked, suddenly surprised...and almost happy?

"Y-yes?" I said slowly, cursing myself for agreeing to something he'd said without actually paying attention. "Woahh, Y/n, I'm hurt. I thought you wanted to come help me with some errands." Jin suddenly complained as he gripped his chest in mock betrayal.


"Shall we go then?" Jungkook asked, standing up as he reached for his wallet. "Let me." Jin countered, he too reaching for his back pocket. Both the men stood at their full heights, wallets in hand as they stared the other down. "I should pay, after all, Y/n is my assistant." My boss said coldly but Jin cracked a smile that infuriated the younger, "I am the one who invited her." He shrugged, pulling out his credit card. From beside me, I swore I heard Jungkook growl. "I'll pay." Jungkook insisted, and Jin shook head. "No, really, Dongsaeng. I'll do it."

The men were starting to get more aggressive about who was going to pay for my meal, so much so that nearby customers were turning their heads to watch the commotion going on between the two attractive men. I stared down at the floor, hands in lap and face, cherry red as they argued politely. Until I'd had enough, at this point they were being beyond childish. I leaned down grabbed my bag from where it sat on the floor. Rummaging through the handbag, I finally gripped my purse, out which I snatched out 50,000won.

Standing up smartly, I marched over to the waitress, who was watching my two bosses fight. I handed her the bill and she immediately understood, laughing at the money as she fished out my change.

"Ladies. If you're done fighting. We can leave now." I huffed as I returned back to the table. Junkgook and Jin had been so busy they hadn't even noticed what I had done until I waved the meals' reciept in front of their faces. I could tell my actions had embarressed both as the apologetically hurried after me.

"Y/n, you didn't have to pay!" Jin called as I walked ahead of them, towards Jungkook's car. "Wow, Y/n. That was pretty admirable of you to do." Jungkook laughed, keeping in pace with me as he ran a hand through his hair. The younger grinned at me with a sparkle in his eyes, no doubt feeling flustered. I rolled my eyes at him, but the moment he looked away I felt my heart give an unbelievable thump

A/N woow hey guys, sorry i havent updated in a while, school's been a btch and i lowkey wanna diE but yeah woohoo

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A/N woow hey guys, sorry i havent updated in a while, school's been a btch and i lowkey wanna diE but yeah woohoo. idk how i feel about this chapter tbh, i don't think it was my best writing but i promise to improve... thanks for actually reading so far and to those of you who are beyond supportive of me (my gurl 28) i actually love you w all my heart <3

wc 1119

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