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7:59 am

I teetered through the large glass doors that lead Mr Je- Jungkook's office, already weary to be on my second day of the job. My purse swung limply on my shoulder as I pushed the door of my small office with my back. As I entered, the first thing that caught my attention was a bouquet of yellow Korean roses. Beside it was a small cupcake and a note that I quickly picked up and opened.

"Happy Birthday, Ms Kang. Welcome to being 21. I hope we get along well." was neatly scribbled inside it, with a fancy signature from the sender that was barely legible. I smiled to myself softly as I picked up the flowers and held them to the light in my office.

"Do you like them?" I heard someone behind me say, I turned around to see the young CEO standing there with his hands stuffed in his pockets. I smiled at him gratefully, bowing deeply. "Thank you so much for the flowers, and the note, and the cupcake." I gushed, my cheeks glowing red.

"Note? Cupcake?" He mumbled to himself in confusion, scratching the back of his neck. "Ms Ka- ah, Y/n. I only left the flowers there. I didn't leave a note or...or food." Jungkook admitted, furrowing his eyebrows at the piece of paper that I held dearly in my hands.

"You didn't?" I stuttered, glancing at the pastry that sat invitingly on my desk. "Then wh-" I began to say. Just then there was a smart knock on the door, and not a moment later, another young man stepped through. His blonde hair ruggedly framing his face. I took a sharp breath inwards as the man studied me. "Hyung," Jungkook muttered under his breath.

"You must be Kang Y/n. I'm CEO Kim Seokjin." The man said to me, reaching a hand out for a welcoming handshake. I immediately dropped the bouquet of flowers back on the desk behind me and shook my second boss' hand. The new man's eyes fluttered to the note that I still held in my hands. "Ah, I see you got my birthday gift." He said with a small smirk, earning a wide-eyed, flustered gasp from me. "I saw on your resume, your birthday is today, isn't it?" Mr Kim asked, and I nodded speechlessly.

"Thank you so much," I whispered dizzily, "You didn't have to get me anything, sir." I squeaked and Mr Kim chuckled.

"Just think of it as a welcoming gift then, Miss Y/n." Mr Kim smirked, giving me a flirtatious wink to which I felt my cheeks turn a shade of crimson red. As I averted my gaze from the new attractive man who had just introduced himself, my eyes landed on a scowling Jungkook. He was looking between Kim Seokjin and me with a sceptical frown which I didn't understand.

"Hyung, I thought you were supposed to come in tomorrow. Not today?" Jungkook finally said, breaking the thick tension that had been building up. The elder CEO laughed and turned to the younger before teasingly asking, "What's wrong? You don't want your handsome Hyung around?" I couldn't help but laugh at Mr Kim's brave confidence. The blond turned to me and winked as Jungkook shot him a glare darker than his hair.


1:28 pm

Of course, he had to be here to steal my thunder. I thought to myself as I peeked over the edge of my computer at Y/n as she typed away on her laptop. The flowers I'd gifted her stood on the window sill, leaning against the wall, the stems in a makeshift vase that was a coffee cup from the break room. I bit my lip in slight frustration as my gaze landed on the note that Jin Hyung had written her, it lay directly next to her laptop, exactly in her view as she worked. The cupcake was only half there though, as she nibbled on it slowly as she worked.

Why hadn't I written her a letter too? I scolded myself mentally as I replayed the morning's events in my mind. She'd been so grateful for the gifts, I'd felt my heart flutter happily until I realized I'd been one-uped by my Hyung who'd never even met her before. And then he even had the guts to start flirting with her immediately. Even worse, she had the audacity to blush! In front of me!

Damn it. She looks good. My mind mumbled as I looked Y/n up and down. Her hair was tumbling down around her shoulders today as if she was in some sort of commercial...it looked shiny and soft, almost too soft to be real. Y/n also wore a simple white blouse with a high waisted pair of pants that flared at the ankle, highlighting her intoxicating figure. There wasn't much makeup, but I could tell didn't need it, she'd probably look the same without it. Just as pretty.

Shut up Jeon Jungkook, that's your assistant. The logical side of my brain chided as I continued to gnaw away on the round edge of my lips as I watched Y/n closely. She was pretty. I understood why Jin Hyung would want to immediately flirt with her, but it annoyed me all the same. Just yesterday she was flushing a crimson red because I was simply standing next to her. And then this morning she was blushing all over again just because my Hyung winked at her.

I stood up abruptly, involuntarily slamming my hands against the surface of my desk earning a small squeak from Y/n as she flinched at the sudden action. "Are you okay Jungkook?" She asked, my name softly tumbling off her lips as she stood up and walked over to me. There was a little bit of icing from the cupcake on her upper lip, which she wiped away quickly on realising I was staring at it. "Yeah. I'm fine." I muttered, more to myself than her.

"Knock, knock. Ah Jungkookie, Miss Y/n shall we break for lunch?" I heard someone say at my door. The two of us turned to see Kim Seokjin interrupting us for the second time today. But to my utter annoyance, Y/n smiled warmly, "Of course sir!" She said happily, earning a wide grin from Jin Hyung. "Don't bother with honorifics, call me Jin...or Oppa," Jin said slyly, winking at her.

Y/n flushed shyly, covering her face with her hands as she laughed. "I think I'll just call you Jin," she answered, patting her cheeks in an attempt to cool them down as she blushed cherry red. I rolled my eyes as the two continued with their flirtatious banter. "Shall we go then?" I interrupted, my voice icy and cold as I felt my hand curl into a fist of...Jealousy?

AN double update! (i mean this story and my other one hahah sorry) also, im so sorry lmao, this was a major time skip bc lmaoo i was too lazy to actually write a "meeting" scene!

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AN double update! (i mean this story and my other one hahah sorry) also, im so sorry lmao, this was a major time skip bc lmaoo i was too lazy to actually write a "meeting" scene!

wowowoow anyway jin is getting it lololol, but awh poor JK he reminds me of a lil boy uwu also can jin like step on me pls. He's my bias ahh i love him so much I find it hard to breath sometimes. idk why though, i cant bring myself to write a fanfic about him...i feel like i wanna keep those fantansies to myself lolol

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