You Love Fall, and I Love You {Part 1 of 7} (Dean×Reader)

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   This is a cute little idea I thought of. Reader and Dean in a small town for a week in the fall and they do cute coupley stuff?? Yes, fucking, please. And you're gonna get multiple parts so,.,.,..,.,,.,.,.you're welcome. - Emma 

   You held his calloused, warm hand as you strolled through the small town and looked for the farmer's market. Sam told you both that you needed a break, a break without him. In your mind, you agreed instantly, but on the outside, you told him that nothing would be the same without him. Despite your fake protests, he ushered you guys to go away for a week. So here you were, walking through Lenox, Massachusetts on the hunt to find some pumpkins so that you guys could carve them. Dean had never done it before, not having a normal childhood, so you figured you'd teach him how to. Also, it gave you guys something to do on a rainy day like today. You were planning to walk around and explore the town, but it had poured for a few hours before you had left your room at the B&B that you were staying at, so that ruined your plans. However, you were still able to explore the town, but you were only focused on one sole thing: finding a store with pumpkins. The rain was still sprinkling on the top of your heads, but it wasn't so heavy that you couldn't walk around a little. 

   You were kinda pissed at yourself for staying holed up in your room all morning, though you were happy that you got a few extra hours of cuddle time with Dean. He was warm and smelled like cinnamon, leather, and honey, which was very comforting to have at 8 in the morning on a rainy day. But now you were dragging him towards a small little corner store because you saw pumpkins through the window. He chuckled behind you as you opened the door, letting go of his hand and walking over to investigate the humongous orange gourds that were on a metal cart next to the window. You sifted through them, seeing some of them had huge welts and others were lopsided. You needed to find the perfect pumpkin, there was no question about that. Even Dean knew that, so he just stood there and leaned up against the wall, waiting for you to hand him two: one for him and one for you. Next to the cart were carving tools, kids ones attached to cute little idea books, so Dean snatched two of those, going to the register and paying for them and two pumpkins before he had to carry them. 

   "Babe," you said as you turned around to hand him the two pumpkins you had deemed best. He held out the bag of carving tools as you grabbed them, the pumpkins falling underneath his arms as he walked out of the store, attempting to hold the door for you. You smiled at him, pushing the door open further and walked right beside him, your finger locked into one of the belt loops on his jeans. "We should find a bench or like a little park to carve them in." You looked up at him and he nodded before looking down at you, giving you a little smile. 

   "I think a park would be good," he said as you both crossed the street, you holding up a hand to silently thank the driver for waiting. "There might be one over in the patch of, like, land near where we're staying." You hummed in response as he led you back to the B&B, the cool fall wind swooshing your jacket up as you cuddled into Dean's side a bit more. After a few minutes of walking, you guys found a perfect picnic table in between a couple of trees. The table and bench were metal, cold to the touch, yet you sat down anyway, taking the contents out of the bag and reading the instructions.

   "Okay, so..." You trailed off as you ripped open the packaging, taking out the knife to carve the top of the pumpkin off. "You take this and," you stabbed little ways down from the stem, "Then you cut around the top. Make sure to leave a little divot, so that when you put the stem back on it doesn't just fall in." You took your time cutting around the stem as Dean watched intently. In no time the top of your pumpkin was separated from the bottom, the gooey guts on the inside from the stem dripping down into the bigger base.

   "Let me try," he said taking the knife from you. He placed it about an inch away from the stem, looking at you for a reassuring nod before he cut into it. He sliced slowly, really making sure not to mess it up. You admired his concentration, something that never really struck you as "Dean." He was usually the impulsive one; Sam was the one that emulated concentration more, that's what made you think they weren't even related when you first met them. But as you watched Dean focus, you could finally see a similarity, a similarity that you hadn't noticed in the 7 years that you had been dating him. 

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