Our Thing (Gabriel×Winchester!Reader) {3rd Day of Christmas}

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   Prompt 57: Caught off guard kiss 

   When the snow started to fall on the drive home from your latest hunt, you watched it the entire time, annoying Dean every single time he tried to get your attention. He had asked you about five times where you wanted to eat and each time you just shrugged, so he resorted to asking Sam. Sam had offered to go to a diner, causing Dean to ridicule you loudly about how "you could've said something as simple as that" and "are you even listening to me?" Dean had always hated how much you loved winter time; it wasn't his thing so he thought it shouldn't have been yours. The only person who shared your love for it was Gabriel and you hadn't seen him in a couple of months because of the constant hunting you and your brothers were doing. 

   "(Y/N), come on," Dean said hitting the back of his seat. "We're going to eat. Do you have your jacket?" You shook your head no, casually reminding him about how it had demon blood all over it and was burning back at the abandoned warehouse. He rolled his eyes, taking off his leather jacket, and tossing it to you. You wrapped yourself in it and it dwarfed your body making it seem like you barely had any arms or hands. You climbed out of Baby, feeling the bitter cold nip at your face, but it was all worth it when you saw the delicate way the snowflakes landed on the hood of the car and on the sleeves of the dark jacket. As the boys continued to walk, you admired it, only catching up to them once Sam called your name and held out his arm for you to run up to a grab. When you walked into the diner, they sat you in a booth, your phone buzzing against the fake leather seat. You pulled it out of your pocket, smiling at your most recent text from Gabriel. 

   Gabriel: Is it snowing where you are, princess? I can't wait till you get back so we can go on our little walks through the path.

   You: Yeah it is. God, I can't wait for those. I can't wait to see you. You smiled as you set your phone down, the waitress coming over to take your orders. You ordered your usual and so did Sam and Dean. You guys talked about the next hunt, one that was thankfully closer to the bunker than the others have been. 

   "Hey, could you guys drop me at home before the next hunt," you asked. "I'm unbelievably tired and I want to see Gabe." Sam shrugged his shoulders, looking at Dean for his approval as well. Dean nodded as he took a sip of his drink, a small smile forming on his face. You knew he didn't particularly care for Gabriel, but he was happy that you had found someone who made you smile all the time. You picked up your phone sending another text to Gabriel. 

   You: Dean is bringing me home before their next hunt so hopefully the snow is still there tomorrow! You looked out the window that you were sat next to and saw that the snow had in fact gotten worse, making you smile as you watched it the small piles on the ground grow bigger and bigger. You couldn't look away, but once Sam tapped your arm and helped you bring attention to your food, all you could think about was that. And going home. And Gabriel. And your winter walks. Soon enough, your attention was back on the snow, though you still subconsciously ate your food. Your phone buzzed, causing you to drop your fork. 

   Gabriel: As soon as you get home, we're gonna go on an adventure. You picked up your fork again, smiling at the thought of seeing him without Dean and Sam there to bother the both of you. 

   You: Just make sure that you don't kill us. You slid out the booth after Sam and continued to watch the snow as walked back outside, standing still a little by the door. You looked down at your phone, still trying to find the second half of the message in your brain. Let's do something different. Go on a trip to a big city while it's snowing. 

   Gabriel: That sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm getting our stuff packed now. 

   "(Y/N), get your ass in the car," you heard Dean yell as you ran across the street, sliding into the backseat. "God, what is with you and this weather?"

   "You know how important it is to me," you said defensively, rolling your eyes at him. "It's the only time I feel normal." Sam looked between the two of you kind of nervous of what was going to come next. "Plus, it's pretty. And calm. And not...scary." You looked back out the window, watching as the snow stopped and the way the lights on the streetlamps made it glisten. 

   "I mean, I can agree with you on that, the...not being scary thing," Dean said. "Let's get you home to Gabe. I'm sure he misses you." You nodded as Baby rumbled to life, the heat kicking on and making you take off Dean's jacket and cuddling up with against the window. 


   You were jolted awake by the slam of a car door. You rubbed your eyes, hearing the creaky sound of the door next to you opening and then you felt someone life you into their arms You opened your eyes to see Gabriel holding you tight, whispering to Sam to get your bag. He looked down noticing you were awake and then kissed your forehead. 

   "Good morning," he said as he placed you down, wrapping his arm around your waist. You grabbed your bag from Sam, still holding tightly onto Dean's jacket. "You thinkin' about a couple more hours of sleep and then we drive off?" You nodded as you followed him down the steps and into your room down the hall. 

   "Actually," you said as you placed your duffel bag on the bed. "Let's leave in like...20 minutes?" He nodded as you went off to take a shower, knowing you smelled like sweat and dirt. When you hopped into the shower, the warm water felt good on your aching shoulders and you thought of what city you could go to. Kansas City? Topeka? Maybe even Wichita? You washed off all of the soap and dirt, getting out of the shower and grabbing a warm fluffy towel that was on the sink. You walked back out into your room, seeing that Gabriel was packing your bags. 

   "You have more pajamas in your drawer right? I'm packing for like 5 days. Is that okay?" You nodded as you went and kissed him, going to your drawers and and pulling out a pair of sweatpants and one of your brother's hoodies. You forgot which one had given it to you, but it was an old Stanford one so probably Sam. However, Dean had had his fair share of maroon school hoodies. You pulled it over your head and then went and put on a pair of socks and your shoes. 

   "Come on," you said, waiting till Gabriel packed everything to sprint through the halls to the staircase. "Sam, Dean! If you guys get back from the hunt before we're back, we'll see you. Be safe!" You raced up the steps, rushing out your car, and impatiently waited for Gabriel. When you saw him, he was laughing, watching your frantic movements as you unlocked the car. He put the bag in the backseat and hopped into the front. 

   "So where are we-" You cut him off by kissing him full force on the lips, your fingers threading into his hair and his arms going immediately to your waist. You pulled back pushing your hair out of your face as the heat blasted from the vents. "What was that for?" 

   "Just because," you said as you put your car into reverse. "I was thinking maybe Kansas City or Topeka. Sound good?" You looked at him briefly once you were driving down the street. He smiled at you, nodding his head. 

   "Sounds amazing," Gabe said, his hand going to rest on your thigh. 

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