(Single Dad!Sam×Reader)

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   Blue was the only color you saw as you stared up at the sky from the comfy spot in the dewy grass. The park was quiet, the quietest it had been in months, and you were able to just enjoy the cloudy day right before you. It wasn't too sunny, a perfect day for cloud watching, but since there were no clouds, it was just sky watching. There were a few points in the hour and a half you had been there that you would sit up and just observe the people while you pretended to read your worn copy of The Pearl by John Steinbeck. Some families drove past on bikes, others fed the ducks some lettuce in the lake. But the family, or father and son rather, that had truly caught your eye was a very tall man with shaggy hair and his little boy. They had been kicking a soccer ball around for the past hour and they looked like they were having the time of their life.

   At the thought of the small little family, you sat up against the tree that was behind you and pretended to read your book again. You heard a big fit of laughter come from them and you couldn't help but steal a glance. The dad had picked up his son and was twirling him around on his shoulder. The little boy's shaggy brown hair, almost identical to his father's, was waving in the breeze that the twirling created. You smiled at them, their relationship reminding you of you and your father's. You were an only child, and you couldn't help but be the center of attention. You hoped that the boy was an only child, too, so that he could have the opportunity you did. After a few more minutes of spinning, they picked up their soccer ball and walked away. You snuggled up against the tree and actually read your book, wanting something to do until you had to go to work at 4. It was about 2:30 now and you figured you would start walking at 3:30, so that you could get to the book store on time.

   You were distracted when your stomach started to rumble, reminding you about how you had forgotten to eat lunch before you came. "Shit," you mumbled to yourself as you grabbed your shoes, sticking them back on and then making sure you had your phone, purse, and book. You passed by people walking their dogs and you went to the small kiosk that they had at the front of the park to get a small sandwich and maybe a bag of chips. You waited your turn in line and then you looked down when you felt a tap on your hand. It was the little boy from earlier.

   "What book are you reading," he asked with a look of curiosity in his light blue eyes. You smiled and showed him as you moved up in line. He noded after he read the title. "What's it about?"

   "Well," you said in the voice that you usually used to talk to the little kids at work, "it's about a fisherman who finds a big pearl in the sea that he wants to sell to give his family a better life." You smiled at him as he asked if he could hold it. "Of course, but don't bend it too much. I've already bent it enough." You moved up in line and watched as the little boy followed and you were about to order until you heard someone screaming someone's name.

   "Michael!" You turned around to see the boy's dad looking around and calling. "Michael." You tapped the little boy's shoulder and you pointed to the man. He smiled and waved to get his dad's attention and you saw the look of worry and anger on the man's face. You turned and ordered your food quickly and paid as the dad was making his way over. You got out of the line with the boy and helped him get to his father.

   "Hi, Daddy," he said in a cheerful voice as he handed you back your book. "I was just asking, uhh, what's your name?" You laughed as messed with the book in your hand.

   "(Y/N)," you said to the boy but while looking at his father. His father smiled at you and his eyes glistened from the sun behind you.

   "(Y/N) was showing me her book," Michael finished as you nodded.

   "You don't wander off like that," the father said. He turned his attention toward you. "I'm Sam." You smiled at him as you reached out your hand for him to shake. "I think your food is ready." You turned around to see a teenager awkwardly bringing you your food. You thanked her and took the tray out of her hands, smiling at her.

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