You Love Fall, and I Love You {Part 2 of 7} (Dean×Reader)

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   You rolled around in bed, trying to snuggle closer to Dean, but you couldn't tell him. Finally, you opened your eyes a bit to see that the bathroom door was closed with the light shining out from underneath. Sighing, you sat up and stretched, waiting for him to come back from the bathroom. You saw the light in the bathroom turn off and then heard the tiny squeak of the door as he seemed to open it slowly. You laid back down, dramatically opening your arms with your eyes closed so that Dean could wrap himself up in them. He chuckled a bit before laying down, adjusting so that you were facing the other way as his chest was pressed against your back. 

   "What are we gonna do today," he whispered into your ear as he stroked his hand over your arm. You shrugged, pulling the blanket further over you as you closed your eyes tighter and sighed contently. "So I am guessing we're just gonna sleep right now?" You nodded your head. 

   "Just let me keep my eyes closed for a little while longer," you muttered. You felt his lips leave a trail of light kisses down your back, the softness of his lips being prominent even if the action was being done through your nightshirt, his hand wrapping around your waist to pull you closer, just for the sheer purpose to be able to kiss you a bit deeper. "Hmm...stop." You attempted to push his face away with your back muscles, only making Dean laugh as he continued to pull you closer and move his hands up a bit to rub your stomach. He brought his chin up to rest on your shoulder and he mumbled into your neck. 

   "Meanie," he replied. "I saw a book and record store in town yesterday. We can go there." You nodded your head as you turned around in his arms, pressing your face into his neck. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, feeling his arms tighten around you. "Please? I want to actually enjoy our vacation and so stuff." You sigh dramatically, lifting your head up to kiss under his jaw and up to his temple. 

   "So cuddling with me isn't enjoyable," you said sassily, unwrapping his arms from around you and get up to go to the bathroom. "When I'm done, you better be ready to go." You chuckled as he got up hastily, going over to his bag and taking out some clothes. "Toss me mine." He threw you one of his flannels, a plain tee-shirt, and a pair of your jeans, blowing you a kiss before you went into the bathroom. 

~Little Mini Time Skip~

   The brisk air blew in your faces as you once again walked through town, Dean leading you to the store that he thought most interesting. You shivered against him as he wrapped his arm around your middle, his hand nestled in the pocket of your leather jacket over top of your small hand that was already inside it. The town was quieter today, allowing you to actually enjoy it instead of walking fast because you felt like you were in the way. When you got to the outside of the book and record store, you were surprised Dean had noticed it at all. The front was very bland, just a brick wall with a small window and a tall black, wooden door. In the window, there was a little neon sign that flipped periodically between a book and a record, showing you what kind of store it was. Dean opened the door, allowing you to walk in first before following behind you. 

   "Oh my god," you said as you saw an old literature section the moment you walked in. "Dean, look! They have Wuthering Heights!" You grabbed the copy of it off the shelf, the pages turning yellow as you tried to find the price. You heard a little bit of tapping and looked up to see that Dean was tapping on the little sign that was above them showing the price. "Only three bucks?" You smiled as you searched through the rest, hoping to find some that you were interested in. Dean just admired you, watching you in your element. 

   "There are other sections of books you know," he said as you felt his arm latched around your waist. 

   "I know," you said as you walked away with four books already latched in your arms. You walked over to a few shelves that were labeled horror and sifted through them. Dean's arm was still hung loosely around your waist, him picking up the occasional book and reading the synopsis. Eventually, you guys had delved into the vampire romance books, snickering at each of the stupid titles or stupid covers. You found a realistic fiction section, and that was where the rest of your book money went. Dean even got a few books, which surprised you. 

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