Random Headcanons (Teen!Castiel×Teen!Reader)

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- You were sitting on the bus with your headphones in your ear when you felt a tiny tap on your shoulder

- "Can I sit here?" His voice was deep, but still pretty quiet and you nodded, not looking back at him

- When the bus stopped at the school, you went to stand up and caught of glimpse of him. A small smile coming to your face 

- "I'm Cas." His smile was super wide. "I'm (Y/n)." 

- You guys walked into school together and you took a peek at your schedule, noticing that he was taking a look at it. "Do we have the same classes?" 

- He nodded and you guys searched through the halls together 

- Every day you rode the bus together and walked to class together 

- Partnering on every single class project 

- Your little brother is obsessed with him and you couldn't do work at your house because he would always ask him to play video games 

- You met Cas' best friend Dean and his little brother Sam and fell in love with them instantly 

- Dean asked you on a date around the beginning of winter and you guys went to the movies and had your first kiss with each other 

- You spent Christmas with the three boys and you got them all gifts that they fell in love with

- Once school came back around, you and Dean broke up because you just didn't feel that way about each other anymore but it didn't ruin your friendship and you were thankful 

- You tried out for softball and you were the only freshman who made the varsity team 

- Despite Dean and Sam not being at every single one, Castiel made it a point to make it and cheer you on 

- After your last game, they took you out to the diner that was in your neighborhood 

- When school ended, Castiel was going to visit his mom out of state so you were trying to spend as much time with him as possible 

- Once the summer hit, you, Dean, and Sam chilled at the community pool completely bored out of your minds because you didn't want to go anywhere cool until Castiel came back 

- But once Cas was back, you guys went to all of the hangouts and rode your bikes to the next town over

- Your favorite adventure was when you guys went to the lake right outside of your town and made your own rope swing and it broke when Sam went on it. He might've broken his hand, but it made for so many laughs 


- You and Cas started walking with Dean to school after dropping off Sam

- Definitely mocking the seniors who had cars and just standing in the middle of the parking lot and watching them freak out because they couldn't pass you and would be late for class

- Evolving to the point in your friendship where you just kiss them on the forehead or cheek to say goodbye 

- "iS tHaT yOuR bOyFrIeNd????" 

- You got a kitten so....you had three teenage boys at your house fawning over how cute your kitten was 

- Secretly loving that you got to spend more time with Cas because the cat liked him the most and he always came to see it alone 

- At Halloween, you and Cas scared all of the younger kids and whatever candy they dropped was yours

- Eventually meeting up with Dean and Sam at the diner and traded candy with them 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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