Snuggles (Jack×Reader)

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   Prompt 1: "Good Morning" kiss 

   It was difficult for you to fall asleep. From being on the road and constantly scared for your life, you've become accustomed to not sleeping if you heard even the slightest noise, so when you heard something clatter in the kitchen, you kept your hand wrapped around your gun underneath your pillow and your eyes open towards your door. You knew that you were safe in the bunker, but you also knew that there was no way that you could get out of your "routine". Jack, Lucifer's son, was the same way. He was always worried about who could come get him and when they could come get him. He was more of a day sleeper, so it didn't bother him as much. 

   After maybe 10 or 15 minutes of staring at your door, you knew that you had to go to sleep. Nothing was going to get you. You slowly turned away from the door, rolling to sleep on your side as you released the gun from your death grip. You moved around a little, trying to find the perfect way to lay your blanket over you without making yourself too hot and stuffy. As you were about to fall asleep, you heard a soft knock on your door. You got up slowly, bringing your gun with you. You stood on your tip toes out the peephole to see Jack standing there with his favorite blanket and a worried look on his face. You sighed, unlatching your door, before opening it. 

   "Hi, buddy," you said as you let him in, closing and latching the door once again. "You okay?" He shrugged and you walked over to your bed and got comfortable again. He stood a few feet away, admiring the wall full of pictures that you had above your bed. "Come lay." You scooted over, making room for him. Jack nodded, coming to lay beside you before pulling you close to him. Jack was cuddly when he was anxious or upset, so you knew something was going on. "Sweetie, tell me what's wrong." 

   "I-I had a dream that you died," he said with his voice wavering like he was on the verge of tears. "I couldn't...I had to make sure you were okay." You smiled as you cuddled into his side some more, feeling strangely at ease with him there. 

   "Jack, I'm not going anywhere," you said as you kissed his cheek. At the action, he squeezed you tighter, causing you to laugh a little. "Jeez, you're snuggly tonight." 

   "Of course I'd be," he said as you rolled your eyes. "Plus, we don't regularly share a bed; it's like a once a week thing, though I wouldn't mind it being more often." You smiled, leaning up and kissing his lips. 

   "You can sleep in here all the time if you want," you said as he smiled. "I don't mind having you in here with me. It's comforting." 

   "Guess I'm sleeping in here every night then," Jack said. You heard a thump on the floor and he looked down to pick up his blanket. "I-I brought it just in case you were cold and wanted more blanket." 

   "I wouldn't mind," you said as he threw it over you. You snuggled your face into the soft, plush fabric and Jack melted at how adorable you were. "Now, go to sleep. I'm here and safe." He nodded as he laid down onto the pillow next to yours, pulling you into his chest. In a few minutes, you heard his soft snores in your ear, them luring you to sleep. 


   The sun from the tiny window at the corner of your room woke you up. You stirred a bit, trying to get Jack off of your so you could go get breakfast, but he would keep tightening his arms around you. You sighed, giving up as you just curled into his chest, your body melting into his warmth. You felt light kisses on your forehead and you smiled as you looked up sleepily to see Jack looking down at you with his eyes still adjusting to the light. 

   "Good morning," he said before he planted a series of small kisses down to your lips, keeping them there for a second before pulling back to look into your eyes again. You smiled again as you rubbed his cheek with your thumb. You pried yourself out of his grip, stretching as he watched you. "Wanna get breakfast?" You nodded as you stood up walking out of the room with your "snuggle buddy" behind you. 

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