You Love Fall, and I Love You {Part 7 of 7} (Dean×Reader)

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   The next day was spent laying quietly in bed at your hotel, Dean saying you guys should take a bit of a break before being out all night. He had gotten you two a reservation at a nicer restaurant and wanted to walk around LOVE park for a little afterward. You didn't object; you thought it was absolutely adorable that he bothered to make a reservation anywhere. And LOVE park was in the middle of everything, so you were excited to be able to see the lights of the city all in one place. 

   You guys were aiming to finish the book today and it was your turn to read it. The story had been increasingly sadder over the course of your readings, but you didn't expect people to die. So you were crying and sniffling as you finished off the last few pages, silently closing the book when you were done. You cuddled further into Dean's side, rubbing your eyes as you tried to stop the tears and process the story at the same time. He rubbed your arm soothingly, knowing how you got upset over books easily. 

   "Hey, not everyone died," he said, trying to calm you down. "Alex still lived and so did Mary and Jamie." You nodded into his shoulder as you sniffled again. "At least they were okay, and the dog was okay, too. I know how much you care about the dog." You smiled at his efforts to make you feel better. You lifted your head up, your eyes still red and puffy, but there was now a smile on your face. 

   "You are the sweetest man, Winchester," you said as you placed a kiss on soft lips. "I don't know what I would do without you." 

   "Crash and burn," he said simply as you rolled your eyes, leaning in for another kiss. "Plus, you wouldn't have anyone to cuddle with and that is your sole life source." You giggled as Dean hugged you harder, practically crushing your bones. 

   "I love you, Dean Winchester," you whispered as you planted kisses all over his face. His hands squeezed your waist. 

   "I love you more, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." 

~Lil' Mini Time Skip~ 

   You and Dean were walking hand and hand down Dickinson Street, admiring the tall buildings. Dean didn't tell you where he had gotten a reservation, but it was fancy enough that you had to wear the small, lavender cocktail dress you had packed. He was wearing a nice button down with dress pants, ultimately making you two look like a power couple. People looked at you both kind of weird, but it didn't bother you because you felt superior and important, in a pretty dress with a pretty man on your arm. You turned a corner and you smiled when you saw where he was taking you. The smell of Italian food filled the air and you stopped in front of a small place called Veleman's. Dean held the door for you, you kissing his cheek before walking inside. 

   "I'm so glad you brought me here," you said to Dean as he walked up behind you. "My grandfather brought me here when I was about 10. He told me that a real man would take me to a fancy restaurant." You looked back at Dean, you seemed interested in your story. "Guess I found myself a real man. God, he would've loved you; my grandma would've, too." He kissed your lips softly. 

   "I know I would've loved them," he said. "They raised the most beautiful woman ever." The hostess came up to the small desk at the front of the restaurant. 

   "Name," she asked, smiling at you and Dean. 

   "Winchester." She nodded, marking off a table on the map on the desk and then grabbed menus. She waved for you to follow her, leading you through a dimly lit corridor. Each table had a red and white checkered tablecloth with a small candle in the center of it, making the place seem very homey and calm. The hostess placed your menus down at a table in the back of the restaurant, Dean instantly pulling out your chair and letting you sit. 

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