Favorite Time of Year (Lucifer×Reader/TFW×Reader) {5th Day of Christmas}

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   Prompt 7: "I'm sorry" kiss 

   Growing up with your parents, Christmas was never celebrated. You were always tagging along with them on hunts or you were home by yourself, getting sporadic phone calls saying that they were okay. Those phone calls were your Christmas gifts. Sometimes your friends from school would get you something small and you appreciated it; however, you could never reciprocate. Now, you were with the Winchesters and your goal every holiday was to do something for them because you remembered how good you felt when all of your school friends got you something. You wanted the boys to feel like that because they had gone through hell and back, so they deserved it. 

   Recently, Cas and Lucifer had joined the gift giving mix, or at least Castiel did. Luci never liked the idea of Christmas, so you would get him something without ever asking for a thing back. You guys had been together for about 4 years and he had never gotten you a present for the holiday, and even if it hurt your feelings, you didn't necessarily care too much about it. Of course it would be nice if he actually got you something, but it wasn't imperative to your relationship. He was always very happy when you gave him a gift and that was all you wanted for him 


   Christmas morning in the bunker was always hectic. You and Sam were starting on dinner and Dean, Cas, and Lucifer would set up the library for presents and your big meal at the end of it. Every few minutes, Lucifer would come give you a kiss, grabbing the decorations he needed off of the kitchen table after. Sam would always roll his eyes, hating him with all of his being but doing his best to hide it for you. He knew how much you loved him and he wasn't going to ruin it. 

   The ham would always take about 4 hours so as it cooked, you guys would chat and exchange gifts. This year, there was an extra gift on the table, and you were confused, hoping that you didn't embarrass yourself by getting someone two gifts by accident. 

   "Okay," Dean said as he rubbed his hands together. "Who wants to go first?" You looked around, shrugging your shoulders as you pushed everyone's gifts towards them. As they opened them unceremoniously, you got a chorus of 'thank yous', making you smile. 

   "My turn," Lucifer said unexpectedly as a tiny blue box was pushed your way. You opened it and gasped, a pretty silver and light purple necklace staring back at you. You gingerly took it out of the box, holding it in your hands in disbelief. "Y-you always get me something and I'm an asshole, so I never got you anything back. I figured this year would be the start." He stood up, taking the necklace out of your hands and clipping it around your neck. Lucifer turned your face so that you were facing him and placed a soft kiss on your lips. "I'm sorry." 

   You smiled, rubbing your hand across his cheek. "It's okay." He smiled and kissed you again, sitting back in his seat next to you. "Dean, you wanna go next?" He nodded as he passed out his gifts, looking at you with a huge smile on his face. 

   "I think you'll like yours," he said as he crossed his arms smugly. You opened it and saw an old French version of a book about vampires. "You do study French, right?" You nodded, getting up to give him a soft hug. Sam and Cas said a little thank you to Dean once you pulled away, him being stupid and tipping an imaginary hat. "Cas, go." Cas handed out all of his presents, smiling as he saw you smile at what he had gotten you. He never wrapped his gifts, just kept them in a small box until he was to give them. He had gotten you a little wrist watch made out of sterling silver. 

   "Thanks, Cassie," you said as you put it on your wrist, watching as it glistened under the overhead lights. "Alright Sammy. It's your turn." He smiled, giving you each a small present, saying to open the card first. 

   "You each got a separate, yet useful on its on, part of a gift," he said as you looked at him funny. You unwrapped yours to see a stack of old papers about different monsters. Dean had gotten some notebook, while Cas had gotten a shitload of nice pens. "It's a little research set. I-I know it's stupid, but you guys don't research properly." You rolled your eyes, shoving him a little before hugging him. 

   "I love it. Thank you guys," you said looking at all the boys and squeezing Lucifer's hand. "To another year of living." 

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