All For You (Castiel×Reader) {10th Day of Christmas}

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   Prompt 48: Quick kiss 

    Castiel was the type of boyfriend that would give you presents no matter what, so December leading up to Christmas was usually filled with him giving you sweet little things, mainly because he didn't truly get the concept of Christmas...especially after hearing the song 12 Days of Christmas. Surprisingly, he never ran out of presents to get you and you thought that that was so unbelievably sweet. Every year, he would start off the month with getting you a bouquet of yellow roses, knowing that those were your favorite flower. 

   "Cas, how many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to get me a present each day," you said, sighing as you got out the vase and filled it with water. "Though it is very kind." He smiled, kissing your cheek before placing the flowers in the glass vase for you. 

   "I know, but I just like to do it," he said, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. "I think you'll like your present for tomorrow." You rolled your eyes, turning yourself around to place a tiny kiss on his lips before breaking free and going back to your chores.


   The next couple weeks were full of small gifts, like chocolates or a book or some new perfume. You smiled at each one, kissing his cheek for it and then going back to what you were doing, him coming along to spend some time with you. On Christmas Eve, he said that his present involved going out, which was the first time he had ever done this. Castiel took you to a nice Italian restaurant and to walk around a pretty botanical garden afterwards, admiring the different types of flowers with you. He took you over to a small bench that they had, sitting you down on it before leaning over and kissing you. 

   "Tonight has been amazing," you said after you pulled away, turning your head slightly to continue to admire the flowers. The sun was setting and it made them look like they were glowing, something you wouldn't normally have the time to notice. "Don't you think...Cas?" You turned back to him to see him on one knee on the cement, a smile on his face. You felt tears well up in your eyes, your hands going up to wipe them. 

   "(Y/N) (Y/L/N), you have been in my life for a while now and you've made it so much more bearable. I-I wouldn't be able to live without you, ever, and I just...I want to actually have you forever. Will-will you marry me?" He pulled out a small velvet box, opening it to reveal a small diamond ring, and that was when you started to sob. You nodded your head frantically, pulling him up to kiss him full on the lips. Cas slipped the ring on your finger and you threw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. 

   "I love you, Castiel," you said as you pressed your lips to his. "I love you so much." 

   "I love you, too, darling," Cas said as he held you tight, never wanting to let you go. 

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