You Make My Life Wonderful (Castiel×Reader) {2nd Day of Christmas}

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   Prompt 44: Soft kiss 

   The movie on the screen had gone forgotten by you as you rubbed your thumb across Cas' cheek, focusing on the stubble that had started to grow there. Occasionally, he would peel his eyes away from the screen to look at you, smiling at you and closing his eyes at the sensation of you stroking his cheek. He had an infatuation Christmas movies, so it was particularly hard to get his attention, so when you did, you would lean into to place little kisses on his lips. You continued to stroke his cheek as the credits played, a wide smile on his face as he looked at you. 

   "That was a good movie. Thank you for showing it to me." Castiel leaned down, planting a small kiss on your lips, barely touching them. You hand still stroked his cheek, causing him to relax into you. You pulled away, moving your hand from his cheek to his hair, smoothing it in the back from where it rubbed against the pillow. His eyes scanned your face as you did so, watching as you concentrated on his hair. "You're gorgeous." You smiled, looking into his crystal blue eyes as they met your bright eyes. "Inside and out." You rubbed his cheek again, leaning in to kiss him again. His hands went to your waist, making you press up against him. You pulled away, leaning your forehead against his. 

   "I want to watch It's A Wonderful Life," you said as you went to the DVD rack that hung next to the TV in your room. You stood on your tip toes to find it on the top because that was where you had put it last. When you couldn't find it up there, you sifted through the next 100 that you had below it, finding it closer to the bottom than you had thought. You took the previous movie out of the player, pressing it into its case and replacing it with Its A Wonderful Life. You went back and sat next to your boyfriend, his arm going around your waist to pull you flush against him. 

   "What is this movie about," Cas asked as you looked over at him, admiring the look of confusion on his face as he saw that it wasn't in color. "It looks...old?" 

   "It's from the 40s," you answered as he got even more confused. "This movie is about a man who doesn't think he has anything good in life anymore, so God sends him an angel to help him through his troubles." Castiel nodded, looking back at the screen as his thumb traced small circles on your thigh. As the movie started, it went to the sequence of when he was younger. 

   "This is just the beginning, the exposition you might say. It's kind of boring, but it helps set up the story," you said softly as you focused on the movie. As the movie went on, you eyes began to get droopy, them not being able to stay open. You cuddled closer into Cas' chest and that was when your eyes fell shut completely. 


   You felt something shift, causing you to jolt awake and rub your eyes quickly. You looked around, remembering you were in your room. Castiel was looking at you, one that was apologetic. 

   "I'm sorry that I woke you up," he said as he wrapped you back into his arms. "You missed the whole movie though. It made me think of how much I don't deserve you, yet you love me anyway." You smiled sleepily as your eyes continued to adjust to the light from the lamp on your bedside table. 

   "Cassie, I'd love you no matter what," you said planting a small kiss on his lips. "Don't you dare think you don't deserve me because you do." You planted another kiss on his lips. "You really need more credit from Sam and Dean; they don't trust you enough." 

   "They aren't the ones who make me feel as if I'm not worth you," Cas said as you playfully rolled your eyes and started to rub his cheek. "I just know I'm nowhere near worth all of the love you give me." 

   "Castiel, you are my whole world and you deserve every bit of my heart that you have. I hate when you say that you're not worth all of the love because you are so unbelievably worth it. Cas, I love you so much. Truly, I depend on you, in a way. I depend on your morning kiss and your morning cuddles're my everything. Don't say that you aren't worth it because you are so worth it to me." Your words made him tear up a bit and he looked away for a second, wiping his eyes before leaning in for a bruising kiss. You pulled away first, needing air, and you cuddled into his side, rubbing your hand up and down his chest. 

   "Thank you...for everything," Cas said softly. "I-I don't know what I would do without you." 

   "You'd probably be on a hunt right now," you said jokingly. "If I hadn't convinced the boys you needed a break..." He smiled as you looked up at him, his heartbeat getting fast as you met eyes for a while. 

   "I love you," Castiel said as he stroked your hair. "You are my life." You kissed him again before going back to the rack to chose yet another Christmas movie. 


   Hi. This is a lil' shitty but I've been in a terrible mindset lately and school just isn't helping, so this is the best that I could muster up. I'm sure it could've had more detail or could've been less shitty, but what can you do? - Emma 

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