Braiding Tom's hair

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3 days later
"Seriously pink ? When do I ever wear pink ? Isn't enough you want me in my underwear ?" Zac is holding up a pair of baby pink polo pyjama shorts.

"But those are so in right now and they will look good on those long strong legs". The stylist brushes him of.

Tom is chuckling mercilessly beside me. "And don't forget how good they'll look on that ass".

I elbow him and Zac shoots him an evil glare. Eric is readying his camera and looks up. "Stop complaining Zac".

"And here is Your tee stud muffin". The stylist hands him a t-shirt.

Zac holds it up, rolling his eyes. "Seriously ?"

"I think it is very fitting, even though, those should require a permit". I call out giggling. The tee is white with pink lettering, saying 'Don't need a permit for these guns' and arrows pointing to his biceps.

"Oh you did not say that". Tom puls me down on his lap, tickling me and Eric is quick to snap some pictures.

I desperately try to get him of me, but it is impossible. "Tom please stop, I'll pee on you if you don't". I squeal.

"Kinky". He winks at me, but he stops tickling me and kisses me instead, making me melt into his arms.

"Get a room". Zac calls out.

Tom stick out his tongue at him. "Bah you are just jealous".

Dahlia walks in, wearing a set of pink boxers with hearts and a short pink tank top. "Are you sure this is okay ? I mean I had a baby two weeks ago".

"And you look like a goddess". Zac say, pulling her into him, his hand resting on the slip of bare skin at her waist.

"Damn girlfriend how on earth have you just been pregnant ?" I call out, making her blush slightly and smile against Zac's lips as he kisses her.

The stylist waves Zac out. "You go change, I need to get Your beautiful wife ready".

Zac mumbles to himself as he leaves the room and the stylist leads Dahlia to sit down. Branding her hair into two braids going front to back and the ends hanging loose down her back. Applying a very light makeup.

He turns the chair to let us see her. "Voila.. a masterpiece if I have to say so".

"You look amazing sweetie". I say, giving her a thumbs up. Tom gives her a wolf whistle making me elbow him, he is really in a mood today.

Seconds later Zac walks back in, looking a bit.. unsure about himself. "I am pretty sure people will laugh at me".

"Oh stop it you big baby". Eric tells him.

Dahlia puts her arms around him from behind, snuggling into his back. "I think you look hot.. and I am sure any other woman will agree".

I notice that Eric is quick to snap some pictures as Zac places his hands on hers, leaning into her embrace and practically purring.

Tom sends me a look asking if I agree. Well Zac does look hot, but Tom doesn't need to know. "I plead the fifth".

"I'll go get Stella ready". Dahlia say, slipping out.

The stylist points to the chair, looking at Zac. "Sit".

"What about some pink bows ?" Tom calls out, making Zac groan.

The stylist turns to look at Tom. "What about I braid those luscious curls next ?"

"Can you braid his beard too". I reach out to tug at Tom's beard. "And some manly blue ribbons".

"Hey, I thought you liked my beard". Tom say looking offended as Zac is choking down a laugh.

I tug at it again. "Oh I do boo, but I could still braid it".

"Nope ah-ah, I am putting down my foot at makeup. Natural is the key. I do not wear makeup at home". Zac holds up his hand, shaking his head.

The stylist roll his eyes, but gives in and hold up a mirror for Zac to see himself. Zac turns, looking dumbfounded. "You spend almost 20 minutes to make my hair look like I just had sex. Dahlia could have done that in 5 minutes".

His hair really do look like he just had sex, and I must admit it's a rather good look on him.

Tom's voice is teasing. "5 minutes Zac, really.. is that all it takes".

"Okay, you out now.. go run ten miles or something". My own comment makes something click. "That's it.. you haven't done Your morning runs since we got here".

The stylist looks offended. "It looks like stylish morning hair, you are supposed to look like you just got out of bed".

"Well that you managed". Zac say, then he look at Tom. "Shut up Tom, Mads is right, you need to.. go for a run or something".

Tom slumps back on the couch. "Buzz kills, that is what you two are".

"Really Tom, I love you.. but you are.. a bit annoying and you have to much energy. You need to do Your runs boo". I say softly.

He sigh, and let himself fall down to rest his head in my lap. "You know me to well cookie".

I run my fingers through his hair and he groan softly, so I keep playing with it.

Dahlia walks in with Stella on her arm, showing of her cute onesie. It say 'I am proof my daddy don't play videogames all the time'.

Zac takes Stella on his arm, chuckling. "Well I am actually good at multitasking".

"Be happy you are holding our daughter right now". Dahlia say, pinching his behind rather hard.

Tom sits up, and everyone stops what they are doing to stare at him. Dahlia is choking on a giggle. "I love the hair Tom".

"My hair ?" Tom's hand fly to his head, feeling around. The stylist hands him a mirror and he looks in it.

"Whoops, I might accidentally have braided it". I say, making a quick escape for the door, knowing I am in trouble.

I hear the others laugh and Tom call out. "Oh I am so going to get you for this Cookie, you are going down".

Seconds later he has his arms around me, tickling me mercilessly, making me scream.

"Uhm Eric". Zac chuckles. "What is Your price for that pic of Tom with his hair braided ? I have a feeling that could be worth a lot".

I watch as Eric snap a series of priceless pictures of Zac and Stella. He seems to have totally forgot the camera, being caught up in his little princess.

Suddenly Molly comes padding in, wanting her daddy's attention, so she slips her head in to rest on Stella's stomach. Zac chuckles and kisses Molly on her snout. "Hi girl, are you feeling left out"

As always Eric is fast to capture the moment, showing it to me. "Ohh that is so precious".

I get Stella in my arms and Eric snaps a series of pictures with all of us. My favorites is the one where Zac has his arms around me from behind, kissing her small head and the one where she is snuggle up in my arms and Zac has his arm around the both of us.. oh and the one were Stella grabbed daddies nose making him laugh so much it scared her, it looks rather funny in the pictures.

I also love the pictures where Zac has Stella lying on his arm, you can really see how tiny she is, or maybe her daddy just has huge arms.

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