Unconditional love

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I am sitting on the couch, stroking my hand over Dahlia's hair as she is laying with her head in my lap. I am feeling so sorry for her. I can't even imagine how I would have reacted in her place.

But honestly Zac never seemed like a guy that would do something like that, and I am feeling more and more that Tom might be right. Something is definitely off here.

"Mads ?" She looks up at me. "What if it's right ? What if he did it ? What am I to do then ?"

"You are the only one able to answer that". I tell her. "You need to do what feels right for you".

She sigh and sit up. "Would I be a bad example, a fool to be laughed at, if I forgive him ?"

"You would forgive him, I mean even if he knowingly did it ?" I look at her maybe a bit shocked.

"I.. truth is I can't live without him, so I don't really have a choice do I ?" She bites her lip.

I smile at her. "Only you can decide if it's right for you. Don't let anyone elses's meaning or morale dictate you".


The door opens and in comes Tom and Zac. Dahlia is instantly on her feet, almost jumping into the arms of a very surprised Zac, who catches her. "Uhh hi.. what is happening here ?"

"I.. I don't care Zac okay ? I forgive you.. you are my world and without you I am utterly lost". She looks at him.

His expression melts me like an ice-cream on a hot summer day. The love there is palpable, so is the relief. Tom comes over to slide his arms around me. "See that is love without demands and limits, that is unconditional".

"It sure is.. she is a saint to forgive him.. not many people would". I lean into Tom, watching as Zac kisses her softly.

"Well good news". Tom clear his throat to make Dahlia listen too. "Not much to forgive. They drugged him, some mind control drug, he didn't have any choice, no control. We have her confession on tape if you want to hear it".

I look up at Tom. "Shit really ? That's so scary. I mean imagine the level of damage people can do with a drug like that".

"Oh my poor baby, being drugged and forced". Dahlia looks at him with such concern.

"Well drugged yeah.. the rest apparently not so much". Zac say softly, putting her down on her feet.

Tom nods. "Yup they gave up, even with his brain not in control, his body refused to give in. They just let him believe it happened".

"That is the most romantic thing ever". Dahlia say, looking at him with pure adoration.

I can't help giggling. "Never thought I would hear a limp dick described at romantic".

"Cookie ! You naughty little minx". Tom say chuckling, nuzzling his nose against my neck. "I love when you talk dirty".

I giggle. "Oh you do, do you now.. well don't expect it to be an everyday thing.. also I don't find.. things not functioning romantic".

"To get away from the topic of my.. Well yeah". Zac say rolling his eyes. "You girls should have seen Tom, totally badass.. had I been a girl, I swear I would have been swooning, that was so sexy".

"Zac please do not swoon over my fiance". I say giggling, making Dahlia break down down in laughter.

Zac rubs his face. "You know I had a very traumatizing night right ? But that sounded different in my head".

"Probably.. because that sounded a bit weird". Dahlia say, trying to compose herself.

"But honestly he was almost scary, he just bowled her over, making her spill everything.. it was wicked cool". Zac say.

I can't help smiling. "I would have loved to see that, has to be very much sexy".

Tom chuckles. "Well I am not the only one who can be badass. Yesterday Zac acted like a true friend and got me out of a very uncomfortable lap dance, he made sure Tom came home safely, and he very gracefully but firmly turned down that horrid woman's advances".

"Oh it was nothing special.. I mean everyone would have done that". Zac say with a small shrug. "But seriously Tom, I owe you everything. You saved my ass and you believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself.. you are a true friend".

Tom looks almost uncomfortable. "You don't owe me anything, you forgave me.. that thing you know and you stood up for me when no one else did.. let's say we are even, okay ?"

"Those two". Maddie giggles, squeezing Tom's face softly. "Such a pair of gentlemen and so graceful about it, it is bordering self-effacing behaviour".

"Yeah we got some good men, no doubt". I say, snuggling into Zac. I can't describe how relieved I am that nothing really happened, even if I was prepared to forgive him I am happy I don't need have that image in my head.

Tom sigh. "Actually I am sorry that Ginger or Gabriella chick got away.. I mean she should not get away with it and I would kind of love to hear her reason".

"Gabriella ? Blonde, skinny, fake boobs ?" I get a instant very bad feeling and grab my phone finding a picture of her from Africa. "Was this her ? Just, you know with blonde hair ?"

Zac looks at the picture, he looks like he could throw up as he nod. Tom comes over looking too. "No doubt, that is her.. you know her ?"

"Yeah, she was in Africa too and she was a waitress at the brunch yesterday.. but.. why would she.. do that ?" I can't believe it was someone I know.

Maddie is biting her lip. "I think you need to be very careful sweetie. You never realised, because well.. you are to positive and sweet, but.. Gabriella always hated you, she was jealous.. seeing you happy with a handsome man and a baby, might have.. snapped her.. she might try again".

"Did you hear.. she called me handsome". Zac chuckles.

"Oh shut up Zac". Tom grumbles. "You have her last name then ? I am not sure we can get the police on her, but I can have Luke look into her.. find out what she has been up to and such".

I send him a small smile. "Thanks Tom.. I hate the idea that someone dislike me that much. I hope she won't make more trouble".

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