Perfect intimacy

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"Where's Stella ?" Zac seems to suddenly remember our daughter as we reach the hotel room.

"Tom's sister Emma has her. I didn't want to drag her around trying to find you. I got a text from her right before we got back here, she is sleeping and she will text me again when she wakes up". I tell him.

He slides his arms around me. "Would you really have forgiven me.. that ?"

"Yeah.. truth is you are my life and the idea of being without you was much worse for me to deal with.. but trusting you would have taken time.. a lot of time.. so I am kind of happy to hear that.. mini Zac was not up for it". I sneak my arms around his neck.

"I don't know what I would have done without you.. the thought is like the worst nightmare.. you.. my family.. it's everything". He gently brush the hair away from my face, kissing me ever so softly.

I close my eyes, just relishing in the way his lips feels on mine and his hair feel between my fingers. "Hmm how long do you think we have ?"

"She usually take long naps right ?" He mumbles against my skin, as his lips are moving down my neck. His hands tightening on my hips.

"Hmm, very long naps". I already have a hard time focussing on anything but him, his lips and his hands.

He hum softly, pulling me closer to him and I know where this is headed. I never could resist my handsome husband.

I turn my face upwards and look into his eyes. They are so beautiful. I lightly rest my hand on his cheek and smile, and he lean in for a kiss. It is gentle and passionate, yet urgent at the same time. That's when I break away from his embrace and head towards the bathroom. I turn around and flash him a flirtatious smile that promise I will be right back. "Give me two minutes and I am all yours".

In the bathroom I strip and put on the new lingerie I had just bought yesterday in a boutique next to the nail salon. It is black, lacy and see-through and It comes with a matching thong. I pull out my ponytail, ruffling my hair up a bit.

After putting my ensemble on, I open the bathroom door and find my husband is already shirtless and lighting some tea candles that is placed all around our suite. He look up at me and smile, and I pose for him in the doorframe. Lingerie makes me feel sexy, but his eyes on me even more so.

"Damn baby, I am not sure that should be legal". He put the lighter down and walk towards me, never breaking eye contact. He puts his arm around my midsection and pull me closer to him, kissing me again. Again the kiss is sweet and passionate, and I can't stop myself from rubbing his growing erection through his pants. When he feel my touch, his kiss become more urgent and demanding.

The touches clearly spark a fire in him and he puts both of my arms around his neck and shoulders, lifting me up, to put me down on the bed, him on top of me, never breaking our kiss. Our hands explore each others' bodies, him kissing me on the mouth, neck, chest and back to the mouth again. He pulls down my bra and begin massaging my right breast and kissing my neck passionately. I pull his head up from doing so, so that we make eye contact, and I lift my head and whisper in his ear. "Make love to me."

He look in my eyes again before kissing me on the mouth and then quickly kissing down my body until he reach my breasts. He takes my nipples in his mouth and suck gently while massaging the tips softly with his tongue. It is driving me wild.

As he kiss his way back up to my mouth, I reach for his pants and begin taking them off. He get the hint and stand up on his knees, and I pull them down with his boxers.

Before continuing I briefly pause to take in the sight of the most beautiful, glorious, perfect person I have ever known. I love this man and I love making love to him.

Sending him a wicked smile, I get on my knees too, and bend down to kiss his erection. Only little open-mouthed kisses at first, all over on the tip and the underside to tease a little before taking the whole of him in my mouth.

Slowly I fit the entire shaft in my mouth, using my tongue to massage the underside and working my lips passionately around it as I slide up and down at a steady pace. My hand is gripping his erection at the base and is also pumping up and down at the same pace as my mouth. I can hear his breaths come quicker and quicker as I work my mouth around him, and he let out a low, deep moan. I can feel him tensing up, the sensations sending him almost to orgasm.

Before it is too late I stop, and start kissing my way up his sexy body, his chest, his neck, and at last his lips. He pushes me back down on the bed and starts touching me over the panties, rubbing in circles, making me gasp and press my eyes closed. He pull my panties down and off and finally neither of us can take it anymore. He position himself between my legs that are spread wide open for him, and put his length right at my entrance. We look into each other's' eyes for a split second before I gasps as he push in and enters me.

He kiss me as he slowly thrust in and out. After a few minutes I push him to roll over, and suddenly I am on top. I begin riding him, slowly at first, and then gradually my pace quickens. He meet my thrusts with his hips and I can feel my orgasm approaching. I let out a deep longing moan. My hands rubbing over his chest. Our every movements perfectly in sync, like a dance. Like we are one body, one soul.

"Oh, oh yes. Don't stop, don't stop..". And with that, all of my muscles tense up and waves of ecstasy and euphoria spread throughout my body as I collapse, out of breath, onto his chest. I wait a few moments before moving my mouth up to meet his. When I do, he kisses me and roll me back over so he is on top again.

He is thrusting at a fast pace. By now we are both covered in a sheen layer of sweat and both out of breath. He begin moaning as his impending orgasm builds. I wrap my legs around him. Both of our senses intensified and I can feel another orgasm building within myself. Suddenly he let out a guttural sound as the sensations become too much and he explodes inside me. I tense as well, letting him pull me into another orgasm.

He collapses on top of me, both of us are gasping. He then rolls onto his back and pulls me in to cradle me in his arms. We lay together as we come down off the high of what we just shared. No I could definitely never be without him.

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