Gabriella's evil games

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The police had arrived fast and checked out everything, while we told a female detective over and over what had happened. Honestly I had felt her judging me, seen the doubt in her eyes when Dahlia told about Gabriella drugging me. She clearly thought I was both a cheater and a lier, and even if I know that Dahlia trusts me, it still hurts.

They found no trace of were she has gone to with Stella. But they told us that finding her has their highest priority. Every cop and detective in London is on the lockout for Stella and Gabriella.

I have just tugged in Dahlia. She needs to rest, especially being pregnant. I sang softly to her and luckily she quickly drifted of, being exhausted from crying so much.

Me, I can't sleep. I sit for a while watching my beautiful wife sleep. Even with her face a bit red and blotchy from crying, she is the most beautiful thing I ever saw beside my daughter. I still gets butterflies every time I look at her. I am the luckiest man in the universe that she wants me and I would literally walk to the ends of the worlds for her.

Not wanting to wake her up I go to the living room, pacing the floor as I am unable to sit still. I am hoping Gabriella will make contact, demand something in ransom. I am willing to give her anything to get our little girl back safely.

I am wondering if I should call Tom. But I don't want to worry them and ruin their honeymoon. It's not like they can do anything. So I decide not to tell anyone yet. Our families are sleeping now and hopefully we can contact them tomorrow with the good news added that she is back, safe and sound.

I hear a sound that isn't supposed to be there and turn to see Gabriella standing in the doorway, leaning on the frame, looking way to casual.

Both dogs are scrambling around, sniffing at her legs. I glare at them. "You two are officially the worst watch dogs ever.. Now get away from the trash".

She shakes her head, making a tsk tsk sound. "Is that really how you want to talk to the new mother of Your child ?"

"You.. you are nothing to my daughter.. nothing". I hiss, feeling anger surge through my body. Every part of me wants to hurt her right now, but she has Stella, so I am not going to. "I hope for you she is unharmed.. where is she ?"

"She is fine.. safe in her tower.. or she will be as long as I return to her. So don't even think about calling the police. If I am arrested I will never tell where she is hidden". She confidently walks closer. "I just wanted to come tell you to stop looking, she is mine now.. and well to rub it in a bit".

I breathe deeply several times, trying to calm myself. "Listen Gabriella..".

"Ginger.. it's Ginger now". She hisses.

"Ginger then.. please.. Stella needs her mother, she isn't old enough to be away from her for long. She needs to be breastfed soon". I hate pleading with her, but I still do it.

She just smile, making her look kind of crazy. "Don't worry, I can feed her.. I read that sometimes people adopting babies can breastfeed them.. they just have to really want to and keep trying".

I feel sick and very scared for my little girl.. this woman is deranged. "Ginger.. Stella need her parents.. I will give you anything.. just name Your price and it's yours".

"Oh anything handsome.. anything you say.. YOU.. Will give ME.. anything.. Will do anything I ask ?" She purrs.

I swallow, the way she acts I have no way of knowing what she might ask of me, but do I really have a choice here ? "Yeah.. anything in my power".

"Hmm.. so now you would.. fuck me ?" She looks at me with a sly smile.

I close my eyes and swallow. "Yeah.. if that is what I have to do to stop this".

"Anyway and anywhere I wanted it ?" She walks even closer, like a predator closing in.

"Yeah.. okay ? Just get it over with". I yell at her, feeling like I am going to get sick. I am not sure I can go through with this, but I have to save Stella no matter what it takes.

She runs her nails down my chest and my entire being pulls away, making her giggle. "So if I told you to fuck me right now, in the most depraved way.. right in front of you perfect little wife.. you would do it ?"

"Seriously is that what you want ? Is this Your reason ? That you want to sleep with me ?" It has to be the sickest thing I ever heard.

"Kneel". She glare at me and when I don't comply she hisses at me. "On Your knees, now.. kneel to Your queen".

I shake my head, sinking to my knees. I feel sick inside, torn to pieces.

She laughs. "Oh God you really are fun to play with. No I don't want to fuck you.. do you really think yourself that hot ? No, I just wanted to see the look of pain and Dahlia's face when you said yes".

I turn my head, seeing Dahlia standing in the doorway, her face streaked with tears. Oh God no, how much did she hear ? "Kitten please.. I.. I just want her back".

"Don't worry Zac, her plan is not going to work". Dahlia glare at Ginger. "Stop trying to come between us.. it won't work.. because you see.. this is my man.. and he always will be.. no matter what you or anyone else do".

"Yeah sure.. you always get everything right ? Perfect looks, perfect life.. a perfect man and Your oh so perfect love.. but I have Your baby now.. and she will be mine forever". Her voice triumphant.

Dahlia clearly snaps, throwing herself at Ginger, grabbing hold of her hair. "You fucking jealous bitch.. give me my little girl back".

Ginger is screaming in pain and part of me is proud of my wife. But I also know we have no choice but letting Ginger go. I mean chances is that Stella is somewhere alone without food, and Ginger might be the only one who knows where.

"Get her of me.. fucking get her of me or I won't answer for the consequences". Giger screams at me, as Dahlia is literally pulling the bleached hair out by the handful.

I fold my arms around Dahlia, gently pulling her into me and of Ginger. "Sorry love, I know how much you want to hurt her. But as long as she has Stella we need to let her live".

"Let me go Zac, let me go dammit. I need to get my hands on her". Honestly my wife is much stronger than she looks, especially in this mood and it's not easy for me to hold her.

"Please stop kicking and hitting me love". I mumble, as I hold her close to me. "Stella is all alone and she is not going to tell us where. We have no choice but to let her go".

Dahlia relaxes in my arms, and when I hear her sobbing softly, I release her and she turn in my arms. I gently hold her into me. "I know kitten, I know".

"Oh so lovey dovey, and understanding". Ginger spit at us. "The rest of us are happy if our man don't hit us".

"Get lost Ginger.. leave before I change my mind.. No one here cares about Your sob story". I hiss at her. "But believe me, we will get Stella back and you will pay".

She laughs as she walks out the door. "Keep believing that.. to bad it is never gonna happen".

For the first time in my life I feel like seriously hurting a woman, but I hold myself back, just holding my wife, whispering reassuring words to her.. wishing I could believe them myself.

"Are we ever getting her back Zac ?" She looks up at me.. begging for me to make her believe it.

"I promise you kitten, we will get her back, safe and sound". I tell her, pressing my lips to the top of her head. "No matter what I have to do".

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