Puppies and dolls

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"What was that about ? It sounded serious". Tom say as I put down my phone and dry of my eyes.

I nod. "It was Dahlia as you could maybe figure out.. or actually Zac had to take over because she cried to hard at one point, it..".

"Is Bobby okay ? Please say he is okay". He looks about to panic.

"Yeah Tom, Bobby is okay, even if he is in the doghouse.. it was about Stella.. Gabriella abducted her, said she would keep her and raise her in a tower like Rapunzel". I shake my head in disbelief.

Tom gasp. "Shit ! For real ? Is.. should we go home ?"

"Someone turned her into the hospital, she is fine and home again. Zac told us to stay and enjoy our honeymoon. That it's all under control now". I tell him.

He breathes out. "Oh damn. Zac should have called.. I would have..".

"You would have been on Your way home in seconds.. he said that.. that is why he didn't call, he didn't want to ruin our honeymoon". I say, placing my hand on his.

"I can't even imagine.. they must have been so scared, so heartbroken". He shake his head like he can't wrap his head around it.

I go to wrap my arms around him. "Don't think about it Tom, you'll drive yourself crazy. She is okay and that is the most important thing".

"Yeah". He nods. "Hey what was that about Bobby being in the doghouse ? We don't have a dog house".

She giggles. "Metaphorically.. Well first of all, none of the dogs reacted to Gabriella breaking in.. but we already knew that he is a lousy watchdog. And.. well.. changes are that you are going to be a grandfather".

"A grandfather ?!" He looks confused for a moment, then he smiles. "Ohhh.. so Bobby and Molly was..?"

"Yeah they were.. again and again".

Tom actually smiles all proudly. "That's my boy".

I slap his shoulder. "Well Zac is not happy and not amused, he threatened to have him castrated".

"Oh no no no.. he can't do that to my boy.. what kind of man would do that to another male ?" Tom looks rather shocked.

"Well one who feels that you 'boy' just violated his little baby girl". I say with a chuckle. Honestly I don't know which of these two is worse.

"But puppies.. who doesn't love puppies ?" Tom look up at me. "Oh could we..".

I put a hand over his mouth. "No Tom, we are not keeping the puppies".

"But what if some evil people buy them ? I am sure Zac and Dahlia can't keep all of them". He looks at me with the worst puppy eyes pleading.

"Tom stop looking at me like that.. we can't have a flock of dogs in a London townhouse". I say, trying not to look at him.

He smiles happily. "We'll just get a bigger house.. a little outside town, with a huge garden".

"Tom we are not getting a bigger house just so you can have a pack of dogs". I ruffle his hair.

"So.. we can't even keep one of the puppie ? Maybe For Anele ?" I get the puppy eyes again.

I roll my eyes. "Oh God you are so bad Tom.. we both know who wants the puppy and it isn't Anele".

"Please ?" He turns slightly and look up at me. "By the way, I still think we should start looking at bigger houses when we get home. We could use a bit more space and a real garden".

"How could I say no to that adorable face ?" I lean down to kiss him softly. "And I do agree, that we could use a bigger house and especially a bigger garden".

"And the puppy ?"

I sigh. "Yeah you can keep a puppy, if it happens.. I mean look at us, trying to doesn't always mean that it will happen".

"Oh Cookie". He pulls me into his lap. "It will happen, just.. relax and give it some time".

"Hi sweetie, playing with Your doll ?" I sit down next to Anele.

She is sitting on the floor, gently combing the curls of the little doll I had given her when I visited her in Malawi. She loves that doll. "Doll get new hair".

"Yeah you are giving the doll a new hairdo". I smile at her. "You know what sweetie, when we get home you will get Your own room, filled with dolls".

Her eyes grow huge, and her voice sounds almost like she is thinking that I am lying. "My room.. dolls.. my dolls ?"

"Yeah Your very own room with lots of dolls and puppies, we are going to have puppies too". Yeah I can't really help myself, loving to see the happiness and excitement in her eyes.

She throw herself around my neck, hugging me fiercely and I have to admit that my eyes are close to spilling over with tears when she proclaims. "Love daddy".

"And daddy loves you, more than anything". I never knew love could be this pure and overpowering.

I look up to see Maddie stand in the doorway. My voice emotional. "Did you hear that ? She told me she loves me".

"I heard Tom, I also heard you promising her puppies.. not a puppy, but puppies". She shakes her head looking at me.

"Hmm and her own room and a lot of dolls". I say with a sheepish smile making her giggle.

She rubs a hand over her face. "Oh Boo you are.. Well you are incurable".

Anele jumps up and runs to Maddie. "Mommy, mommy.. my room, dolls and puppies".

"Yeah sweetie, I heard daddy promised you that". She say glaring at me.

Whoops I might be in a bit of trouble with my wife. But I can handle that as long as my little princess is happy. And I know Maddie will forgive me when she see how happy Anele is.

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