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I smile to myself as I slowly wake, feeling Tom wrapped around me from behind and Bobby snuggled against my feet. This is close to heaven in my World.

Tom makes a contend sound in his sleep and snuggle closer. When I move, my body feels heavy and slightly sore, reminding me of last night. I feel my cheeks flush. What is Tom going to think about me now ? I had acted so.. like a.. hussy.

But I must admit it had been.. mind blowing.. different.. exciting.. kinky.. so hot.. okay it was not like it would happen every time or even often.. but I might be up to it again, if Tom is.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and I jump out of bed, wanting to let Tom sleep for once. It is so rare for him to sleep in. Mostly he is up before the devil to run. I desperately look around for clothes, pulling on a pair a hipsters and one of Tom's button downs. Buttoning it as I take the stairs two at a time.

I rip open the door and stop in my track. The handsome man outside smiles at me. "Peaches".

"Twin". I throw myself into his arms, kissing his cheek. "I thought you said you wouldn't arrive before tomorrow".

"Well my gig for tonight was cancelled, so I took the plane right after last nights concert". He say smiling at me.

I pull my twin brother inside and close the door. "Oh I am so happy you came early. But you must be so tired. I can show you to the guest room and you can rest a bit. Tom is still sleeping too".

"Yeah I bet he does.. you look like at was quite a night sis". He say grinning at my disheveled appearance.

I blush and slap his arm. "Oh God.. I just.. Well I didn't expect company".

"Oh I see that". He picks up his bag. "But actually a nap would be really nice. I didn't get to much sleep on the plane".

"Come on this way". I pull his arm. "Oh god I can't believe you are really here.. I can't wait for you to meet Tom.. and everyone else.. I am so happy you are going to be her at the rehearsal dinner after all".

He chuckles. "And now I know my peaches again".

"Sorry, rambling here". I smile and squeeze his arm. "I am just so excited that you are here".

Bobby comes charging out the bedroom and Logan squats down. "Well hi there boy, ain't you a real cutie ?"

"Logan, this is Bobby, my furry baby.. Bobby this is Logan, my twin". I introduce them with a grin.

"Oh he is just gorgeous". Logan say, scratching Bobby with both hands, making him roll over on his back begging for more. "Yeah you are a good boy, such a good boy".

Logan always loved dogs, all animals actually, even frogs and bugs, which he used to put in my bed. "He is the sweetest dog ever".

"So happy to see you getting along with a dog". He say and smile as he gets up.

"Yeah, he won my heart, just like his owner". I say with a smile.

Logan grins, putting an arm around my shoulder. "I can't believe my baby sister is getting married".

"Baby sister my ass, you are 2 minutes older". I elbow him lightly.

"3 but who's counting ?"

I open the door to the spare room. "Here you go old man. You better go take a nap".

He grins and kiss my forehead on the way in. "Night peaches, see you in a couple of hours".

Walking into the kitchen I find Maddie making lunch. I can't believe I slept this late. I slide my arms around her kissing her neck softly. "Hi cookie, what you got cooking ?"

"Morning you sleepyhead". She turns her face to kiss me. "Oh good you are dressed".

"Why ? I thought you preferred me naked and on my knees". I say, rubbing my nose against her neck.

Someone clear their throat behind us. "That is just a whole other level of 'to much information' right there".

I turn to see a young man standing in the doorway. He is rather handsome with dark hair, a beard and hazel eyes that looks almost identical to Maddie's. My cheeks must be just a bit pink. "Oh hi, you must be Logan".

"Yeah he arrived a couple of hours ago". Maddie say happily. "So Tom this is my twin Logan.. twin this is my Tom".

I walk over, trying to pretend that I didn't just utterly embarrassed myself. "So happy to meet you Logan. And happy you managed to be here for the rehearsal dinner".

"A pleasure finally meeting you to Tom". He pulls me into a hug and whispers. "Just never let me hear about Your kinky sexlife again".

"Yeah sorry about that". I rub my neck, feeling my cheeks blush again. Not exactly the first impression I wanted to make.

He smile at me. "Don't sweat it Tom. I am happy to know it will be a happy marriage". He slaps my shoulder.

"Come on here you two and have some lunch". Maddie say, putting our plates on the table.

"Thank you cookie".

"Thank you peaches"

We say it at the same time, making Maddie giggle. "Well That's me, cookie peaches"

"That sound delicious". I say, taking her hand to kiss it. "The foot looks amazing darling".

"Yeah it actually looks eatable sis". Logan say and starts to shovel it in. "Damn I am so hungry".

I start on my piece of perfectly cooked salmon, realising I am more hungry than I thought. "This really is good.. perfect".

"I agree". Logan say taken more of the avocado quinoa salad. "This is good food, good to see you finally learned to cook".

"I learned a lot of things in Africa and as this one only cook two things, english breakfast and spaghetti bolognaise.. Well someone has to make sure we eat healthy". Maddie say grinning.

I make an offended face. "Hey everyone loves my bolognaise".

"And it is delicious boo, but we can't eat it 7 days a week".

From Rome with love (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now