Complete trust

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I look at Tom as his tongue slip out wetting his lips. I can't believe I am actually doing this. But pretending to be someone else makes it a lot easier. And there is no doubt that he is at least as turned on as I am.

"Where do you want me miss Shagwell ?" His eyes burning with a desire that leaves me breathless.

I send him a cheeky smile. "On Your knees of course, showing me just how much you want the part".

"Yes ma'am". He gets down on his knees, then on all four, crawling towards me. The motion might seem submissive, but the look on his face is more predatory. And I have a feeling that one wrong move will have him pouncing at me in a heartbeat.

"Come here". I call him closer with my finger, slowly spreading my legs, allowing him full view. I am so freaking turned on that I am sure he can see it.

He kneel between my knees, his eyes running over my dripping sex and for a second I almost close my legs. I mean I am not like this, I am not.. so blatant and sexual. But I swallow it, telling myself that with him I can let go, I can explore myself.

"I got to say miss Shagwell, you look absolutely stunning from here and you smell intoxicating". He leans down to run his nose up my thigh, breathing in deeply and letting out a sinful moan.

"Get to work Mr Hiddleston, I don't have all day". The fact that I manage to speak surprises myself.

His hands grab my knees, pulling them even farther apart, leaving me fully exposed. Then they slide down, to encircle my ankles, lifting my feet to rest on each side of him on the desk. "Right away ma'am".

Honestly I don't know what gets into me, but I hear myself ask in a seductive voice. "Mr Hiddleston, do you want to taste me ?"

"Yes, very much miss". He answer, a small pained moan escaping him.

"Say 'please,' Thomas".

"Please, miss Shagwell, let me taste you". He breathes out.

The sound of his voice asking for my sex, sends another wave of excitement through me. "OK then, taste all you want, any way you want, until I tell you to stop".

Tom immediately buries his face in my hot, wet center. He is still kind of gentle, but now he is more purposeful than usual. His tongue darting in and out quickly, soaking up my pleasure. When he finally work his way up to my clit he is breathless, but intent, letting out small grunts and moans of pleasure. He is lapping at me relentlessly, mercilessly. My legs shaking, my hips thrusting, and my orgasms starts coming repeatedly. Tom does not stop to give me a chance to recover in between. His mouth working me expertly, and I let him have his way, focusing only on my enjoyment – moaning, saying his name, begging him not to stop. I get completely engrossed in the feeling of being forced to cum over and over, until – after five or six waves of orgasm – I can't take any more.

"Tom, stop.. I can't.. Mr Hiddleston the oral part is over". I gasp and he instantly obey.

He licks his lips looking up at me. "Please, is there anything else I can do to.. show you how much I want this.. the part I mean".

"No I think I have... seen enough Mr Hiddleston, you will hear from us regarding the part". I say getting up and straightening my clothes.

He groans slightly. "Thank you miss Shagwell, and thanks for letting me show you my.. talents".

I smile and try to look sexy walking out, feeling his eyes on me. Honestly my legs are like jello.

Making my way to the bedroom I expected Tom to follow me. I mean I had seen the look in his eyes and the tent in his pants. No doubt he can't be satisfied. But he doesn't show up.

I shrug out of the shirt and unzip the skirt, making my way to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror. My hair is ruffled and my makeup a bit smeared. I smile at myself and remove it.

Loosening my hair, I run my hands through it, groaning slightly. Oh that feels so good. Then I realise I am still wearing stilettos and I bent down to take them of, but before I get so far the light flickers out.

I straighten up, didn't I hear something ? "Tom ? Boo is that you. Turn on the light please".

"Shh my dear. Just remain perfectly still and everything will be okay". I almost jump when a voice whisper in my ear. He has changed his voice, but I instantly know it's Tom.

"Who are you ?" I decide to go with him on the game. I had my fun, it's fair he gets his.

I feel something soft caress my face, sliding over my eyes. It feels like silk, so I am guessing one of Tom's silk ties. "Oh no, That's a secret, but I am an admire. I have been watchinching you for a while".

"My fiance will not like this". I mumble as I feel the fabric tighten around my head.

"Well what he doesn't know..". Tom chuckles, unable to hide his trademark ehehe sound. "Put Your hands on the counter darling".

I do as he say. Hearing how he moves away and hearing the light click back on. But to me the World is still dark. "What are you going to do ?"

"Oh I think you know miss Shagwell". He slowly move closer. I jump slightly as his hand suddenly starts to softly caress my ass. "Oh I do like those heels on you, especially with nothing else".

My breathing is rather shallow and I have forgotten everything about being tired when I feel his well known hands slide around me to cup my breasts, his hard erection being presses into my backside. "Please be gentle".

"I do what I want". He whisper, this time in Loki's voice, sending shivers through me, his fingers expertly playing with my nipples. "And I want to do you".

His hands slide around to my back, one gently pressing me forward, down over the bathroom counter. I gasp as my erect nipples touches the cold surface. His free hand sliding down over my folds.

I press myself against his cool fingers, and I can literally hear his smile. "So eager and so wet for me. Your finance is a very lucky man, having someone as hot as you".

I hear him slide out of his pants. It is like everything is more intense now I can't see. He grabs my ass and let out a soft, pleased moan. His hand guiding the tip of his hard erection into my wet tunnel and I hear him gasp quietly. He slowly slide his full length inside me and I moan his name loudly, forgetting it's supposed not to be him.

Inch by inch he sinks himself deeper, filling me up, and it feels better than anything I have fantasized about. Just as slowly, he pull back out again, then continue, in and out, so slowly the anticipation is almost too much. The sensuality of his penetration is more than wonderful and I relished the sensation, focusing on the next orgasm already building.

God, I want him to take me harder – but not yet – I just can't resist waiting to feel myself cum from this slow, deliberate love making. It won't take much longer. Slowly it built up and I feel my inside clenching him. He feel it, too, and moan loudly. "God Maddie, I love to make you cum".

It feels astonishingly good, but I can't take much more. My legs feel close to collapsing. My nipples getting teased by the cold surface. "Tom please, faster.. harder".

The sound of his moans, the feeling as he thrusts harder, deeper. His body slapping against mine. And I lose it, cumming hard and pulling him with me. He pulls me up against him. Our bodies as close as can be. His voice a breathless whisper. "I love you so much".

"I love you too.. so much I don't even know how to ..". My voice breaks.

Tom quickly remove the blindfold, turning me to face him. "Are you okay Maddie ? Did I ..hurt you in any way ?"

"No.. not at all.. it was just very intense all of it. Very overwhelming". I feel so weak right now and vulnerable.

He brushes the hair from my face. "It was very intense. Thank you darling, for trusting me".

"Always Tom.. always". I reach up to rest my hand on his cheek.

"Come lets have a shower". He say, leading me to the shower, supporting my tired body as he gently washes me.

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