Happy news

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3 weeks later
"Kom her Gryffin". I call out from the blanket, were I sit with Stella, keeping my eye on the toddler, making sure he doesn't wander of to the pool or down to the horses. He loves the horses.

"Auntie Dallie". He grins and comes running back to sit down beside me. "Tella sleeping".

"Yeah Stella is sleeping". I say smiling at him. He really is a sweet boy and so easy to have here. He came back with us from LA after the premiere, as his parents went to intensive couples therapy.

He looks curiously at my sleeping baby girl. She truly is a delight, the easiest baby ever, I am quite sure of it. I gently put her down in her bassinet under the umbrella. "Snuggli.. Tella snuggli".

"You are right, Stella need her snuggli". I say with a smile, and pick up the Rabbit shaped snuggling blanket laying it next to her. It is actually Gryffin's, but he insist that Stella sleeps with it.

"Darling.. Baby where are you ?" Zac suddenly call from house, sounding beside himself.

He was going to call Shekinah to check up on them. I really hope everything is okay. "We are down here Zac, by the bushes".

Seconds later he comes stumbling, almost running around the corner. Gryffin claps his hands. "Uncle Zac, yeah".

"Hi little man, are you being nice to Your beautiful aunt ?" He smiles at his nephew, then looks at me. His eyes are shining and he looks about to burst.

"What is happening Zac ? You look excited. Was it good news from Your sister ?" I look up at him. I am happy to see him in a good mood. Honestly he has been worried and pouting since the premier.

"My sister ?" He looks confused for a moment. "Oh yeah sure, everything are going fine and they have worked through some things".

I pad the blanket. "Okay good, but I have a feeling there is something else.. sit and tell Mr Pugh, what has you this excited".

"Can't sit down". He is basically bouncing on the spot. "I just got a call from Warner .. Shazam is a hit.. like a real hit".

I can't help smiling at his joy. "I told you babe, didn't I.. everyone loves you.. you did it Zac".

"But that isn't all". He is literally bursting at the seam to tell me. "They want to make at least two more movies.. we start shooting in Canada in 6 weeks".

"Oh wow.. congratulations love you really deserves it". I am so very proud of him. But I can't help that little sting saying it will take him away from us for months. So far we have only spend short times apart.

He smiles happily. "Darling, I want you with me.. you and Stella. We get an apartment there for the shoot and I can have you both close. Please say yes".

"Hmm 6 weeks you say ? And for how long ?". I ask him.

"Oh.. 4 maybe 4,5 month maybe.. why ?" He looks a bit confused now.

I do the math in my head, hmm so up to 18 weeks, and six weeks before we go, that is 24 weeks, and then four on top.. 28 weeks.. that should be doable luckily, I can't imagine being without him for so long. "That will work. I would love to go with you".

"Perfect, I will .. wait do you have somewhere you need to be or what ?" He looks at me.

I bite my lip. "No.. I just want to be home in like around 35 weeks from now at the latest".

"What is happening in .. wait what.. are you saying that .. you can't be.. I mean.. this fast". He looks totally thrown off. "Are we pregnant ?"

"Yeah, I didn't think it was supposed to happen, with breastfeeding and all that". I can't help smiling. "But I had this dream and I had a test back from when I was pregnant with Stella, so I took it for fun and well, pregnant".

His face lights up and he grabs my hand, pulling me to my feet. "Oh damn, another one, this soon. I couldn't be happier darling, I truly couldn't. Are you okay with this ? I mean last time was so rough for you".

"Well I am just crossing my fingers this time will be easier. But I am happy. I'd love for us to have one more". I say resting my head on his chest. Okay I am a little nervous that I will spend most of the pregnancy throwing up again. But I could not imagine not having more kids.

"I love you so much baby, so very very much". He cups my face in his hands and rubs his nose against mine.

"I love you too, forever and always". I say, stretching a bit to capture his soft lips. I don't even know how, but I literally love him more for each day.

"Kissis.. Kissis". Gryffin yells and both of us starts laughing, making kissing very hard.

Zac pick him up. "Come here you little troublemaker".

Gryffin places a hand on Zac's check and look at him. "Why you cry uncle Zac ?"

"Uncle Zac is just happy". He smiles and glance at me. "Because aunt Dahlia has a little baby in her tummy, so Stella is going to be a big sister".

"Baby ?" He points to my stomach and Zac nods making him clap his hand laughing. "Yeah baby, yeah".

Zac just hug him, now even more tears in his eyes and I couldn't be happier.

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