Logan rules but Tom is the king

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"You know what you owe me right ?" Logan say, grinning at Maddie.

She makes a face. "I know, but you would be a gentleman if you had pretended to forget it".

"Oh no no no.. I want my price".

"Can I ask what this is all about, or don't I want to know ?" I ask curiously, looking from one to the other.

Maddie rolls her eyes and Logan explain. "Well as teenagers we were both sure we weren't.. the marrying kind.. so we made a bet.. the one who got married first would loose".

"And I am happy to loose". Maddie say, looking at me with a soft smile.

I take her hand, rubbing my thumb in circles on her skin. "I am happy, that you are happy to loose".

Logan smiles. "Oh you two are just so adorable. Honestly Maddie, I am happy to see you loose, not only because of the price that awaits me, but because I always felt you would make an amazing mother.. and hey from what I see you will be happy".

"Thanks Twin". Maddie say, smiling at him.

I bite my lips. "So what was it ?"

Maddie looks slightly confused. "What was what ?"

"The bet, what do you owe him ?"

"A tattoo.. I have to get a tattoo". Maddie looks anything but pleased.

Logan wiggles his eyebrows. "Don't forget it has to say 'Logan rules' and it has to go on Your shoulder blade".

Maddie groans, rubbing a hand over her face. "Logan.. it was 15 years ago. I am sure Tom won't appreciate it".

"No I wouldn't". I shake my head. "It should most definitely say 'Logan rules but Tom is the king'.. that would be epic".

"Uh no". Maddie say, getting up. "And now I will go have a shower, and get ready for the rehearsal dinner. Behave boys".

She gives me a quick peg on the lips and I watch her leave the room. Then I look at Logan. "Could I maybe talk to you about something ?"

"Sure Tom.. what is it ?" Logan looks at me. Now serious.

"I.. well I.. have she ever told you about a small girl by the name Anele ?" I ask, almost holding my breath.

He nods. "Actually yes. She was very close with her in Africa. I think she misses her quite a lot".

"I am happy to hear that.. because.. Can you keep a secret ? Just till tonight". I look at him.

"Sure. What is it ?" He looks curiously at me.

I breathe in slowly. "She is here.. Anele.. I found her and I have adopted her".

"And Maddie don't know this ?" His eyes has gone wide.

"No, it is supposed to be a surprise. Tonight at the rehearsal dinner". I bite my lip. "I have the papers ready for Maddie to adopt her.

Logan just gets up. Pulling me into a tight hug. "You know what Tom, she is doing the right thing marrying you.. damn that is the craziest, most amazing and sweetest thing ever".

"I hope Maddie will feel the same". I feel very relieved by his reaction though.

"Believe me, she will.. just..you might want her to sit down when you tell her".

"Are you done soon ?" I open the door to the bathroom. "We need to be there before Tom and Maddie ...".

Zac is standing in front of the mirror, running a comb through his hair and he is of course naked as the day he was born. "Almost darling". He turns his head slightly to look at me. "Something wrong love ?"

"Wrong ? No nothing is wrong". I walk over, running my hand over his ass, giving it a squeeze and then a slap. "You know you can't flash that thing at me".

"Hey.. behave.. woman". He puts down the comb. "Not my fault you come here to stalk me. I have to be naked to shower you know".

I stare at him. "Did you ? No you did not just call me woman".

"I did". He wink at me.

"Oh you are pushing it. I should take you over my knee and spank that sexy behind". I tell him with a cheeky grin.

He chuckles, walking into the bedroom. "You and which army ? Actually I'd really like to see you try".

"Oh challenge accepted". I grin and stalk him into the bedroom. He needs to be taken down just a nudge.

As he turns his head to say something, I quickly trip him, giving him a push in the back at the same time, making him fall flat on the bed. I quickly jump up on his thighs.

"Hey, what are you doing ?" He tries to turn under me.

"You challenged me". I giggle. "So I owe you one spanking".

"You wouldn't dare".

I chuckle evilly. "Oh so I wouldn't ?" I slap him rather hard, quite enjoying the way it makes his behind move and the red handprint it leave on his skin.

He gasps. "Stop that".

"Why ? I am kind of enjoying this". I grin and slap the other side.

"Last warning darling.. stop doing that". His voice a bit breathless.

I rub my hand over his ass. "And what if I don't want to stop ?"

My hand make contact a third time and everything happens very fast. Before I even realise what is happening, I find myself underneath his naked body, his eyes burning into mine, his pupils dilated. His voice a deep growl. "I.. Told.. You.. To.. Stop.. Love".

"Yeah.. but I didn't.. so what are you going to do about it". I run my hands down his strong back to grab his ass.

He slowly grind his erection against my center, making me moan and tighten my grip on him. He whisper hoarsely against my ear. "I know what I would like to do".

I know I should tell him no. We need to get ready and go. But honestly all I can think of right now is to have my sexy husband buried deep inside me. And I gasp. "Please do".

"Nah.. you told me I have to hurry.. so I better get up and get dressed". He starts to push himself away from me.

"You can't.. I'll be a mess all night". I refuse to let him go. "Come on babe, I need you.. badly".

He nuzzles my cheek with his nose. "Don't beg me darling.. I am always yours if you want me. But you said we had to hurry".

"I think we can spare 5 minutes". I reach down to slowly stroke his hard length. "Don't tell me you don't want to".

"Do I ever do 5 minutes love ?" He mumbles. But he still reach down sliding his fingers inside my panties. "Someone is more than ready I see".

I gasp as he caress me. Then he gently peel of my panties and slide himself into me, making me hum in pleasure. I will never get tired of feeling him. He is my safe harbour, my heart and my soul.

"God yes.. you feel so good". I moan, clinging to him, not caring if my dress gets wrinkled.

He has his arms wrapped around me, holding me as close as possible, rolling his hips over me. I wrap my legs around him. My hands caressing every part of him I can reach.

Our eyes meet, and a soft smile spread on his face. My heart feel like it might just explode, the love I feel looking at my husband is absolutely overpowering, taking my breath away.

I push up to meat him. We are moving into each other, with each other, as one. And it doesn't take long before I feel it.. my toes curling as pure pleasure surge through me and I throw my head back and moan his name.

He grunts softly and stiffen, before thrusting through his own orgasm and collapsing on top of me. "Damn darling, you really are going to be the death of me. A very pleasurable death, but still".

"Hopefully not for at least 50 years". I grin up at him. "Better get of me and get dressed, we are kind of late".

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