Living in his own musical

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"Admit it.. it's going to be the most adorable puppies ever". I say looking at Molly and Bobby as they jump around playing happily in the grass.

We are spending the afternoon in hampstead heath. Stella is sleeping in her stroller, the dogs are playing and I am sitting in the grass, Zac's head in my lap. This is utter perfection.

He sigh contently. "I guess you are right.. but I still don't think he is good enough for my little girl. I am not really sure about his pedigree".

"You are utterly crazy.. and to be honest I actually believe that Bobby has a far more fancy pedigree than Molly". I try not to laugh.

He sits up so fast I am left with a tuft of his hair in my hand. "Oh no you didn't.. did you just offend my precious little girl ? And you call yourself her mother".

"No actually you call me her mother". I shake my head. "Zac you need to relax.. she is a dog. If you are like this with her, I don't even dare think about how you will be with Stella and the little new".

"She is a part of our family.. how can you even say that ? She is a dog.. like she is just nothing to you". He looks genuine upset.

I close my eyes shortly. I have an amazing husband, but sometimes he is just.. too much. "Zac.. she is a dog.. it doesn't mean that I don't love her dearly. But you need to treat her like a dog and raise her like a dog.. not like a kid".

"You sound like I am some little old lady dressing her up and feeding her bisquets". He crosses his arms and huff at me.

"Well a purple hair rinse and a handbag and you are almost there darling". I bite back.

We glare at each other, suddenly a little old lady with slightly purple hair walks by, a fluffy dog head poking out of her handbag. She is taking to the dog in a low voice shuffling by. When she is gone, Zac and me look at each other. A smile start tugging at the corner of his mouth and suddenly we are both breaking down in fits of laughter.

Zac grabs me, pulling me with him down on the grass, were we roll around laughing, the dogs starting to jump around us yapping. Somehow Zac ends on top of me, smiling softly. "You know what ? We are really, really bad at that fighting stuff".

"Yeah, but I am happy we are. Honestly I hate fighting, especially with you". I tell him, running a hand into his hair. "I love you to much".

"I love you too kitten and I can't wait for us to have a whole bunch of kids". He gently caress my stomach.

I smile at him. "A bunch of kids ? Are we talking three maybe four or ten?"

"Well I guess ten I a bit too much to ask for.. especially my age taken into consideration". He bite his lip. "Hmm what do you think ?"

I sigh and reach up to caress his cheek. "I think we should see how it works with two and the see if we feel like a third".

"I guess we can do that.. I mean you are the one being pregnant and giving birth". He say softly. "You are still not experiencing any morning sickness are you ?"

I shake my head. "Nope not the least, and it damn better stay that way".

"I really hope it does. Honestly I am not sure I would be able to handle you being so sick again. Especially not when I have to work too". He sits up, taking my hand to pull me up too.

"Oh I am so excited to go to Canada. It has been a long time since I was on a movie set". I say clapping my hands.

I still love seeing her get so excited by everything, love that she has kept that positive childlike mind through everything. She makes me feel more happy than I ever have before, gives me confidence on a daily basis, makes me feel loved and worthy of that love.

"Let's get back and get some lunch". I say getting on my feet, reaching down to pull her up. Making sure to shortly pull her into my arms for a kiss, before calling the dogs over.

Dahlia push the stroller and I put my arm around her waist, as we slowly walk through the park. The dogs running along beside us. If this isn't heaven I don't know. Even London and the british weather is showing it's best side today, with the sun shining from a cloud free blue sky.

When we reach the edge of the park I put the leeches on the dog, not wanting to take any changes in the busy London traffic.

I car drive slowly by, windows down and music blaring out and I can't stop myself from taking a few dance steps, singing along with the music.

"You really do live in Your own musical don't you ?" Dahlia says with a happy laugh.

I shrug, and takes a couple of extra steps, moving my upper body to the now non existing beat. "I just can't help it".

"Don't ever 'help it', I love you just the way you are, especially Your funny little quirks". My beautiful wife tells me.

"And I love you.. every little bit of you". I tell her and wiggle my eyebrows.

She shakes her head and roll her eyes. Looking at Stella who is just waking up. "You daddy is such a goof, yeah he is".

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