Wedding night and mile high

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Tom came back as promised, but wouldn't say anything else than she was in good hands. And well I trust him. Also his smile tells me he is hiding something he is bursting to tell. So I won't pressure him.

So I enjoy the party and the cake, having a great time. Dancing, talking and enjoying the best day of my life.

"I think it's time to throw the bouquet darling". Tom say softly, sliding his arms around me from behind.

"Yeah, I am starting to feel a bit tired". I say, leaning into him. It has been a long day.

Everything is made ready, all the unmarried women gathers in the middle of the floor and I stand there with my back turned, ready to throw.

"3-2-1". I throw the flowers over my shoulder.

"Ouch what the fuck".

I turn to see Zac rubbing his head, looking rather confused at the flowers in his hand. "Seriously how can you throw that badly Mads ?"

"Whoops.. maybe it was.. destiny or something". I try to keep in the giggles. That was really a wonky throw to be honest.

He shrugs, throwing the bouquet to Dahlia. "Seems like you have to re-marry me darling".

"Well.. oh who am I to fight destiny ? I'll marry you a million times". She say smiling at him.

"Ready to go home ?" I ask Tom.

He looks all secretive. "Hmm nope, because we are not going home. We are going on our honeymoon Cookie".

"But .. but work.. Anele.. I haven't packed". I look totally confused. We had agreed to postpone the honeymoon.

"Work has been taken care of.. Dahlia has packed Your suitcase and Anele is coming with us". He say with a secretive smile.

I breathe in deeply. "So are you going to tell me where we are going ?"

"Nope". He say, making a popping sound on the p. "So let's tell our guest goodbuy and get out into the car".

So we say our goodbyes with hugs and kisses and promises to give sound when we have arrived safely.

Then Tom leads me to the car waiting outside and I snuggle into him on the backseat. Drifting of before I know it.

I wake up when Tom gently lifts me into his arms. I blink my eyes, throwing my arms around his neck. "You can put me down Tom, I can walk".

"Nope.. I am carrying my bride over the threshold". He say with a soft smile.

Looking up I see we are at a runway, and in front of us is a rather big luxurious looking jet. "Tom where are we going".

"Nope, not telling. It's a surprise my love". He say as he carries me up the stairs and into the plane.

I gasp, looking around as he sits me down. It is all dark shiny wood and white leather. "Oh wow, this is very expensive Tom.. I.. ".

"Darling, stop talking, let me spoil you for once". He has silence me with a finger on my lips.

I roll my eyes with a sigh, but nods and he removes his finger.

"Where is Anele ? You said she was coming ?" I look around.

He points to a door up in front, to the right. "She is sleeping soundly in there, having been watched the whole time".

The door to the cockpit opens and a pilot steps out. I can see another one through the open door. "We are about to take of Mr Hiddleston, if you would strap in. Mrs Hiddleston, it's a pleasure".

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