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Your Point of View 

You sit in an alleyway, holding a pair of dull metal scissors in your hand. You hold up a strand of your (H/L) (H/C) hair before cutting it off. Your hair needs to be shorter, more boyish, or they'd never take you in. You've been planning this moment for days, desperate to get into the orphanage. Unfortunately, The Lambeth home for boys was, well duh, for boys only, and since you were a girl, they wouldn't take you in. When you'd finished cutting off your hair, you stick your hat back on your head and march up to the door, knocking loudly. The old witch, sorry, the woman ran the orphanage, opened the door. You'd been paying attention to everything she did for the past week so you knew to use her actions against her. "Yes?" she says in a crabby voice. "My mum left me here, Ma'am." You mutter, pretending to be sad. In truth, you'd never met your parents, and when you did you'd give them a good lecture for leaving you in an abandoned alleyway as a baby. "She had to leave. She can't..." You choke out a sob, trying for sympathy. "She can't take care of me anymore."  The witch- woman scowls "Come in, boy. You can stay here until we locate your parents." you smirk, but quickly cover it. They won't be able to locate your parents. Even if she finds them, you won't be able to tell. you've never met them. You follow her inside, thinking about a boys name you could tell her. (A/N: Your boy's name will be the male equivalent of your name like if your name is Alanna, your name would be Alan. B/N = Boys name.) 

You decide to tell her your name is (B/N), but she doesn't ask. She leads you into a large room filled with rows and rows of beds. She opens a closet and takes out a foldable cot. She hands it to you, growling "This is what you'll sleep on until we get you a proper bed." You're guessing she's not going to get you a proper bed any time soon, but you thank her anyways and take the cot to the back of the room. All the boys are staring at you, so you tuck your head down and set up the cot. You take your jacket off and hang it on a nail in the wall. Then you sit down on the cot and rest your head in your hands. It's been a long day, and you're tired. You sit there on the uncomfortable mattress, ignoring the boys' stares. Eventually, the woman rings the bell for dinner, and you silently take a plate and move to the back of the line. When the witch-woman dumps a greyish-brown glob of...  something on your plate you make a face before deciding you're not hungry enough to eat that. You just put the plate down on a table and walk back to your cot. You lay back and fall asleep even before the woman calls lights out. 

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