The Third Moon

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"I've got the necklace!" Peter exclaims as you head towards the hut the people had offered you after the meeting. "Isn't that enough?" Tiger Lily shrugs. "You could've stolen it." Peter looks at you pointedly. "He didn't steal it. Peter's always had it. " Tiger Lily shrugs again. "How long have you known him?" she asks. You say "All my life," trying to help Peter and your case, but he ruins the effect by saying "Three days," You glare at him, and his beautiful blue eyes widen. "What?!" 

"I was trying to help you, Peter!" you whisper-shout, but he's already turned back to Tiger Lily. "The flying is a stupid detail! Why can't they just see that?" he grumbles. 

She turns to him, the calm serenity in her eyes making you a little uncomfortable. "If you don't believe, Peter, neither will they. But if you do, they will too, I promise." With that, she turned back around and walked off to her home. You and Peter went the opposite way, to your hut. Peter walked slightly in front of you, his head down, defeated. You speed up a bit to catch up with him. "Peter, are you who they think you are?" Without turning his head, he responds. "I don't know anymore. I... I just don't know. " He pushes aside the colorful curtain of the hut and climbs up on top of one of the beds. He puts his back to the wall, closing his eyes. You climb up and sit next to him. When you put your hand on his shoulder, he flinches away. 

"I'm sorry, Peter. I'm sorry they're making you do this, and I'm sorry this is so much harder for you than it is for me. If there's anything I can do, just ask." You jump off the bed and retreat to the other side of the room, sitting on the other bed, and wondering why you care so much about Peter. Sure, you both had special abilities and were destined to save the world together, but he was just... Peter.  Still, you liked to be around him. He was so sweet, kind, caring, adventurous and... yeah. Kinda cute, but you didn't like him in that way... Did you? You mentally slapped yourself for thinking that way and lay down to get some sleep. 

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(Peter's Point of View)

I lay awake all night, listening to (Y/N)'s gentle breathing. I think about how I acted last night, so fragile and broken. I curse myself for letting her see me like that. I just wish that I could fly al the time, not just when my life is in danger, like free-falling from Blackbeard's ship. The more I think about that moment, the happier I am that it happened, because, without that moment, none of this would have happened. I would never have met (Y/N). I really enjoy being with her, and she makes this adventure so much more enjoyable, her bravery, her sassiness towards Hook, who had stumbled in some time and is sleeping on the floor with a pillow under his head and a pink and blue blanket wrapped around him. My eyes are drawn back to (Y/N), who is sleeping as peacefully as Hook, but without the drooling. her (H/C) hair is spread out around her head, her (E/C) eyes shut as she sleeps. She's so cute... I think to myself.  No! you can't think that!  She doesn't like you back!  Wait? do I like her?  Stop it, Peter. Stop thinking about her! You need to focus on the task ahead of you. Might as well go practice trying to fly. I saw a cliff a little while away from the village. Maybe it'll help me fly if I'm free falling... 

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 (Y/N Point of View)

You wake up in the middle of the night and see Peter pulling his boots on. Not wanting to startle him, you lay still. Peter glances at you, and you hurriedly close your eyes. "(Y/N)?" Peter whispers. You stay quiet, not exactly sure why. Peter's tone turns exasperated. "I know you're awake!! I'm not dumb." You sit up and throw off the covers, still dressed in your clothes from yesterday. "Fine. Where were you going anyway?" He shrugs. "I was going to practice flying. If you want to come, you can." You smile at him. "Okay!" Then, Peter grins mischievously. "But... You'll have to keep up with me first!"

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