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Later in the day, you find yourself with a pick in hand, chopping away at the walls of an underground cavern. Your job is to find little bits of pixum, a greenish-blue stone that gives off a supernatural light. Your hands are covered in blisters and your arm is sore from swinging the pick. "I found some!" The boy next to you whispers to himself. You look over. "Wow! That's amazing! You're going to get a reward for that!" you say, trying to hide your jealousy. He looks at you, relieved. "You're not going to steal it from me?" You laugh. "Why would I do that? You found it." He shrugs. "Never mind." He is about to call out his discovery when a hand snatches it. "I found some!" Screams the thief, waving it around. "Hey, that's not yours!"  You race after the pixum thief, the boy following close behind. "That's not yours, moron!" you yell, kicking the man's shins. He responds by shoving you over, placing his boot on your chest. "What are you defending him for!" The man growls. You gasp for air, his heavy boot pressing on your lungs. The boy is kicked in the stomach, and he drops to the ground. 

The mining supervisor rushes to the scene and asks for the pixum. The thief hands it to him, Smirking at you and the boy. "We found that!" you exclaim, and the boot presses harder on your chest, causing your voice to die. The ugly supervisor leans over you, spitting out "He says he found it, so he found it! clear?" The boy glares "Clear as the scar on your ugly face!" He yells. The supervisor holds a hand to his face while the crowd gasps in shock. The boy laughs, and so do you. you have a feeling you're gonna like this kid. "Take them to The Captain!" the supervisor growls like The Captain is a death threat.  You are both hauled roughly to your feet, and the next thing you know, you're standing on a wooden board extending from the floating ship. Apparently, it was a death threat. The end of the board dangles over the valley. If you fell, you would die. You look around and see the boy who found the pixum standing on another board next to you. He looks terrified. You guess he's afraid of heights. You're not, though, and you never have been. Until now. Looking down at the rocky canyon floor hundreds of feet below, you suddenly feel sick. "What's going on!" the boy yells. "We're makin' an example of ya!" a man laughs.

Blackbeard walks toward the front of the ship where the planks are. He points to me and the boy. "These two!" he shouts "Were accused of stealing pixum! They claim innocent. Should we spare them?" In the valley below, thumbs point down. They want us dead. Blackbeard steps onto the boy's board. The boy inches back. Blackbeard kicks him off the end of the board. The boy tumbles down, down, down. In a moment of bravery, you run and jump off your board, aiming yourself downwards to catch up with the boy. You don't want him to die. Out of some crazy instinct, you imagine yourself as a beautiful crimson dragon. The crowd below you screams, and you open your eyes. You see talons in front of your face, beautiful wings extended to your sides. You are a dragon! You look around for the boy, and you see that he's floating above the ground. "I'm Flying!" he yells. Then he looks up and yells even louder when he sees (Y/N), the fantastic red dragon soaring above him in the canyon. He loses control of his flying abilities and drops to the ground. Exhausted from your flight as a dragon, you morph back into human form and tumble through the remaining twenty feet of air to the cold, hard canyon floor. 

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