The Boy Who Could Fly

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You bolt upright, your eyes opening. Seconds before you had fallen to the ground off a... Flying pirate ship? You look around, memories of the past days slowly coming back to you. You are in a strange room, sitting on a large four-poster bed, the boy lying next to you, still unconscious. You sit up and get off the bed, but still standing next to it. You watch the boy sleep, his chest rising an falling rhythmically, his hair fluttering in the breeze from the open window. You look away from the resting boy and decide to look around. The room is crammed with furniture, maps, and other things you don't have a name for. You look out the window and see that you are on top of the canyon, looking down on the miners at work. You check the room to make sure no one is spying on you. You hear a groan from the bed and see that the boy has gotten up. He goes to look out the window and is surprised to see that you are not in the mines.

 "Where are we?" he asks. "I have no clue, but we need to get out of here," you say. "You're right about that," Says a drawling voice from behind you. "But you can't ever leave here. Neverland is a dream from which you never wake. Ever had that one? A dreadful nightmare you know is not real, but your sleep is so heavy, so deep so vivid, that you just can't wake up. Drowning in sleep. Do you know that scene, children?" The boy nods, but you don't. You don't dream when you sleep, and you're glad not to. It saves you a lot of effort worrying about nightmares.  "It's death." Blackbeard continues "Murmuring to you. It's where we end. Most of us." Then Blackbeard stops his creepy ranting. "Would you like some chocolate, children?" He asks suspiciously. The boy immediately takes one, but you grab his arm, stopping him. "Don't. He's probably poisoned it or something." He drops it. "Childhood ain't so jolly. In fact, it's rather frightening. Agree?" Blackbeard asks. The boy shrugs. In an instant, the sword is out and the child's necklace is resting on the end. The tip of the sword hovers inches away from the boy's neck. You make a startled noise, and Blackbeard smirks. He turns his attention back to the boy. "Are you brave, Peter? he asks. "I... I try to be" Peter stutters. "Yes, of course..." Blackbeard whispers. "Are you scared?"

 "Yes," Peter answers without hesitation. He is breathing hard, terrified, Blackbeard's sword still at his neck. One swift move and Peter would be dead. But Blackbeard pulls the sword away. Peter looks relieved, but you are still wary. This man had pushed you and Peter off the pirate ship in an attempt to kill you without hesitation. He takes a step closer to you. "Have you ever flown before?" He asks Peter. "No," Peter whispers. "Have you ever morphed before?" He asks you. You make no move to answer, not wanting this man to know anything about you. "I said, have you ever morphed before, girl?" Your eyes widen. "How do you know I'm a girl?" you say, shocked. "I know many things." Blackbeard answers mysteriously. He takes one step closer to Peter, towering over the boy. He lifts his sword towards Peter, handing it to him. Peter takes it cautiously, but Blackbeard makes no sudden moves. Instead, he turns towards the window, looking out over the canyon. "There is an ancient prophecy from when the fairy kingdoms reigned on this island," Blackbeard says. You stand in the back, watching the scene unfold. 

"The prophecy tells of a boy born of the love between a fairy prince and a human girl." Peter's eyes are full of tears, though you don't understand why. "A boy who would be disappeared from this world until he was old enough to return and lead an uprising against me. A boy, so says the prophecy, Who could fly. " He turns to look at you. "The boy would be guided by a girl. A girl who can be anything she wanted. A horse, a mouse, a dragon." His attention turns back to Peter. "Have you come here to kill me, children?" He asks. "I don't believe in bedtime stories," Peter responds. "You have to understand, Peter, (Y/N), that I must protect myself. Since you are a threat to me, I must lock you away." Peter seems to be in a trance, unable to move. You, on the other hand, rush to the door. You pull on the knob, Banging on the door as hard as you can, but it's locked. "It's no use, (Y/N)" Blackbeard says, calmly. "I must live, so you must die."

Your eyes fill with fearful tears, just like Peter's, as Blackbeard advances on you. "No, no!" You cry. "Get away from me!" Your back is up against the door now. There's no way out. Blackbeard reaches out a hand to stroke your face. "So young.." He whispers. "It's a shame you must be locked away." You are shaking with fear now, because the man who tried to kill you is now leaning over you, telling you he'll lock you away forever. Blackbeard reaches into his pocket, and you flinch, thinking he's going to come out with a dagger or something. Instead, he holds out a small silver key, which he inserts into the door behind you. Before you can comprehend what he's doing, he opens the door with a click, sending you crashing through onto the floor. "(Y/N)" you hear Peter cry out. Then, you hit your head on the hard ground and the world goes black.   

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