The Pan

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The next thing you know, you are in some sort of tribal village. It is a strange place, full of people in bright clothing and headdresses. You realize you are tied to a thick wooden pole with leather straps around your wrists. You immediately start untying the straps, your nimble fingers pulling at the knots. In seconds, your hands are free, but you hold the straps in place with your thumb so you have the appearance of being detained.  You look over the edge of the platform you are standing on and see Hook tied upside down and dangling a few feet over some sort of trampoline. "This is going to be interesting," You think smugly.  "(Y/N)" yells a voice from the far side of the platform.  "(Y/N)!" You look over to see Peter yelling at you. You lock eyes with him from across the platform, his blue eyes meeting your (E/C) ones. "Yeah?" You call back over the noise of the chanting natives. "What are they singing about?" he shouts. "I've got no idea!" He looks confused. "What?" You scowl. "I HAVE NO IDEA, PETER!" 

Looking back at Hook dangling from a rope, you see he is lifting his head, finally recovering from the punch he received from the girl. She notices this, and walks down the ramp from the platform to the trampoline thingy. "What's going on!" Hook yells. "What's the Pan?" 

"The Pan is our tribe's greatest warrior. It's our tradition to give you the chance to earn your freedom before we kill you and your friends." She explains. "Kill?!" Hook questions "What do you mean kill?" The girl's face tightens with anger. "You are out tribe's sworn enemy. You're pirates." Hook looks incredulous. "Pirates? We're not pirates, hold on!" The girl just smirks at the man dangling from the roof, and turns away. "The kid is the one you've been waiting for!" Hook cries, struggling against the ropes in a desperate attempt to escape. "You're fighting for the chance to live!" The girl calls, now standing back on the platform between the poles Peter and I are tied to. "Your fiercest fighter against ours. Our Pan." Hook turns his head sideways in an effort to see clearer. "You win, you live," The girl says, her eyes full of malice. "You lose-" She is cut off by an angry Hook, who cries. "I get the idea!"  As the song ends and the chanting fades out, the village becomes silent.

A loud cry issues from one of the higher platforms and a man in his early twenties jumps down, a sort of strange sword in his hand. He bounces on the trampoline and springs up, cutting the rope that suspends Hook upside-down. He launches himself back up to the platform as Hook climbs to his feet, wobbling a bit. "So, how do we know when to start?" Hook asks dizzily. The man flies down from the platform, and before Hook can even ready himself, he jumps up and kicks him in the face, sending him flying backward. When Hook hits the trampoline, he bounces back up and straight into another kick from the Pan. He flies backward yet again, but this time he crashes into the wooden ramp, crashing through it and momentarily stunning himself. Your attention turns back to Peter as he calls out "Y/N! We have to tell them about my mother!" exasperated, you call back "No one cares about your mother!" When Peter gives you a look of shocked hurt, you feel terrible. "I'm sorry, Peter, that was a bit harsh." 

Back in the arena, the Pan punches and kicks Hook until he falls on the ground, groaning and defeated. The Pan climbs up onto the highest platform, doing a series of cartwheels and flips before launching himself back onto the trampoline where Hook has risen again and is standing with his fists up. Deciding you don't want to watch your eldest crew member beaten up, you look over at Peter, who is attempting to untie his hands. You hear a gasping noise from the edge of the platform and look just in time to see Hook grab a wooden board and smack the Pan in the head with it. To get away from the unfair attack, he springs back up onto the highest platform. When you look back, Peter has almost succeeded in untying his bonds. Good. 

The Pan, yet again, launches himself from the platform just in time to collide with Hook in midair. Hook lands on the fabric covering of the king's platform. He says something to the girl, and she laughs before quickly covering it. The Pan leaps up and yanks hook off the roof, dragging him back into the arena. Too late, you realize Peter's untied his bonds completely. He runs off the platform, yelling a war cry as he launches himself into the fight. You curse under your breath and quickly follow him, somersaulting through the air to land on the wooden platform lowest to the ground, only a few feet away from the fighting. Peter lands on the back of the pan, and he sends Peter flying through the air to land on the king's platform. He starts to slide back off the platform, and you turn into a giant eagle and soar towards the platform to land next to the king. You turn back to human and haul peter up onto the platform as the crowd stares at you.  

Warriors rush up to you and Peter, shoving weapons in your face. The king isn't looking at you, though. He's holding something small and silver in the palm of his hand. "WAIT!" he calls, and the warriors back off, still waving the weapons threateningly. The village goes silent as the king makes his announcement. "The little ones. He wears the pan. She can turn into an eagle. They might be the ones we've been waiting for. " The whole village gasps as one. Laying on the ground in the arena, blood tearing from a split lip, hook babbles "he's duh boy who cad fly. She's duh girl hoo cad morph." he says, his words garbled from a broken nose. "I've seed dem do id. Id's terrific." His head slumps to the ground. All around the village, people kneel to you, bowing in respect for the children of the prophecy. 

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-Thank you so much for reading this story! I really appreciate you. Thank you to the people who voted on my story, and thank you to my future readers!

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