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You wake up with Hook leaning over you. Startled, you punch him in the face. He stumbles backward. "Geez, Butterfly. Do you punch everyone who's trying to save you?" You smile sweetly. "Sorry? Anyway, what were you saying about saving me?"  Peter comes up behind Hook. "During the flight, you burned your arms pretty bad. When you got to the ground, you passed out. You weren't breathing. We thought you'd died. I'm not sure what happened exactly. Are you okay?" You look at your arms, which are blistered and red. You grimace, then stand up. "Yeah. So, where are we going?" You ask. "We're trying to find the natives. We're hoping they can find my mother. Follow me!" Peter says, and with Peter in the lead and Smee in the rear, you trudge through the forest.  "Are you insane! Those savages would just as soon kill you as help you!" Hook grumbles. "Ever met one?" I call back. "No, and I don't plan to!" Hook spits. "Well, they might be very nice!" Peter yells from the front "I'm not afraid of 'em." Hook looks incredulous. "There's a fine line between bravery and suicide, kid." Peter ignores him and struts off down the path. "I'm off to find the tribal territory, Goodbye!" 

You jog down the path, following Peter. Eventually, Hook and Smee catch up, after deciding they'll risk meeting the natives, and we follow Peter, who has produced a map to get us to the native lands. "Just remember," Says hook "When we find those oh-so-sweet natives, true or not you tell them you're their savior, then we'll go our separate ways, got it?" Peter shrugs, but you answer back. "Why would you want to leave a place like this? Where will you go?" Hook smirks. "Oh, I don't know. Somewhere where I'm a little farther up on the food chain, for starters." A loud noise from above startles you. "What was that?" Peter asks nervously. "Something a little higher up on the food chain!"Hook responds sarcastically. You continue to walk through the jungle, following Peter's map. It gets late, and Peter decides to set up camp. Hook starts a fire, and you sit around it, warming up. "Are you an orphan?" Peter asks you. "My mom left me in an alleyway when I was two years old." You say, looking down. "I've never missed her. If I ever meet her, Peter, I'm going to give her a stern lecture on how to treat children." Peter laughs, then stops. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed." He apologizes. "No, it's okay." You say. "I don't mind." when you look back up a few minutes later, you realize Peter's staring at you. "What?" He looks back down, his cheeks turning pink. "Nothing".  You frown. "Why were you..."

Your words are cut off by a loud screech. Hook covers your mouth with his hand. "Did you hear that?" he asks quietly. "It was a deathly nightmare shriek!" Smee yell-whispers "How could anyone not have heard-" "SHHHHH!" You push Hook's hand off your mouth, glare at him, and look up at the night sky. A single dark green feather floats down and lands on Peter's head. You take it off and tuck it into your (H/L)(H/C) Hair. You hear a sound like a giant chicken's squawk behind you, and you whirl around. It's a Never Bird, A giant bird made out of bones and filled in with feathers. It squawks again, and you leap to your feet, following the others down the path, being chased by the Never Bird.

"Go, go!" Hook yells. "We'll lose it in the mist!" You hear a squawk from above you, and you feel your feet leaving the ground. "Hook! Hook, they've got (Y/N)!" you hear from below as the Never Bird carries you higher and higher. You reach up and yank one of the ribs off the bony bird. A flurry of feathers rains down as the Never Bird collapses, sending you tumbling to the ground. You land on your feet right in front of a beautiful woman, maybe 19 or 20. "Um hi!" You say, before taking a step back. She looks pretty fierce, and you don't want to cross her. The girl throws a knife over your head and a Never Bird collapses on the ground, and Smee falls from the sky. When he gets up, he dusts himself off. "I'm leaving!" He announces in his nasal voice. "I'm done with this stupid prophecy." He stumbles away into the woods. "The natives!" Peter says belatedly, apparently just realizing they'd found us. "We're saved!" 

When Hook turns to Peter and says with a wink "Let me handle this," you slap your hand on your face. Nothing Hook does ever turns out well. You look at the girl and mutter "Whatever he does, it's not my fault."

"Fair lady... " Hook bows, and enunciating every word like he's talking to a five-year-old, says "We... Come... In Peace... " he holds up his hands showing he has no weapons. "and with treasure" Treasure? What treasure? but Hook continues. "May I proudly present..." Before he can finish, the girl punches him in the face. 

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