Back Again

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You hover above the sleeping children back in the orphanage. You're still a fairy. Peter floats beside you. Peter flies towards someone's bed, a boy you had seen there before but never really talked to. "This is my best friend Nibs!" Peter says to you. "Let's give him a scare." You land on the edge of his bed, balancing as a fully grown tigress. You lean down in his face as Peter  whispers "Boo!" In his ear. Nibs wakes up, screaming when he sees you. You change back to human quickly, covering his mouth. "Shh!" You say. "You're..." he gasps. "You're a tiger!" You smile. "My name's Y/N. And yeah. I can turn into any animal. Look!" You turn into a tiger again, then a fairy, then a flamingo, a panther, a fox, a baboon, then to yourself again. You shake your (H/C) hair out of your face and roll your (E/C) eyes when Nibs looks amazed. "Peter's here too, ya know." You point to where Peter is flying at the front of the room, and Nibs's face lights up.  "Is he your boyfriend?" Nibs asks. Your face turns bright red. "No!" The boy smiles sneakily. "You like him, don't you. Admit it." You open your mouth to say something in protest, but all that comes out is "Yes." 

Seconds later, everyone is holding onto a rope dangling from the ceiling. You run up and down the isles as a lynx, yapping at them. They gasp at you, but mostly at Peter as he flies up into the air. "Alright, gentlemen!" He says. "Hold on tight!"

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You fly above the city in Hook's pirate ship, the orphanage boys running around everywhere. You spot trouble and turn into a lion, dragging a boy back onto the ship before he could fall to his death. "Thanks, (Y/N)" he says. Gosh, these boys are so clumsy. You, Peter and Nibs rush up to the captain's deck where Hook and Tiger Lily are. "Is he a pirate too?" Nibs asks. Peter snorts. "No." Hook glares at him. "Not yet, anyway." You guys climb onto the rail, you sitting shoulder to shoulder with Peter. "Which way should we go?" Tiger Lily asks. "Center course!" Peter and Hook say at the same time. Peter looks back at Hook. "Hey! Who's in charge here!" Hook smirks. "Well, I'm the captain!" 

"And I'm the chosen one!" Peter replies. "One of the chosen ones!" You correct him. "One of the chosen ones." He clarifies, smiling. "We'll have plenty of time to argue about that later, kiddos." Captain Hook says. "Suit yourself." Peter smiles. "I've got (Y/N) to back me up, right?" He asks you. "Yep!" You say, hugging him. "Good." Peter reaches over to hold your hand. You take note of the fact that it is warm against the cold night air. "Yuck!" Nibs says defiantly. "I knew you guys liked each other!" You smile. "Yeah."    

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I really hope you enjoyed reading my story. I really enjoyed writing it for you guys! thanks for reading, 


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