The Final Battle

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You stand on Blackbeard's ship, tied next to Peter with Tiger Lily on his left. "Wakey wakey!" Blackbeard wails from the very front of the ship. "RISE AND SHINE!!!!" You stare at the ground, shame rising on your cheeks. You had doomed the fairy kingdom and were being forced to watch as Blackbeard destroyed all of the fairies one by one. A tear slipped down your face. You had failed. 

Fairies are flying all around the ship, but a beautiful fluorescent blue fairy flies right up to you and Peter. "My name's TinkerBell." She twitters. "I can hear her!" You gasp, staring at the little fairy. "They've been waiting for you." Tiger Lily smiles. "You have to get away from here!" You say to the fairy, another tear sliding down your skin. "He's going to destroy you all!" Peter adds.

"No!" She twitters. "We're going to fight alongside you." You frown. "Were tied up on Blackbeard ship surrounded by hundreds of pirates. We're totally going to win if we fight them." She smiles at you in her beautiful fairy way. "You will win. I believe in you." Then she flies away, leaving you to wonder how anyone could believe in you now. You were just a worthless girl with a crush on the boy next to you. You were powerless. You glance at Peter and see the hopelessness in his eyes. "I failed." He whispered. "Not yet, Peter. We can still try. We just have to get Blackbeard to let us go." Peter smirks. "Yeah, we're doomed." You smile back sadly. "Yep." 

"ALRIGHT BOYS!" Blackbeard shrieks from the front. "BURN THEM!" Peter's crystal blue eyes widen, and he looks terrified as bursts of flames burn the fairies to ashes. "BURN THEM! BURN THEM! BURN THEM ALL!!!" Blackbeard chants. "No!" Peter screams over the fire and the yelling and cheering of the pirates. "NO, Please!" He cries again "We'll do anything! Please!" Blackbeard turns to face you. "Don't beg, children." You speak up this time, ignoring Blackbeard's words. "Anything. Please, just stop hurting them."  Blackbeard sneers. "It's bad form to beg." He steps off the front of the ship, walking towards you slowly. Blackbeard draws his sword, pointing it at your tearstained face. "Where is your honor, girl?" He whips the sword back, slashing your side right in between your ribs. You scream in pain, which pleases Blackbeard greatly. Blood trickles through your thin shirt and onto the deck of the ship. Peter looks horrified. "How could you?!" He yells. Blackbeard cuts your bonds and Peter's, pointing the bloody sword at his neck.  "Now, kneel!" Rage fills Peter's eyes, and he says quietly "I am the son of a warrior. And a prince. I will never bow to you." Blackbeard's sword, covered with your blood, moves closer towards Peter's neck, but he doesn't flinch. You can't move. You just stand there, blood dripping from your ribs, watching Peter face Blackbeard. "If you're going to kill me," Peter says bravely, "Then get on with it." Blackbeard sneers. "As you wish." You stare at him, shocked. There's no way he could kill Peter. "You don't have to do this," Tiger Lily says, just as shocked as you. "No," Blackbeard says tensely. "But I really, really want to." He pulls back his sword, and you look on shocked as... Blackbeard tumbles backward towards the side of the ship. A huge grinding noise of wood on wood as Hook's ship smashes into Blackbeard's. As he zooms past, he shouts, raising his hat, "Did you miss me!?" With that crazy grin of his. 

Despite your pain, you smile back, happiness swelling in your chest. You might win this after all! Blackbeard stands up, growling loudly. "WHY IS IT ALWAYS HIM!!!!!" Tiger Lily smacks her hands into the pirates' faces, sending them to the deck, even Blackbeard. You and Peter crawl under some pirates and beams to make it to the edge of the ship. A large wooden beam stretches between your ship and Hook's. You grab Peter's hand and walk carefully along it, trying to keep your balance while the ship rocks back and forth. Tiger Lily jumps onto the beam behind you, nimbly jumping across it several feet at a time.        

Below you, many feet down, Hook yells at you to jump. Peter looks terrified, again, but you just shove him off the plank onto Hook's ship, then jump off the beam yourself. "You came back?" You shout at Hook while laying on top of Peter. "(Y/N)! Get off!" He says, sitting up and pushing you off him. "You came back!" He yells. "Wow. I just said that, Peter." Peter ignores you. "I thought you didn't care?" Hook looks back at him. "Sometimes I lie."

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