The Fairy Kingdom

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Eventually, you reach a huge cave with many stalactites and stalagmites growing from the floor and ceiling. On one wall, there is a huge spiral of blue crystal encrusted with words in the fairy language. "It's just as the chief described it." Tiger Lily says. "I know what the words say!" Peter gasps. "Only the prince who bears the key and the girl who bears the tiger's paw shall pass. It means we need a key and a tiger's paw. So this was all for nothing!" You hear shallow breathing from the back of the room and whirl around, catching a glimpse of a face. You shake Peter's shoulder. "Someone's here!" You whisper. "Your girlfriend is correct, Peter." Says Blackbeard, moving into view, surrounded by twenty or so of his pirates. "She's not my girlfriend!" Peter snarls. "The Prince who bears the key, and the girl who bears the Tiger's paw." Says Blackbeard. "Don't you see, children?" Peter's shocked expression matches yours. "You bear the keys," Blackbeard says. "We do?" Blackbeard motions at Peter's necklace. Then, moving quickly, he cuts the cord with his blade, sending your only hope into Blackbeard's hand. At least he doesn't have the last part of the key. "What I don't understand," Blackbeard smiles greasily.

 "Is how the girl I created ended up in the prophecy." He motions with his hand, and several pirates rush you, grabbing your arms and dragging you towards Blackbeard. "Let me go!" You scream, twisting and wriggling in their grasps. "Stop it!" Blackbeard smirks. "I need to have the pixum, and you're in my way. Lucky for me, I can force you into becoming animals." No! You think, kicking and scratching at the pirates. "No! Let me go, you jerk face!" Blackbeard just does his annoying smirk again. He grasps your wrist tightly. You feel your skin growing unbelievably hot. You scream, the noise echoing in the cavern. The pirates are holding Peter back, but he looks ready to murder Blackbeard. "Let her go, you're hurting her!" He yells. "Oh, I know." Blackbeard croons. He forces you into a tiger, and presses your paw into the crystal lock. He pushes peter's necklace and turns it in the other lock.

The wall folds inward, revealing a vast cavern full of glowing bluish-green pixum. "Eternity beckons," Blackbeard crows. "I will live forever!" You collapse on the floor, back in your human state, and you shake your head at how wrong everything went. The fairy kingdom is doomed.        

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