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You wake up in yet another strange place, annoyed. You seem to wake up in a new place every few days. In one glance, you know it's a dungeon. Three walls of solid rock, one made of thick metal bars. The dungeon is damp and dark. The smell of sweat and tears is overpowering. You have to squint to look around your cell. At least it's clean. Peter's sitting in a corner, trying to read a piece of paper, sounding out each syllable as he goes. " oh... er... or. an... oh.. the.. er.. Another!" Then understanding dawns in his eyes. "Or another!" He whispers. Clang! The dungeon door opens and two guards stomp in, dragging a man behind them. Peter rushes up to the bars, his hands instinctively curling around them as he tries to see the prisoner's face. The guards kick the man in a cell, and he makes protesting noises. Peter goes back to his spot on the rocky floor. "Or another" He keeps whispering to himself. A scraping noise comes from above your head, and rocks and dirt start flying out of a hole in the wall. "Ah!" You scrunch down on the floor and cover your head. When the dust clears, a large hole is now in the wall just above your head. "Hey, Kid!" A gruff voice says from the other side of the wall. Peter looks up from his corner and comes over, crouching down next to you to peer through the hole. "Yea?" You and Peter say at the same time.  "That was some little airshow you put on with the screaming and the dragon." The man says. "Could you do that again?" 

"Who wants to know?" You ask, suspicious. A face appears in the hole. You guess Peter recognizes the person because he smiles and says "Of course I can fly. You saw me!" The man smirks. "What about you, girly?" He asks "Can you do the dragon thing again?" you sigh. "Does everyone know I'm a girl now?" You mutter. "What?" The man says. "Never mind. Yes, of course, I can turn into a dragon. " The man sighs with relief. "Good." Then his face hardens. "Put your ear to that wall over there." You and Peter rush to do so. As soon as your ear touches the wall, you hear a ticking noise. tick.tick.tick.tick.tick.tick.tick. "Now that's the sound of an explosive I stuck to the other side, set to go off in 30 seconds, " he says cockily. "If I fly, you'll help me find my mother?" Peter asks. "I reckon she's here." The man shakes his head. "It's not a negotiation, kid." tick.tick.tick.tick. "Ten seconds..." you say nervously, but the boys both ignore you.

 "Without me, you're stuck in this cell." The man says. "Without me, you're stuck in these mines." Peter shoots right back. "All right then we'll talk about it, just get away from that wall before you get yourself blown up alright?" The man says, panicking. He didn't want his only ride out of here to be blown up. "So what's it gonna be?" Peter asks slyly. "Peter!" you cry, grabbing his arm and yanking him away from the wall. The force of the blast slams you and Peter into the cell door, probably giving you a concussion. You hurry out of the hole created by the blast and find yourself at the edge of a cliff. "Hurry, slide down!" the man yells "They'll be coming for us."

 You look down the edge of the cliff and your heart thuds in your chest. "If we're going to trust you, we'll need to know your name," Peter says reasonably. "Hook," the man says. "The name's James Hook, happy?" He shoves Peter down the cliff and slides down after him. "Coming, butterfly?" He shouts back at you. "My name's not Butterfly!" You growl, before transforming into an eagle and soaring down the cliff after them. 

When Hook and Peter finally stop moving, you have landed at the edge of the river and turned back to human. "(Y/N)?" Peter asks. "Yeah?" He grins. "You make quite a majestic eagle." You smile back. "Thanks." Hook scowls. "This is no time for developing crushes. Get in the basket." Hook has pulled two mining baskets from the river and onto the bank. Your face turns red and you look at anything except Peter. Hook is climbing into one of the baskets, covering himself with dirty grey blankets. "Get in the other one!" he says. You and Peter climb into the other basket, using a blanket to cover you up. You lay in silence until you start to hear yelling and clanging. You've entered the mine. "Stay quiet!" says Hook, from the other basket. "I've got it covered."

"Okay.." Peter says worriedly. "He's got it covered?" You smirk. He laughs quietly. "Go on now, get to work!" says a nasal voice from above you. "Smee!" Hook calls. "What? Who's there?" Smee says. "Down here, six o'clock." "Um... Uh... Six o'clock...." Smee mutters. "What an idiot" You sigh. Peter smirks. "Darn it, Smee! In the basket" Hook calls, obviously impressed with Smee's lack of sense. "Oh!" Smee gasps and grabs ahold of the two baskets. "Please don't call me Smee!" Says Smee. "Smee!" Hook calls. "Can you get us to the surface?" Smee shakes his head. "It's no use! Once you're up there you can't get anywhere else!" Hook smiles. "Not today!" Hook points to your basket. Smee lifts the blanket and Peter smiles at him. You give Smee the thumbs up. Smee gasps. "Oh! Okay.."

Minutes later you and Peter and Hook are being trundled along in a metal wheelbarrow pushed by Smee. You go across a metal bridge and into the elevator. Hook pokes his head out. "Thanks, Smee. Nice knowing you. You've been a true friend." You and Peter also stick your heads out, breathing the cool air.  "Someday we'll find a way to repay you. Now, send us up."Smee turns around and shuts the metal elevator's door in front of him. You and Peter share a confused glance. "Smee, what the heck?!" Hook cries.  "Well, you said someday you'll find a way to repay me!" Smee says excitedly. "Some day not To day!" Hook growls. "Now get out!" Smee pulls the lever to send the elevator up. "Well I think that's a very minor technicality," Smee says in his annoying voice. You roll your eyes at Peter. "I know," he says. "Someday might be today if you think about it and..."  "SMEE!" Hook yells, clearly fed up by the annoying supervisor. You look up at the sunlight drawing nearer and nearer. Yo haven't seen sunlight in two days, and the brightness blinds you. When you can see again, you gasp in shock. A giant hot-air balloon was hovering in the air, a dock for the flying pirate ships. "That's where we're headed." Hook says "The sky port. We'll take one of the cable cars up to the dock. Then you'll fly me to a ship while (Y/N) turns into a dragon and flies Smee there." Peter looks terrified, and not ready to try flying again, pulls the blanket back over his head.

When the metal cage... sorry, elevator reaches the tower, one of the pirates managing the cable cars takes the wheelbarrow from Smee. He is about to lift the blanket covering Peter when Hook's foot shoots out of nowhere and knocks him out.  A battle commences with the pirates manning the cable car. When all of them are unconscious on the floor of the tower, Hook herds you into the cable car and pulls the lever to send you to the sky port. He Jumps into the car just in time, and you're off to the sky port, assuming the pirates stay unconscious long enough. "See, they anchor the ships far enough off the port  that they're impossible to steal." Peter bites his lip. "So you want us to fly you from the dock to one of the..." His voice trails off. "Speak now or forever hold your peace." Hook says gruffly. At that moment the cable car lurches, sending you tumbling to the floor. Peter holds his hand out to you. You take hold and he hauls you to your feet. You look at the floor of the cable car, your face red. "Thanks." Peter shrugs. "No problem. "     "Like I said earlier!" Hook yells. "This is not a time to develop a crush!" The cable car starts to slide back towards the tower. The pirates must be reeling us in! 

"Forget the Skyport!" Hook cries "You have to do it now" Peter's eyes widen. He must be scared of heights. "Are you waiting for a formal invitation!" Hook yells. "I'm afraid of heights!" Peter says, confirming your theory. "What! You can fly!" Peter glances at you, then back at Hook. "Yesterday was my first time!" Hook grimaces. "Well you'd better fly again or we're all gonna die!" Then Smee speaks up. "Might we bicker about this later!" Hook groans. "(Y/N), Can you carry us all as a dragon?" You tense up. "Maybe... Since Peter's the lightest he can ride on my back. I'll carry you and Smee in my claws." You climb on top of the cable car and turn into a beautiful red dragon. You hover next to the car. Peter climbs on your back, and you snatch Smee and Hook up in your talons. You are almost out of the mines when a large ship blocks your path. You dodge the fireballs it's shooting and fly towards the massive stone wall. Fire singes your wings and you fly faster, beating your vast red wings as hard as you can.  "(Y/N), Go as fast as you can! You'll need a strong headwind to make the jump!" Hook cries "What jump?" Peter asks. "Home!" Hook yells over the wind. "We're getting the heck off this island!" Peter looks shocked. "No! You said we'd find my mother! I'm not leaving Neverland!"

 Just then, a fireball badly burns your wing, and you spiral down towards the forest. "Not now, anyway!" Hook yells. You try to flap your wings and level off, but you're just too tired. You change back into human form and plummet through the air until Peter grabs your arm. He's flying again, safely carrying you to the ground. Hook and Smee are not so lucky though. They slam into the ground hard and start yelling in protest. As soon as Peter sets you on the ground, you collapse from exhaustion and faint, yet again, cursing yourself for your weakness before the darkness takes over.   

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