Chapter 5

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Oliver and I sat in Snapes empty class room, we wanted to get ahead with today's homework. We awkwardly sat beside each other. "I'm sorry about waking you last night" I told him. He put his hand on my leg and smiled "Hey it's no problem I couldn't sleep either" he answered. "Can I ask you what you were dreaming about, I mean it was obviously something pretty scary if you were screaming like that."

I just looked down a tear, "I can't remember," I lied. H nodded looking at me, his eyes filled with concern, then suddenly he leaned in pressing his lips against mine. I kissed him back it was amazing. Until Snape walked in, I pulled away quickly, seeing the hated in his eye as he walked past us. "I sincerely hope I wasn't interrupting anything" he sneered. I cowardly looked down and kept my mouth shut. Oliver replied "no professor, we were just getting ahead on homework."

"Hmmm I didn't realize the answers we're found on Ms. Blacks tongue," he shot back and with that me and Oliver looked down and he smiled a little while I pretended to be working on the homework. After class me and Oliver walked to the dining hall, he grabbed my hand halfway there. I gladly squeezed back. Hermione gave me a look as we walked in,  together we sat near the middle by George. George raised his eyebrow and said "hmm what have we got here a new Hogwarts romance?" He joked. I smiled and looked at Oliver he said "I hope it is" I laughed "I think so." He replied "how could you not find all this sexy." I giggled and promised him I'd come to his quidditch game tonight. And with that the food appeared, again my stomach could not handle food, even though I haven't ate since yesterday afternoon. I lied and said I had to go to the washroom then see Remus. Upstairs in the common room I couldn't stop thinking about my dad and where he was right now. I sometimes wonder if he still cares about me.  I looked down and sighed as Harry walked in. I asked where he was at lunch. He told me him and Remus had something together at his place. Something was going on. Remus had barely said a word to me since last week. It was all about Harry now.

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