Chapter 68

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The next day I woke up late, and felt better slightly better I showered immediately, got dressed and put on a small amount of makeup. When I walked downstairs Fred and George greeted me happily. I'm sure they knew about what happened by now. "Is Jack okay?" They asked me. I gave them a small smile and said, "I hope so, I think I'm going to visit today." They nodded, and Molly placed toast sausage and fruit on a plate for me. "Thank you." I told her, she gave me a hug, and said, "eat up dear."

I continued to help Fred, George, and Ginny clean the upstairs. And we found so many interesting things. The morning went by quickly until Ginny accidentally knocked into my Grandmothers painting. The sheet fell down and her cold eyes stared me down. "DAUGHTER OF A BLOOD TRAITOR. THATS WHAT YOU ARE. FILTHY DISGUSTING, UGLY TRAITOR. ITS NO WONDER THAT BOYFRIEND OF YOURS KILLED HIMSELF." She shrieked. "IF YOU WERE MY CHILD, JUST KNOW YOU WOULD NOT FIND YOURSELF IN MY HOME, INFACT THE CRUCIO CURSE WOULD HAVE BEEN USED PLENTY OF TIMES. TO ENSURE YOU WOULNT END UP LIKE YOUR FATHER. GOOD ON THAT BOY FOR DYING, I CAN ONLY PRAY THE SAME HAPPENS TO YOU." I  couldn't control my anger, I tried to push her voice out of my head, but I couldn't. I lunged forward trying to rip the portrait apart, drowning out her high pitched screams. "IF YOU EVER SPEAK ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND AGAIN I WILL BURN THIS HOUSE DOWN WITH YOUR DISGUSTING FACE STILL INSIDE OF IT." She cackled, "best of luck to you with that you pathetic little...." Dad came rushing up the stairs. "Don't you dare talk to my daughter like that you bitch." He growled at her. Then hung the sheet back up over her ugly face. Fred and George looked like they were trying not to laugh, and Ginny was crying she felt so bad. "It's okay Ginny," I tried to tell her. Dad knelt down beside her, "don't let that women scare you." He whispered. "She's nothing but an ugly old hag, and she can yell whatever she'd like, but it won't change the fact that she's dead." He joked. And Ginny giggled making Fred and George smile.

The five of us walked back down, and I went into my room. Dad came in smiling, "You aren't listening to anything that lady says are you?" He asked. I shook my head no, "I don't know how you dealt with her dad." I said. He smiled, "I didn't, at sixteen I left and went to live with James." I wouldn't blame him. "Are you going to visit Jackson?" He looked at me sadly. I nodded. Together dad and I folded our clothes made the bed and cleaned a little around the room. I sighed wrapped my arms around dad taking him by surprise. "I just want this feeling to be gone dad." He nodded, "I want the same thing for you sweetheart."We pulled away as Remus brought in a crying Kaite. I threw my arms around her. "He's going to be fine." I assured her. Remus still had an arm around her shoulder, and helped her sit down while we waited for Dylan. "Did you drink the droughts I gave you?" Remus questioned. "Yea I did." She quietly said. "You don't have to blame yourself you know." Dad said. I smiled agreeing with that. She nodded, "I know I don't, but I should, it's my fault I've known since the start of summer." She cried. Remus rubbed her back trying to get her to calm down. And dad said, "you do crazy things for the ones you love." She almost laughed at this, "that's true." I said. She wiped her tears away, and smiled, "I don't think I've ever cried so much in my life." I laughed. And Remus said, "I don't think I've ever seen Riley cry so much either, but it means you've accepted what's happening around you."

I remember when I saw Cedrics lifeless body, after him and Harry excited the maze. And when I stood up at his memorial. I never imagined losing him, and Rem was right. I didn't accept what had happened until almost a week after he died.

I put my arm around Kaite's other shoulder, "at least you have people to go through it with you." I said trying to cheer her up. "You've always been there for me." I added. She laughed, "like when Lavender Brown beat the shit out of you." That made Remus and Dad smile. "Exactly, you took the time to help cover up all the bruises." I smiled thinking back to that. "God that girl was a psycho." Kaite nodded in agreement.

A few minutes later Dylan appeared and threw his arms around Kaite and I. "You two ready?" He cheerfully asked. We both said yes, Remus hugged Kaite, and then me. And dad kissed my forehead. "Tell him we hope he feels better." Remus called, as we walked to the fireplace. I waved and grabbed a hold of my best friends hands. "St. Mungos," Dylan shouted.

We arrived in the downstairs level of the wizarding hospital. My eyes shifted all around, this place was huge. There was a billboard on one of the walls and a wanted picture of my father was hung up there. I smiled thinking about the day I first met him, and then till now. We grew so close in such little time it felt like he had been there throughout my entire life. All three of us walked up to the front desk, and by the time we got there Kaite already had a few stray tears falling down her face.

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