Chapter 28

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I woke up early and decided I needed a nice hot shower, I would be going to the Weasleys in two days after the World Cup because it was only a week before I was to return back to Hogwarts. The Weasleys are taking me along to the train station. Amos was in the kitchen by the time I finished getting ready. I was just in an old oversized sweater and a pair of my famous ripped jeans. He smiled at me with delight, "Good morning dear, how are you feeling today?" I smile and am unsure as to how one can be this happy so early in the morning. "I'm fine thanks, I guess I'll need to pack soon," I said with a hint of disappointment in my voice. He offers me a smile "We will miss you, you brought in a great deal of happiness when you came, never a dull day with Riley around now is it?" I laughed. There's never a drama free day with Riley around is more like it. I prayed this year would be much better than last year.

Upstairs Cedric sat on my bed folding all my clothes for me. I loved him so much. "Hey babe thanks," I smiled. He looked up with that extremely cute grin on his face, I think I just fell in love with him over again. "Hey, yeah I wanted to help, I'm going to miss you though," he answered. His face perked up "let's go for lunch at the three broomsticks," he suddenly said. That sounded amazing "I'd love to," I answered. My mind flash backed to the days Remus would take me out for supper there, those were good days. Now Sirius is around and sometimes I get the feeling he would rather be Harry's father. Maybe I'm just over reacting

I curled my hair for lunch and dressed up a little, Amos gave us permission go, only if we were home for dinner. Apparently he was cooking me a goodbye meal. These two were probably the kindest guys you would ever meet. I smiled after hugging Amos, and then Cedric apparated us there. Once we sat down I ordered a butter beer for me and Ced. I know I dated Oliver, but we never really went on cute dates and stuff. Lunch was awesome and after we went for a long walk. "Do you think schools going to change our relationship?" He asked me suddenly. I looked down "I hope not Ced, because you are one of the best things that ever happened to me." I could see his mouth twist up. "Oh Ry, I love you more then words can explain." He slid his hand under my arm and pulled me in for a kiss. His lips tasted amazing, I never wanted this moment to end. He slowly pulled away and held my hand, looking straight into my eyes, he smiled and no words were needed. I smiled right back. How did I end up so lucky to get a guy like him. I kissed his cheek and we continued to walk. "So have you heard anything from Remus and Sirius yet?" He asked me. I shook my head no. "The last thing was that letter." He looked away in thought of a moment "Hey at least you have the World Cup to look forward too tomorrow," he cheerfully tells me. Excitement buzzed through me, tomorrow was going to be awesome.

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