Chapter 38

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Cedric gave out a breath and pulled me close to him. I sank deep into his arms and just cried, it felt like hours, he didn't say a word, he just held me. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend, I looked at him and gave him the closest thing to a smile that I could manage. He kissed my forehead, "is there anything I can do?" He asked me. "Cedric you've done too much already, I love you," I answered.  He grinned, "hey let's go get ready for tonight," he suggested. I said okay, and together we walked to his common room, and I helped him pick out an outfit to wear tonight. I felt so uneasy and nervous. I wished him luck and headed off to get myself ready.

When I walked into my common room I had Fred and George run over grinning like idiots, Hermione was rushing over giving me a lecture, Ron told me I looked rough. Kaite gave me a hug. And Harry just waited for everyone to let me breathe. I walked over to him quietly, and sat down beside him. Honestly me and him have had our differences in the past, but he is a little brother to me. "Man she got you good," Harry joked. I punched him lightly in the arm. "Oh shut up Harry," he laughed. "Are you nervous for tonight?" He asked. I nodded my head, "I've been praying every single night, that he doesn't get picked, but I'm so scared he will be." I took a breath in, and continued. "I know he's strong, but I just have a bad feeling and honestly don't think that this competition is in his best interest." I was holding back tears. Harry grabbed my hand, "Cedric is the bravest and dumbest person I know, he will be perfectly fine, trust me." I laughed, Ced wasn't the brightest but at least he was cute. "I better get ready," I told Harry. He smiled and said bye, and I went upstairs. Kaite helped me cover up all the bruises on my face, and that took a long time. I dressed up nicely, I was trying to think about Cedric, he was so excited about tonight and I wanted to be there for him.

When it was time for dinner, Harry came over and walked down with me. We sat beside each other, then Kaite Fred George and Ron sat around us. Hermione thought tonight was a waste of time, so she stayed upstairs and did some homework.

I could not bring myself to eat, I eyed Cedric up at his table, and saw him eating away, smiling and laughing, it's like he didn't have a care in the world. He caught me staring at him, he winked and crossed his fingers, I crossed mine back, but for a completely different reason. When Dumbledore went up, my hands began shaking uncontrollably in my lap, Harry noticed and tried to help steady them, I gave him a small smile, and waited to hear the names. Krums name was called as well as Fleurs. And finally it was Hogwarts. I was about to throw up, I didn't understand how people could be excited about this.
"Cedric Diggory" cheers corrupted the hall, especially form the Hufflepuff table. I gasped and Harry grabbed my hand tighter. I watched my perfect boyfriend walk up to the front and give a little wave. And I stayed still desperately trying to hold back tears. Suddenly an extra paper came from the goblet. Dumbledore, just as confused as everybody else, quickly grabbed the piece of paper and opened it. "Harry Potter" I almost passed out, I refused to let go of Harry's hand. "HARRY POTTER" Dumbledore yelled. I immediately released my grip and put my head in my hands. Harry rubbed my back as he got up and walked forward. People were shouting  and screaming, and I just wished I was anywhere else at this point. Fred moved closer to me, and whispered, "they'll be okay," he tried to reassure me. I just pushed him off of me, and walked out of the hall with everyone else. On my way up I saw Oliver Wood, tears formed in my eyes as I glared at him, I turned away and stormed up the stairs. I was beyond upset, I raced up to my dormitory straight to my bed, on top of it was a letter. I didn't have enough energy to respond or read it, so I just threw it aside and crashed. This day couldn't have been any worse.

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