Chapter 36

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     My head was throbbing it was about 2am, I couldn't sleep at all. My face still had dried blood stuck on it, and my whole body was throbbing. Madam Pomfrey returned, and gave me a cold glass of water and a calming drought. I had no idea what that girls issue was. I know for a matter of a fact Oliver did not leave her for me, I mean to be fair though. Was he ever really with her? Besides the point I had Cedric now, a boy who literally just watched a girl beat the shit out of his girlfriend. I wonder how he's feeling right now. Hopefully he was asleep, but I know if that happened to him I wouldn't be sleeping. Around 4am, I dozed off into a light sleep, and was shook awake about three hours later by Dumbledore, and Snape.

    "I have written to your god father about your fight," Snape growled. I was pissed "What do you mean MY fight, she attacked me. I didn't even get one good hit in." I fought back. "Yes, I can tell," Snape snarled at me. Dumbledore spoke up, "I assure you, Miss Brown has been dealt with accordingly." I nodded my head. "When can I leave?" I asked. Madam Pomfrey stormed in. "LEAVE, you think you can just get up and go young lady. With a broken nose, cracked rib, and stitches in your chin, and you would like to LEAVE!" She stood arms crossed. "She needs rest professors," Madam basically kicked Dumbledore out of the room. She walked over to me, "here take these, they'll help with whatever pain you are feeling right now." I smiled at her, "thanks." She rolled her eyes at me, "Cedric wants to come and visit tonight, but I will not allow it unless you get some rest immediately Riley," she said. I shook my head in agreement, and closed my eyes. About four hours later Cedric returned with a letter from my father. And a box of chocolate, which I immediately opened and ate a few.

"I'm so sorry Ry, she was a girl I couldn't touch her," he apologized. I smiled "Listen Cedric you did the right thing down worry, how were classes today?" He looked away "stupid." I laughed. "And why's that Ced?" I joked. He grinned "it's only the first week and I'm failing." I laughed, "as soon as I'm outta here I'll help you catch up." He looked at me seriously "you must be in a lot of pain, no offence but she beat you good," he said. I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine, and thanks for the support, she took me unexpected," I sarcastically replied. He got up and kissed me goodnight, and I shut my eyes and pretended to fall asleep. Once everyone was still, I silently opened the letter from dad.

For goodness sake, fighting, seriously!! I haven't told Remus about this because I know how stressed out and angry he would be. What the hell is wrong with you, I am extremely disappointed in you. Learn how to behave and it's about time you grew up and acted your age. There's no one to babysit you so I better see some improvements, or you can come home and forget about seeing Cedric or Hogwarts again. We're both very busy here so for the love of god please try and understand the pressure we're currently under. We still love you very much, and I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

I shut my eyes and was so mad I was trying to hold back tears. I ripped out a paper and quill and began angrily scribbling back a reply.

Dear dad,
Oh nice to finally hear from you, and next time wait before you write. You only heard half the story, Snapes half. And he hates me, wanna know why? Because of you! Me and Cedric were just taking a walk, when she came over and punched me straight in the face, then pushed me down and continued to hit me. Doesn't that make sense? I'm the one in the hospital wing she's not, so why don't YOU grow up and understand that you can't just point fingers, especially when you weren't even there when it happened. But what's new, you guys are never there for me anyway.
Don't bother writing to back, I'll probably stay here over Christmas.

And with that I had my owl fly the letter away into the night sky, I closed my eyes and thought back to the summer, when we were all together getting along and having a great time. And then I went to Cedric's, and they put so much distance between us it stings, but there is nothing I can do to fix it, and that hurts even more.

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