Chapter 2

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Boze and Mari woke up abruptly to trumpets sounding off. Boze groaned and sat up.

"I guess we're going to need to get used to that," Boze mentioned, rubbing her eyes.

"Do we have to get up," Mari whined, still lying down.

"Yes, today is day one of training," Sarah explained to them. Groaning, Mari finally sat up and reached for her shoes.

"Oh no," Sarah added, grabbing Mari's shoes before she could. "You need all new clothes and shoes for training. Say goodbye to 2018."

"Are you getting rid of our clothes," Mari probed.

"No, not getting rid of them entirely. We'll find a safe place for them. The next time you wear them, you should be heading home. Got it," Sarah asked.

"I guess," Boze sighed, taking off her top and putting her bra on. They met up with the boys in their underwear under a pavilion with clothes on racks. Mari started laughing, "They stripped you guys too?"

"Yeah, according to Ian and Tanner, we need clothes from this time to fight in," Damien mentioned.

"Ian and Tanner? They're here too? Or is it the future them," Boze asked.

"Future them," Shayne mentioned.

"Shayne flirted with future Olivia," Joven added, pointing to him.

"Did you really have to bring that up," Shayne questioned, aggravated by Joven.

"I mean, it's funny," Joven smiled.

"Stop talking," Shayne closed his eyes, turning away.

"You flirted with Olivia? Was she into it," Boze questioned, also smiling.

"I don't know, just drop it, please," Shayne groaned.

"Sorry," Boze mentioned.

"Hey," they heard a voice shout. "Get in a line this instant!" The voice was aggressive, and they all obeyed. Coming towards them was the future Joe. He had a thicker beard and his hair was about as long as his face.

"You eight have traveled from the past to be our warriors against the ChasmClan. I assume you have no experience with combat, so I will be your teacher. Sunny here will get you fitted with clothes that are battle ready," Joseph said, motioning to Sunny. "I'll see you on the field." Joseph left to set up the field, so Sunny was left to put the Smoshers into more fitting clothes.

"Behind you are clothing racks. I want you to find clothes that you feel comfortable fighting in," he said, motioning to the racks. The Smoshers turned around and went to the clothing racks, each finding something in their size.

"Where'd you get these clothes," Lasercorn asked.

"Previous warriors had made them for themselves," Sunny told them. For a moment, the Smoshers stopped and shared a mutual thought; did people die in these clothes? Mari was the only one confident enough to ask the question.

"Some did, but that was ages ago, and we've washed them since," Sunny explained. That eased their moods, and the Smoshers went back to look at their clothes. Eventually, they all found something they liked and put them on. Sunny looked around at each of them, telling them to try throwing punches and kicks, to make sure the durability of the clothes wasn't worn out.

"Well, some of you need more training than others, but nonetheless, you look battle ready. The field is just that way," Sunny pointed towards the field, and the Smoshers walked over back to Joe to find Courtney, Ian, and Tanner there as well.

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