Chapter 8

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Damien put on his prison clothes and walked into the cafeteria. Immediately, he felt out of place, like he didn't belong there. Other prisoners turned around to look at him. Feeling a sense of self-consciousness, he decided to get some food and sit alone. The other prisoners kept looking at him, and a couple of them walked over to him.

"Boys, look. We got fresh meat," one of them said.

"Uh, who are you," Damien asked the one sitting across from him.

"Name's Prophet," he said, pointing to the guy next to him, then next to Damien. "This is Blade, and that's Torment." Damien hesitated, looking to the three men that sat next to him.

"I'm Damien," he stammered.

"Not anymore. Your name's Wolf now," Prophet told him.

"I'd prefer Damien," Damien said back.

"Are you talking back to me?" Prophet leaned into Damien's face, scaring him.

"N-no," Damien stuttered.

"Good." Prophet leaned back in his seat. "Wolves learn manners quickly." Prophet and his gang stood up to leave, but before they did, Prophet messed up Damien's hair. Once they left, Damien fixed his hair as Joseph walked in with an announcement.

"Prisoners! Back in your cells," he shouted. Damien walked over to Joseph and asked, "Where's my cell?"

"I'll take you," Joseph stated. He walked in front of Damien, leading him to his cell.

"So wait, you're the warden," Damien questioned.

"If you think you're going to get out earlier by talking to me because we knew each other, that's not going to work. You're spending all 10 days here," Joseph stated as they reached Damien's cell. Damien looked between Joseph and his cell.

"In! Now," Joseph shouted. Sighing, Damien entered his cell. Joseph locked it behind him, and said, "if it's any consolation, I put you with people from your time." Joseph left and Damien furrowed his eyebrows, looking at his cellmates.

"You're from 2018 too," one of them asked.

"Yeah, I'm Damien. And you are," Damien stated. The first guy said, "Cody. This is Andy." Andy got off of his bunk and greeted Damien.

"Wait a minute. Aren't you Andy Samberg," Damien asked, almost smiling. Andy smiled and looked at the ground.

"Yeah, that's me," he stated. Damien turned to Cody.

"Were you famous too," Damien asked him. Cody hesitated.

"Vine," he stated.

"Nice. I was an actor for Disney," Damien mentioned.

"Oh that's pretty cool."

"Thanks." Damien sat down on one of the beds, and so did Andy and Cody. "How'd you guys even get here, to the future?"

"Our stories start pretty similar. Amraterasu said warriors were needed, so we went with her," Andy stated. Damien nodded.

"That's how me and my friends got here," Damien mentioned.

"Oh, so you came with people too. I came with the cast of my show, Cody came with viners," Andy added.

"Nice," Damien said. There was a brief pause. "So, what made you two go rogue and end up in jail?" Cody and Andy hesitated and looked at each other.

"Both of our stories are pretty dark," Cody mentioned, looking at Andy. Both Cody and Andy hesitated at Damien.

"So's mine, but if you want, I can share first," Damien told the two of them.

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