Chapter 10

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Andy, Cody, and Damien were tortured throughout the rest of the day, and the night as well. By the beginning of Damien's third day in prison, they were thrown back into their own cell after breakfast.

"That hurt like crazy," Damien stated, rubbing his arms.

"I had no idea what it felt like to have your own blood electrocute you," Cody mentioned, shaking.

"Yeah, I'm kinda glad they didn't let us out on the field. We would've just been shaking in a corner," Andy added. Some guards walked over to their cell and unlocked the door, opening it.

"Lunch time," one of the guards said. So Andy, Cody and Damien went to have a quiet lunch. After lunch, they were allowed out onto the field, but Prophet and his friends wanted a word with Damien, so Damien led them back to his cell to talk.

"Look, if this is about the whole powers thing and attacking you in the shower, I'm sorry. So are Andy and Cody. We were under the influence of something," Damien tried to explain to them.

"Take your shirt off," Prophet stated. Damien was taken aback by this statement.

"I'm sorry, what," he asked.

"Shirt. Now," Prophet threatened, so Damien took his shirt off and threw it onto the ground.

"What is this for," Damien questioned them. Prophet turned him around and slammed Damien chest first into a pole. Torment handed the belt he was holding to Blade and helped Prophet handcuff Damien to the pole, just above one of the beds.

"Hey, what the hell," Damien exclaimed.

"While you're powerless, we wanted to send you a message. If you, Reaper, or Inferno hurt one of us again, we will not hesitate to kill you," Prophet stated into Damien's ear. Prophet stepped away to let Torment hit Damien's back with a belt.

"Agh, why are you hurting me and not one of them," Damien asked. Prophet leaned into Damien's ear again.

"Because you're the ringleader. You take down the leader, the rest will just surrender. Hurting one of them would only make you stronger, but we want you to stay weak," Prophet said, pulling away. Torment hit Damien again and again with the belt, eventually putting a cloth gag on him as well.

"You need to remember that having powers won't grant you any friends," Prophet continued. "What will is using their fear against them. You need to control them, manipulate them, intimidate them. I was like you, Damien. My first clan was the EarthClan. I barely have any memories from when I was a part of that. The one thing I do remember, was their fear. It preyed on them, made them weak. I was the First Division Team Leader before Courtney was, but King Timothy didn't like me. He said I changed. I said I didn't, because the elixir didn't change me. He was the only person that noticed a difference in me. Everyone else saw me as the same old guy I was, but Timothy demoted me. He didn't think I was able to wield such a strong position with my beliefs. So I left." Then, Damien realized who Prophet really was. He would say Prophet's real name if he could, but he was gagged. He tried to make it clear he wanted to say something, so Prophet had Blade remove the gag.

"What," Prophet questioned Damien. Damien slowly turned his head to look at Prophet dead in the eye.

"Spence. Spencer Agnew, that's really you, isn't it," Damien questioned back. Prophet took a step back.

"You recognize me now," Prophet stated. There was silence where Torment and Blade looked between Prophet and Damien.

"Why are you doing this," Damien asked him.

"Because I want to be part of the EarthClan again, with my friends," Prophet told Damien.

"They're not your friends. You're evil," Damien retaliated. Torment hit Damien's back with the belt. Damien turned his head as much as he could to get a good look at Torment and Blade. Damien focused himself and finally recognized who Torment and Blade really are.

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