Chapter 9

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Andy, Cody, and Damien woke up four hours later in the infirmary, their wrists and ankles cuffed to the beds.

"Andy? Cody," Damien asked, looking at his prison friends. The three of them tried to move, but they noticed the leather cuffs.

"Why are we handcuffed," Andy questioned. Joseph emerged, looking at the three men.

"Because you're dangerous," he told them.

"Dangerous? We're not dangerous," Cody mentioned.

"Yes, you are, you have powers," Joseph stated.

"Just because we have powers doesn't mean we're dangerous," Damien said to Joseph.

"Yeah? I contacted your clans, they all said you used your powers against them and tried to weaken their forces. You hurt your clan. You're dangerous," Joseph stated, and left the infirmary. Olivia emerged with a rolling cart.

"Olivia," Damien exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Are you helping Joseph?"

"I lied to you, Damien," Olivia stated. "I never loved you, or Shayne. I might've actually fallen for him, but I was doing it for the gain of the clan. I never really cared for his or your happiness. I don't want you to be happy. I want to be happy. I took blood samples from the three of you and analyzed it, along with traces of the electricity. Turns out, your powers are electricity, and since combining it has hurt you before, it can hurt you again." Olivia picked up a syringe from the cart and stuck the needle into Andy's arm, inserting whatever was inside the syringe into his bloodstream. Andy winced at the pain, but then he started to squirm on the table, beginning to shout in pain.

"That hurts," Andy shouted. "What was in there?!" Andy continued to groan at the pain as Olivia talked.

"Chemically raw electricity," she told them. "It could get rid of your powers in a strong enough dosage. I just gave you enough so you'd be without powers for a few days. Had to use this as a test run, you know, for science reasons."

"Olivia, please," Damien begged. "Don't do this. Shayne could see a good heart in you, and I can too. I also knew you in 2018. You wouldn't do this. You're not dark enough."

"That's where you're wrong Damien," Olivia chuckled. "I might've taken the elixir back when I was cute and bubbly and quirky. But now, a thousand years in the future, I understand everything! I understand my clan, I understand order, but I don't understand why someone who says they knew me, isn't on my side. Come on, Damien. You can still make things right. Join the EarthClan. They're wise, they helped me see, and they can help you. If.. you just.. comply." Olivia took another syringe on the cart and put it in Cody's arm, putting him in pain now too.

"Olivia," Damien started once more. "You're not dark like I am, but you're a whole other kind of messed up. They brainwashed you. You think you're one of the good guys but you aren't. You're good deep down, I know you are. Don't do this, we were friends once, we can be friends again."

"I'll be your friend if you come back to the EarthClan," Olivia told him, sighing heavily through her nose. Damien shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that. They hate me," Damien said.

"Yeah, they hate you. You're evil!"

"I'm not evil, the EarthClan is," Damien shouted, jostling the cuffs around as he tried to break free. Defeatedly, he sighed, almost sadly. He started to beg to her, and almost choked up from the pain, the sadness. "Olivia, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't be who you want me to be, but there's still hope for you. The EarthClan is manipulative, and they hurt people. They hurt me. I don't want them to hurt you anymore than they already have. Olivia, don't hurt me. Please." Olivia had no expression for what Damien had to say. She picked up the final syringe and walked over to him, grasping his arm and holding it down tightly.

"Any last words, Damien," she asked him. He looked pleadingly up to her.

"Olivia," Damien stated. "Come on, don't do this. Please, Olivia. I'm not a bad guy, don't hurt me. I'm not evil."

"Then why are you in my way," Olivia questioned, then inserted the syringe into Damien's arm. He groaned, writhing in pain on the table. Olivia put the empty syringe back onto the cart and left the infirmary.

"It's done," she told Joseph.

"How long will they be without powers," Joseph asked.

"About seven days. Is there anything else you want me to do?"

"Yes, look more into the idea of electricity. If it hurts them, we should get it back. Perhaps all over the world."

"That would hurt me too, sir. I have powers."

"Yes, it would, but Flitz has told me that with electricity comes incredibly advanced technology. Technology that replaces all of your healer tools. You only used your powers for healing, but with electricity back, you could use incredibly smart technology to heal instead."

"But what if someone wanted us to have powers for a reason? What if these powers can do something that electricity can't?"

"There are pros and cons with everything, Olivia. Without electricity, we've suffered, and what I've gathered from what Flitz has told me, electricity made the whole world better. Imagine what life would be like if we could get that back." Olivia sighed at that thought.

"In that case, I'll find out everything I can," she told him.

"Good girl," Joseph stated, and they left the makeshift infirmary in the right wing of the prison basement. 

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